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CCE Glossary

(32 posts)

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  1. chdot

    In response to queries... (crowdsourced - may be subjective/idiosyncratic - this is CCE)

    It is NOT compulsory to use any of these (and perhaps should be discouraged!)

    AFAIK - as far as I know
    ASL = advance stop lines (lines behind which even police cars are supposed to stop, unless on green or amber)
    ASZ = zones between the 'normal stop line' and the 'advance stop line' see above, which commonly have a funny white thing with two round bits painted on them
    ATAP - Active Travel Action Plan (CEC)
    BUG bicycle user group
    BuM / B&M - Busch & Müller - provider of retina-searing dynamo lights to at least 4 users of this here CCE
    BSO - bicycle shaped object - (rude) - usually meaning the sort of HEAVY bicycle bought in 'non-traditional' outlets. Can put people off cycling - OR persuade them to get something better once they realise they like it!
    "The difference between a budget bike and a BSO is that the former is built to a price, but built to be ridden, the latter is only designed to sell. Once the customer’s money hits the till, or their payment clears, the BSO has fulfilled it’s function."
    CAPS - Cycling Action Plan for Scotland managed by CS for SG
    CEC - City of Edinburgh Council
    CS - Cycling Scotland
    DAMHIKT - don't ask me how I know that
    DRW Duddingston Road West (crossed by Innocent cycle path at signalled crossing)
    EBC - Edinburgh Bicycle Coop (shop)
    ERC Edinburgh Road Club - a popular local club populated in part by MAMILs + MAWILs
    ET - a film
    - also Edinburgh Transport, something to do with buses, trams and bikes.
    FTW - for the win!
    HP - Harrison Park
    IMO - In My Opinion
    IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
    JOGLE reverse of LEJOG
    KB - King's Buildings (and at one end of the QBC)
    L&BP LBP - Lothian & Borders Police (archaic - see PS)
    LBS - Local Bike Shop
    LB - Laid Back (Bikes), of this parish
    LB also = Lothian Buses
    LEJOG (sometimes LE2JOG) - Lands End to John O' Groats
    LEL = similar to above but between London and Edinburgh instead (and back presumably??)
    LOL (ask DC)
    LRC Lothian Regional Council - a previous council, responsible for much of the off-road path network
    LRT - former three-letter-acronym for Lothian Buses dating back to when they were Lothian Regional Transport
    MAMIL middle aged man in lycra
    MAWIL middle aged woman in lycra
    MMW - Middle Meadow Walk
    n+1 the universal requirement for one more bike
    'Mudguard' - to follow too closely someone who is not in a bicycle race or on a group ride and who has neither requested to be nor explicitly welcomed being so closely followed.
    NCN - Notional Cycle Notwork (officially National Cycle Network) created by Sustrans (short for Sustainable Transport)
    NEPN - North Edinburgh Path Network
    NMW - North Meadow Walk
    NTBCC -New Town Broughton Comunity Council
    OLA - Otherwise Law Abiding
    PBP - Paris-Brest-Paris, as bested by Dave
    PITA - Brooks saddles @ <500 miles
    PoP - Pedal on Parliament (responsible for #PoP28)
    PS - Police Scotland
    PTW - Powered Two Wheelers
    PY - Peter's Yard café and CCE 'venue'
    QBiC/QBC - Quality Bike Corridor (official name for on-road cycle route from LB. First of many??)
    RLJ - red light jumper, much frowned upon
    RTC - ruggtomcat, of this parish. Also road traffic collision.
    SG - Scottish Government
    SMISDY - Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You. Mating cry of Motericus Inattentiva
    SMIDGAS - Sorry Mate, I Don't Give A S*** Mating cry of less sexually succesful specimens. As a variation on SMIDGAS I've seen SMIDGAF
    SRD - SRD, of this parish
    SWMBO - Female life partner. Good at arguing.
    TBC - The Bike Chain (shop) (deceased. Now EBC(C)
    TBS - The Bike Station (shop + DIY repairs)
    TBW - The Bicycle Works (shop)
    TIE - this is Edinburgh (usually accompanied by eye rolling)
    TLA - three letter acronym
    WoL - Water of Leith (at moment no real distinction twixt path and river)
    YACF - Yet Another CF (rumoured to exist)
    YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary (which leaves me not much the wiser - I assume this means something like "this is my experience, yours may be different")

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. kaputnik

    BuM / B&M - Busch & Müller - provider of retina-searing dynamo lights to at least 4 users of this here CCE

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. Instography

    Ha ha. He said BuM.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. kaputnik

    NEPN - North Edinburgh Path Network
    NCN - Notional Cycle Notwork
    LE2JOG - Lands End to John O' Groats
    PBP = Paris-Brest-Paris, as bested by Dave
    LEL = similar to above but between London and Edinburgh instead

    Posted 12 years ago #
  5. wingpig

    LRT - former three-letter-acronym for Lothian Buses dating back to when they were Lothian Regional Transport.
    TIE - this is Edinburgh.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  6. Uberuce

    SWMBO - Female life partner. Good at arguing.

    Luckily Dave is a well-mannered gent and intoduced me to his wife by name as soon as I met her, otherwise I'd have in all innocence asked "Ah, you must be Swumbo. Dave's talked about on the forum plenty. What does that stand for?" Wasn't till Googling that I found out.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  7. gembo

    WoL - Water of Leith Path (at moment no real distinction twixt path and river)

    laughed inside at TLA as three letter acronym

    points for one of my faves


    Posted 12 years ago #
  8. Uberuce

    SMISDY - Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You. Mating cry of
    Motericus Inattentiva
    SMIDGAS - Sorry Mate, I Don't Give A S*** Mating cry of less sexually succesful specimens.

    HP - Harrison Park

    Posted 12 years ago #
  9. fimm

    A few more generally used ones:
    YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary (which leaves me not much the wiser - I assume this means something like "this is my experience, yours may be different")
    IMO: In My Opinion
    IMHO: In My Humble Opinion

    As a variation on SMIDGAS I've seen SMIDGAF.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  10. Greenroofer

    What about

    PoP - Pedal on Parliament
    TBC - The Bike Chain (shop)*
    EBC - Edinburgh Bicycle Coop (shop)*
    LBS - Local Bike Shop

    *Well that's what I've always assumed these two mean

    Posted 12 years ago #
  11. wingpig

    Oh aye. TBW and TBS too. The others seem to have not acquired acronyms.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  12. ruggtomcat

    CPC Cycle PC of this parish
    and what does CHDOT stand for? ;)

    Posted 12 years ago #
  13. amir

    n+1 the universal requirement for one more bike
    BUG bicycle user group

    Posted 12 years ago #
  14. amir

    MAMIL middle aged man in lycra
    MAWIL middle aged woman in lycra

    ERC Edinburgh Road Club - a popular local club populated in part by the above

    Posted 12 years ago #
  15. recombodna

    occasionally in the case of the ERC sometimes the W doesn't stand for woman......

    Posted 12 years ago #
  16. kaputnik

    Audax - a Randonneur ridden with a bar bag
    Randonneur - an Audax ridden with a [Carradice] saddle bag

    Posted 10 years ago #
  17. Arellcat

    Substituting either into the other, does that mean an Audax requires two bags?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  18. Baldcyclist

    Ah SWMBO, now educated.

    What's memsmahibs or something?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  19. twq

    @Baldcyclist - looks like someone has spent time in India. From Wiki:
    Sahib means "friend" in Arabic and was commonly used in the Indian Sub-continent as a courteous term.
    Sahiba is the authentic form of address to be used for a female. Under the British Raj, however, the word used for female members of the establishment was adapted to memsahib, a corruption of the English word "ma'am" which was added to the word sahib.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  20. SRD

    Wandered here for no good reason - hadn't read the updated list. Lots of good (in)jokes.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  21. Min

    OLA - Otherwise Law Abiding.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  22. Ed1

    I have been wondering what NEPN stood for I tried googling it twice with no success - North Edinburgh Path Network. I guessed it was the path roseburn to leith path.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  23. chdot

    The top link is almost embarrassing.

    Just one of many web sites I don't bother updating.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  24. panyagua

    LBP should probably be marked as 'archaic' and replaced with 'PS'?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  25. panyagua

    @chdot: of course your top link is different from my top link. This is Google.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  26. chdot

    "of course your top link is different from my top link"


    Posted 9 years ago #
  27. chdot

    List updated.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  28. wingpig

    'Mudguard' - to follow too closely someone who is not in a bicycle race or on a group ride and who has neither requested to be nor explicitly welcomed being so closely followed.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  29. SRD

    Just re-read. some good laughs. and sadness - I miss the bike chain (TBC).

    I must admit, when meeting Mrs Dave at the fancy women's bike ride last month I did almost say 'oh you're SWMBO' but hastily corrected myself to 'Mrs Dave'. amazing how some things stick in the memory.

    But what on earth is 'srd' doing in there, but not IWRATS?

    some people's sense of humour...

    Posted 4 years ago #
  30. Arellcat

    You (and I) have the power to edit that post, remember. I think I may have tinkered with it once or twice in the past. Might do a bit more tinkering to improve the layout.

    Posted 4 years ago #

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