In response to queries... (crowdsourced - may be subjective/idiosyncratic - this is CCE)
It is NOT compulsory to use any of these (and perhaps should be discouraged!)
AFAIK - as far as I know
ASL = advance stop lines (lines behind which even police cars are supposed to stop, unless on green or amber)
ASZ = zones between the 'normal stop line' and the 'advance stop line' see above, which commonly have a funny white thing with two round bits painted on them
ATAP - Active Travel Action Plan (CEC)
BUG bicycle user group
BuM / B&M - Busch & Müller - provider of retina-searing dynamo lights to at least 4 users of this here CCE
BSO - bicycle shaped object - (rude) - usually meaning the sort of HEAVY bicycle bought in 'non-traditional' outlets. Can put people off cycling - OR persuade them to get something better once they realise they like it!
"The difference between a budget bike and a BSO is that the former is built to a price, but built to be ridden, the latter is only designed to sell. Once the customer’s money hits the till, or their payment clears, the BSO has fulfilled it’s function."
CAPS - Cycling Action Plan for Scotland managed by CS for SG
CEC - City of Edinburgh Council
CS - Cycling Scotland
DAMHIKT - don't ask me how I know that
DRW Duddingston Road West (crossed by Innocent cycle path at signalled crossing)
EBC - Edinburgh Bicycle Coop (shop)
ERC Edinburgh Road Club - a popular local club populated in part by MAMILs + MAWILs
ET - a film
- also Edinburgh Transport, something to do with buses, trams and bikes.
FTW - for the win!
HP - Harrison Park
IMO - In My Opinion
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
JOGLE reverse of LEJOG
KB - King's Buildings (and at one end of the QBC)
L&BP LBP - Lothian & Borders Police (archaic - see PS)
LBS - Local Bike Shop
LB - Laid Back (Bikes), of this parish
LB also = Lothian Buses
LEJOG (sometimes LE2JOG) - Lands End to John O' Groats
LEL = similar to above but between London and Edinburgh instead (and back presumably??)
LOL (ask DC)
LRC Lothian Regional Council - a previous council, responsible for much of the off-road path network
LRT - former three-letter-acronym for Lothian Buses dating back to when they were Lothian Regional Transport
MAMIL middle aged man in lycra
MAWIL middle aged woman in lycra
MMW - Middle Meadow Walk
n+1 the universal requirement for one more bike
'Mudguard' - to follow too closely someone who is not in a bicycle race or on a group ride and who has neither requested to be nor explicitly welcomed being so closely followed.
NCN - Notional Cycle Notwork (officially National Cycle Network) created by Sustrans (short for Sustainable Transport)
NEPN - North Edinburgh Path Network
NMW - North Meadow Walk
NTBCC -New Town Broughton Comunity Council
OLA - Otherwise Law Abiding
PBP - Paris-Brest-Paris, as bested by Dave
PITA - Brooks saddles @ <500 miles
PoP - Pedal on Parliament (responsible for #PoP28)
PS - Police Scotland
PTW - Powered Two Wheelers
PY - Peter's Yard café and CCE 'venue'
QBiC/QBC - Quality Bike Corridor (official name for on-road cycle route from LB. First of many??)
RLJ - red light jumper, much frowned upon
RTC - ruggtomcat, of this parish. Also road traffic collision.
SG - Scottish Government
SMISDY - Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You. Mating cry of Motericus Inattentiva
SMIDGAS - Sorry Mate, I Don't Give A S*** Mating cry of less sexually succesful specimens. As a variation on SMIDGAS I've seen SMIDGAF
SRD - SRD, of this parish
SWMBO - Female life partner. Good at arguing.
TBC - The Bike Chain (shop) (deceased. Now EBC(C)
TBS - The Bike Station (shop + DIY repairs)
TBW - The Bicycle Works (shop)
TIE - this is Edinburgh (usually accompanied by eye rolling)
TLA - three letter acronym
WoL - Water of Leith (at moment no real distinction twixt path and river)
YACF - Yet Another CF (rumoured to exist)
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary (which leaves me not much the wiser - I assume this means something like "this is my experience, yours may be different")