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Tour of East Lothian chimney farms

(148 posts)
  • Started 13 years ago by Cyclingmollie
  • Latest reply from Cyclingmollie

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  1. Roibeard

    The Google streetview is looking up the Figgate Burn in the area known as Duddingston Mills from at least the late 19th Century. There's a mill lade running essentially under your feet at this point, running roughly parallel to the Burn under the crossroads towards the new housing opposite.

    I'd assume it was associated with the mill workings.

    (procrastinating and enjoying the Uni's online historical mapping resources!)

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. Ah, you're right, the brewery site is now under a housing estate I think.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. kaputnik

    @anth the old breweries at Duddingston / Niddrie are mapped out on the big KML map that I shared previously.

    As far as the mill lade goes, just upstream on the Figgate Burn (south) there is a small dam, reservoir and sluice system on the map that feeds the lade.

    This lies to the east of where the Woodlands Grove cul-de-sac is now, the course of the burn follows the old reservoir but looks to just be overgrown now.

    You can trace the lade running under the road and into a large mill building that is not aligned to either Willowbrae or Duddingston Road. On the 1895 map it is marked as a corn mill. The building is gone and Duddingston Mills street now sits on top of the site. The lade re-entered the burn due west of where Duddingston Primary now is. The mill is marked on 1854 map, giving an indication of age. By the 1908 map the area is still called "mills" and the building and sluice and lade system are still there, but the mill isn't identified, suggesting it may have been out of use. Would be interesting to root about and see if any signs of it remain.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. DaveC

    Its not that Anth. There is a blue point on the road next to the actual Chimney but I tried clicking on it and there is no attrubited documentation.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  5. Cyclingmollie

    @amir, I found the chimney in Dalkeith:

    Kippielaw by Cycling Mollie, on Flickr

    It's very ornate for a farm chimney; I've not seen another quite like it. The conservatory looks out towards the odd vent thing kaputnik found. Over the hill I also visited Blinkbonny where I found this:

    Blinkbonny by Cycling Mollie, on Flickr

    You can't see it from the photo very well but the brick-work has a spiral pattern.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  6. amir

    Nice photos, Tom

    Posted 12 years ago #
  7. amir

    Where's Blinkbonny?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  8. amir

    By Currie?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  9. chdot

    Subverting the theme - not farm (or East L)

    Industrial Edinburgh

    Posted 12 years ago #
  10. chdot

    By Currie?

    That's what I thought - think there is a Blinkbonny Mill there.

    Click the photo and click the map. MidL.


    "The hamlet of Blinkbonny grew up during the late 19th and early 20th century alongside Blinkbonny Farm. Millworkers' houses were erected by the owners of Kinleith Mill"

    Posted 12 years ago #
  11. amir

    Ah, thanks chdot. Nr Vogrie. Have streetviewed the chimney (saves cycling)

    Posted 12 years ago #
  12. Cyclingmollie

    @chdot Nice one. Actually, that's not a bad an awesome photo, all the little chimney pots and the big stack in the middle. I think I like all brick chimneys. There's an especially good one beside the old Infirmary Street baths. Glad to see that's been saved.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  13. kaputnik

    Seeing as we're sharing chimneys, this one is lovely;

    JC Was Here (John Cotton tobacco mill)

    But this one is not long for this world I fear;

    Shrubill Power Station

    Posted 12 years ago #
  14. Cyclingmollie

    Thanks kaputnik. I used to go into the Shrubhill depot to renew my Council driving permit. It was an open secret that the test instructor always asked the same observation test question which was to name the sign you'd just driven past in Lochend. All you had to say was "beware children crossing".

    They had an old double-decker playbus in the far corner that I'd helped paint in Fife. I had to learn how to drive it so that we could bring it out the shed which involved a lot of opening little hatches in the outside and turning on switches.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  15. chdot

    "an awesome photo"

    Ta (like yours too).

    Got lucky.

    Was up Craiglockhart (Easter) - fab view in various directions. It all looked a bit hazy, then the cloud moved away from the sun and illuminated things strongly from a low angle.

    More mundane chimney.

    Saughton Prison.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  16. amir

    Tom, is this chimney in your list. It's just north of Dirleton and visible from the road to Yellow Craig. Sorry my zoom isn't very good so the chimney isn't too evident.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  17. Cyclingmollie

    It's not on my list. Well spotted and thanks. It's called Dirleton New Mains. Google Maps has a link to some photos of it on Panoramio as well. Engine house and chimney, dutch barn by A & J Main, Glasgow and an Atcost cattle shed. Can I put the photo on my Flickr page (atttributed of course)?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  18. amir

    Sure, Tom. Many eyes and all that ...

    Posted 12 years ago #
  19. amir

    See this book Tom?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  20. Cyclingmollie

    Thanks, Amir, yes, I do own a copy. That's how I was able to royally bore you with farm facts on the Chimney Sweep.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  21. kaputnik

    It has been suggested by at least two posters here (on Twitter) that the Tour de Moors should pay a visit to Carlops to sample the Alan Ramsay Inn and also to re-create this photo infront of the Witches' Loup;

    Carlops Cycle Chic, 1914-style by kaputniq, on Flickr

    (That's Great Grandpa K. on the left)

    Position pretty much here;

    Trees a more recent addition.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  22. DaveC

    Have you decided on a route yet nik?

    As for the JC chimney, is that the one behind Tecos by the Water of Leith in Broughton?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  23. amir


    Posted 12 years ago #
  24. kaputnik

    @DAveC Route sort of decided, well at least some of the points on it are (discussed above I think).

    As for JC chimney it's in Leith, but other side, off top of Leith Walk.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  25. Cyclingmollie

    Article which appeared in last week's East Lothian Courier:

    East Lothian Courier article by Cycling Mollie, on Flickr

    East Lothian Courier article detail by Cycling Mollie, on Flickr

    Posted 12 years ago #
  26. DaveC


    Posted 12 years ago #
  27. amir

    Fame at last!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  28. Cyclingmollie

    Thanks. Very pleasing. I've been invited to see the wood burning system at Eastfield by the owner who read the article. A chance to see a chimney in use. I will take photos.

    Posted 12 years ago #

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