I'd planned to leave work early but the rain came on again, so deferred my departure for ten or fifteen minutes until it'd blown over. I detoured to the motorbike shop with a stonking tailwind and no rain, but twenty minutes later it was absolutely lashing down again, so I had a cup of tea and waited until the weather was a bit calmer. I got a bit* wet heading up out of Morningside but overall sneaked home in between showers. The A703 had some huge puddles though and all but two motorists anticipated me not wanting to cycle through them.
* Just the top of my chest, since I was in the torpedo, and my merino l/s jersey was nice and warm.
he has sunk the trampoline into a hole so the surface is level with the lawn.
One of the houses of Braid Mount View or Braid Mount Crest has such a contrivance in the back garden. I often wondered how it drains. You can see it from the Braid Hills Trail footpath which starts just north of the top of the hill on Braid Road.