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Paris Brest Paris

(36 posts)
  • Started 11 months ago by paddyirish
  • Latest reply from Greenroofer

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  1. paddyirish

    daveC from this parish is S112 and started at 2030 local time. Wish him well!

    Posted 11 months ago #
  2. Dave

    Not sure if this is comprehensive, but here are the Audax Ecosse riders I could find:,RRWPVTYH,R3LA6WY2,R7NV2UBM,R3H4ZYWB,RJFR462G,RX65HEMD,RFNR9BG3,R25PMCYD,RSWTJ8G6,RAVJC2K3,R38ARGM6,RFJTU67C,RBHUAEL5,RD3K67CN

    Good luck everyone!

    Posted 11 months ago #
  3. chdot

  4. LaidBack

    Good to see all these out there keeping average cycling kms per person up while lots of us (me!) do under 10 a day!

    @Bill P094 is on a roll again...! (or a baguette or two)

    @Dave - we've laundered your well earned PBP 2011 shirt - now taken off wall for now. Can collect next time you're in.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  5. LaidBack

    Quite a few in Brest now. @Bill arrived 6.45
    @DaveC at Carhaix Plougier 4.30

    Posted 11 months ago #
  6. acsimpson

    DaveC has arrived in Brest now too.

    Just one rider still to make it from the above list.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  7. Arellcat

    A colleague of mine has done PBP in the past. I seem to remember him describing getting to 400km as the hardest part of an audax, and anything above that as 'a nice bike ride'.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  8. amir

    You can add H070 to the list.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  9. gembo

    @bill cycled for 47 hours without stopping and reached Brest. Bill then had a nap and then headed for Paris (well the town outside) I like to think with a Massive Tailwind

    Go Bill and Go Dave C

    Posted 11 months ago #
  10. paddyirish

    So Murun finished, Bill is through the last checkpoint and on her way to the finish and DaveC must be close to the last checkpoint now. May be touch and go for Dave. Fingers crossed!

    Posted 11 months ago #
  11. acsimpson

    DaveC arrived at the final check point with just under 4 hours on the clock.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  12. paddyirish

    Bill has finished. Congratulations to her and Murun!

    The last segment took Murun ~2 hours and Bill ~4.5...

    Posted 11 months ago #
  13. LaidBack

    What a great result for them! So hard on last bit I'm sure. Remember @dave saying as he only got in with not much time to spare.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  14. acsimpson

    The sections times include time taken at the previous control. I assume Bill knew she had plenty of time so stopped for a proper meal.

    Murun must like finishing in the middle of the night. He did something similar on LEL.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  15. Murun Buchstansangur

    I’d have preferred to finish before 10pm, as I had a hotel booked but I needed the train to get there, and they knock off quite early that far out! Back to sleeping on the floor.

    Any daft thoughts of cycling back to the airport have gone out the window - raining à Paris, amongst ‘other reasons’.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  16. Dave

    daveC made it in the final hour! I was the on the edge of my seat there....

    You've inspired me to enter a 200 in a couple of weeks. It's not going to be pretty

    Posted 11 months ago #
  17. paddyirish

    Great effort Dave C- I was thinking it was very close to the wire. Imagine a mechanical at that stage!

    Good luck in the 200 Dave. Which one?

    Posted 11 months ago #
  18. acsimpson

    @Murun, Oft, trading a night in a hotel for a night on the floor isn't pleasant. Well done on completing in such a good time.

    DaveC is back with almost an hour to spare and has joined the Adrian Hand Society.

    Craig Jardine came closer with less than 10 minutes on the clock.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  19. Dave

    Good luck in the 200 Dave. Which one?

    Lumpy Bannocks tae Spott, wondering if I need a bigger cassette!

    Posted 11 months ago #
  20. DaveC

    Hi Folks!

    Long time no see. I did finish in time, with plenty on the clock! I was hoping to get in nearer Craig Jardine's but it was raining and the timing control was 300m before the finish line, and I CBA waiting so I rolled into the finish.

    I quite enjoyed that run of PBP. I did not finish in 2019 due to a fall a couple of weeks prior injuring my knee, which didn't heal well enough in time.

    This time (my third) was a test to see if I could still complete it. I had a nice ride, starting at 20:30, due in most part to a non SR 2022, where my longest ride was only 400km, so later entry opening date, so a lot of the earlier times had gone. But this turned out to be a blessing, as I was behind the bulge, managing clearer roads. I had plenty of sleep, 3 x 1 hours iun the first full day (Monday), then 5 hours at Loudeac o the return, with another hour at Tinteneac and Villaine-La-Jeul. I also rode with a few peolpe who were slow and needed some moral boost, but inevitabley had to ride alone to get to the finish in the 90 hours.

    Thoughts. It was hot, but I drunk loads, didn't pee much! ate a meal at each control, every 5 hours. Spoke to lots of riders, some nice other a little weired, met old frineds and hopefully a few new ones.

    Its nice to be at home, but i'll be back there again, in 4 years.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  21. chdot

    “Long time no see“

    Welcome back.

    Rumour had it that you’d moved south (not that that would matter as a CCEcontributor).

    “but i'll be back there again, in 4 years”

    Good to have a plan!

    Posted 10 months ago #
  22. bill

    I absolutely loved the PBP. I managed to ride to Brest fairly swiftly (no sleep) but I partied my way back. I stopped a lot more on the way back for crepes, music, roadside picnics, star gazing, chats, hugs and laughs.

    After a fairly lonely TransAlba I longed hanging out with people on bikes. Luckily I managed to find some old and new friends amongst those 6.5k people.

    TransAlba was very hard on legs, with so, so, so many climbs at 10-15% gradients, often very short and sharp. I had nothing left in my legs at the end of it and swore at Fife hills so much. PBP isn't flat but the gradients are generally 4-6% and fairly long so plenty of time to rest on descents.

    As @paddyirish noted it took me 4.5h between the last two controls -- I just didn't want it to be over so soon.

    On one hand there is an urge to finish. On the other hand you don't want it to be all over.

    I slept only 3h in total, but no regrets!
    I brought myself le COVID, but no regrets!

    Posted 10 months ago #
  23. Dave

    Congrats both!

    In 2011 I got to Dreux late in the evening, at about 77h as I recall. I didn't want an amazing ride to end in the early hours at a deserted gym, so I had a massive sleep and finished the next morning! It doesn't look like it actually goes from the same start/end point any more.

    Thanks to your inspiration I'm vaguely, just vaguely thinking about the next LEL...

    Posted 10 months ago #
  24. bill

    @Dave yay! Do it! You know you want to!

    I think the PBP used Rambouillet for the second time as the start/finish. There were no sleeping facilities at the end but the town itself works great. Lots of places to eat, a really festive atmosphere, lots of green spaces to hang out.

    Not many accomodation options in the town itself but quite a lot within a 30k radius. That's how I managed to see @Murun. Turned out we stayed at the same hotel on Saturday night before the ride but only met in a stairwell while checking out at the latest possible time on Sunday.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  25. bill

    @acsimpson I also learnt a way how to be become known: comment on @acsimpson's Strava. Turned out that the new friend I made and cycled a huge part of the PBP with is based in Cambridge. He then was telling his line manager about my Audax Ecosse jersey and turned out they did know of me from your Strava. So there you go.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  26. gembo

    It is a lovely jersey though not meant for the washing machine

    Posted 10 months ago #
  27. bill

    @gembo the one I wore used to be men's size large before it was washed. Kindly handed down by @edinburgh87

    Posted 10 months ago #
  28. acsimpson

    @bill, that's a funny one. My friend in Cambridge (at least I assume it's him) emigrated from Scotland so I can see why the story would have been told.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  29. gembo

    @bill washing them seems to be the issue.?

    Posted 10 months ago #
  30. chdot

    Perhaps washing at the wrong temperature…(?)

    Posted 10 months ago #

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