CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Computers, GPS, 'Smart' 'Phones

EdinBus Application for the iPhone and iPad

(41 posts)

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  1. chdot

  2. spytfyre

    and android!

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. chdot


    Don't see them very often.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. steveo

    Need to get out of your apple chdot ;). Most android coders use them as an easy way to link from their web site to the market place on the phone to make it easy to install programmes.

    edit: Thousands off them here,

    Posted 14 years ago #
  5. spytfyre

    try this one then

    Posted 14 years ago #
  6. steveo

    Did we not have this very conversation on Saturday o_O

    Posted 14 years ago #
  7. chdot

    "Need to get out of your apple chdot"

    It's OK I was being ironic.

    BUT they are not used in 'public spaces', advertising etc. as much as Japan (and presumably some other places).

    A few people on here were talking about this at the Nocturne about how many mobiles actually had/could install QR Code readers.

    Does one come installed on Android 'phones? (not on iPhones, but there are several apps).

    Posted 14 years ago #
  8. chdot

    "try this one then"


    So, do Windows 'phones have a built in app?

    Posted 14 years ago #
  9. steveo

    Thats all right then :)

    Now you mention it i'm not sure if there is one installed out the box or not, i installed one early on though for things like that.

    Neither my last phone or the one before that, LG viewty (pish) and a SE k800i (good), could read QR codes nor could i find a app for them.

    I think the only place i ever see them irl is on pepsi, if they were on bus stops that would actually be a very handy rl use for them.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  10. spytfyre

    nah not installed on winmo either, easily found a few though and quickly decided QuickMark was the best, never figured out how to make the old style barcodes work though (never upgraded to the paid for version either as the QR codes worked fine, ironically it was to download more apps from their tags rather than type in the address on the mobile)
    android I am not sure, probably not as there will be more than one available and they will send you a fairly vanilla phone let you decide which free app to pick, will let you know if/when I get an HTC Desire in my hands (that day will be written off for the play/configure time)

    Posted 14 years ago #
  11. chdot

    "if they were on bus stops that would actually be a very handy rl use for them."


    On my bus trip yesterday I was surprised to find how many stops actually had bustracker screens (not cheap), but presumably most don't (and never will - ??).

    So if it's now the case that most/all phones with internet access could read QR codes the council should probably start putting them on all bus stops with a link to a page with links to (the home page also has links to the iPhone and Android apps.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  12. spytfyre

    On my bus trip yesterday I was surprised to find how many stops actually had bustracker screens (not cheap), but presumably most don't (and never will - ??).
    Not true
    I read a story recently that more cash has been found to roll these out to more stops as they are damn handy and most folk don't carry smart phones or pay for interweb access on phones. Maybe if there was free wifi at the bus stops...
    my bus tracker site proved to be the fall back on the winmo just had to punch in the code for the stop and save time running to the next stop or finding another route (I have been on the bus a lot recently instead of the bike...)

    "Travel group SEStran has won more than £850,000 to roll the scheme out from Edinburgh into East Lothian, the Borders and Fife."


    Posted 14 years ago #
  13. steveo

    I could never get the web app to work properly on either the LG or the SE, i've not really tried it with the HTC though with this app i probably never will.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  14. chdot

    "Not true
    I read a story recently that more cash has been found to roll these out to more stops as they are damn handy and most folk don't carry smart phones or pay for interweb access on phones."

    Well yes, more will, but I don't know if most will.

    "Maybe if there was free wifi at the bus stops..."



    Free wifi on buses must be a possibility.

    There IS free wifi in all East Lothian Libraries. It's even on on Sundays - but you can't get a password standing outside...

    Posted 14 years ago #
  15. chdot

    Was thinking each bus stop would need its own code, but obviously not -

    Posted 14 years ago #
  16. spytfyre

    wow - I am using an old Sony Ericsson w880i and found a few downloads at i-nigma seems better than beetagg I didn't bother with the thris compatible one up-code... good list of compatability options on the site... i-nigma seems to work. now we can have conversations only people that can be bothered to install a reader can see heh heh heh

    Posted 14 years ago #
  17. spytfyre

    nah you can fine tune it

    Posted 14 years ago #
  18. spytfyre

    wow, the results look even better on the old phone than they did on the X1!

    Posted 14 years ago #
  19. spytfyre


    Posted 14 years ago #
  20. chdot


    Posted 14 years ago #
  21. spytfyre

    as you can fine tune it I am tempted to print, laminate then superglue the ones I need to the bus stops I use, porblem is I tend to find out before I go out the door and then I am in the house/work on a PC anyway...

    Posted 14 years ago #
  22. steveo


    Posted 14 years ago #
  23. chdot

    "nah you can fine tune it"

    Yes, but that IS individual to each stop.

    Which is obviously a lot more effort than a generic 'anywhere' code.

    AND I'm sure some would get put on the wrong stops!

    Posted 14 years ago #
  24. chdot


    I agree...

    Back to normal

    Posted 14 years ago #
  25. steveo

    I quite like spytfyre's gorilla diy idea, tempted to do that my self. Though the android app does allows for favourites so maybe not...

    Posted 14 years ago #
  26. spytfyre

    yes it is Steveo - you are quite right
    even though you can store your favourites you might be doing someone else a favour
    one thing I find slightly sinister is this site allows you to send an SMS to a specified number.
    Now I immediately went evil with this idea and thought, stag do... You do not know you are doing it or what you are sending and the poor recipient wouldn't know who the sender was or why they got a million of these messages. Plaster them up in the gents, bus stops, take aways... hand them out like fliers...

    Posted 14 years ago #
  27. chdot

    "I quite like spytfyre's gorilla diy idea"

    If you already have an app you'd never use the bus stop QR Code yourself - others might.

    I wonder how many people realise that all stops have codes and could be used for on internet connected 'phones.

    I wonder how many bus passengers know about various on-line resources.

    It's not many years since CEC was (seriously) considering putting special terminals on the front desk of selected large employers to give 'live bus info'.

    They may even have done it - EU money was involved.

    Certainly I assume it was the beginning of the BusTracker project - which is CEC not LB - even though (I think) it only shows LB buses.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  28. steveo

    Hehe, that would be really funny in a very twisted way! Remind me never to give you my mobile number.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  29. spytfyre

    @chdot - yeah but the council started many "smart city" visions along with BT they were going to have council tax payment along with rent, car permit parking, bus passes, school dinners, you name it - all payable through a smart "one" card system, they gave out the One card but it died a death (probably because someone thought "oooh trams" like a kid in a sweetie shop)
    the site was also "designed" and cost a hooog amount of cash and never got off the ground in the way it was meant to (free hotmail like email for all edinburgh residents) news, badgers, events, badgers, offers, badgers, excitement and badgers...

    Posted 14 years ago #
  30. chdot

    "this site allows you to send an SMS to a specified number"

    So it does - though neither of reader apps on my 'phone dealt with it properly.

    Anyway message would still have to be sent by someone who would be listed as sender, who would be unlikely to want to send a dubious message to a stranger(?)

    Posted 14 years ago #

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