CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Commuting

"Severe weather warning"

(7461 posts)

  1. paddyirish

    Heal well to all who have had falls. A lot of ice out to the west and I know of a few people coming from Fife who have come off.

    Another systematic failure on the part of the authorities. It was obvious this was going to be the first really icy one from a long time ago

    Police car was on airport roundabout this morning and officer warned me of the black ice there- it was pretty severe and I would probably have been off if I hadn't put the studs on last night.

    On the positive side, they seem to be doing something about the drainage issue on the airport slip road. With that happening it is a contender for the iciest bit of infra in Edinburgh

    Posted 6 years ago #
  2. SRD

    This happens every year, without fail. Clear frost advisory in the weather, yet council doesn't get the gritters out until after the reports of falls come in.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  3. fimm

    Meanwhile in Glasgow...

    Posted 6 years ago #
  4. jdanielp

    Did anyone see any weather warnings for ice last night or this morning? The MET weather app warned about a risk of ice to the west of Edinburgh on Monday morning, but had nothing following. It is now warning of wind on Friday.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  5. HankChief

    @paddyirish Are they fixing the drainage on both sides of the roundabout or just the East side?

    The cause is drainage pipes from the fields that end above the Cycle path causing permanent water on the paths

    Posted 6 years ago #
  6. paddyirish

    @Hankchief - definitely the East side, but don't know about the West as I cross to the Northern path at the roundabout in order to avoid the steps.

    There are pipes and definitely now below road level. Just hope that it does solve the problem.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  7. I used to be brave & carefree and ride all through the winter, but after two lucky winters I came off a number of times on my third and fourth winters and decided that the risk to my bike and my bones was just too high.

    Now I just leave the bike at home and take the bus throughout the winter.

    Heal soon to all of those far hardier than me, and stay safe!

    Posted 6 years ago #
  8. stiltskin

    I wondered if the works at the airport roundabout were about drainage, but I am pretty sure I saw Scottish Gas signs up, so perhaps they aren't.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  9. paddyirish

    @stiltskin - never looked that closely - you are probably right. Though I'm sure I saw somewhere on here that the council were going to sort the drainage this financial year.

    As usual paddy makes 2+2=5

    Posted 6 years ago #
  10. jdanielp

    Just to note that part of the reason that I might appear to be a little obsessed with weather warnings recently is that I am still trying to decide how I feel about the MET app after switching to it from the BBC app - it is certainly different, but not obviously any more accurate...

    Posted 6 years ago #
  11. paddyirish

    @jdanielp - I have given up on both and use

    Posted 6 years ago #
  12. paddyirish

    Duplicate post - oops...

    Posted 6 years ago #
  13. jdanielp

    @paddyirish thanks for the tip! Girlfriend of jdanielp chastises me for not looking out of windows more often.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  14. paddyirish

    GOJDP is very wise, but if you looked out the window and based your decision on her advice, you would be proved wrong within about 10 minutes...

    Posted 6 years ago #
  15. jdanielp


    Posted 6 years ago #
  16. gembo

    THe BBC weather had minus 2 o ernight. I believe I mentioned there would be frost on here somewhere. I use predicted temperature as a guide to frost and p[lan my route on main roads(I have a luxury that my options are many and varied and nearly all not too bad)

    I had 15 miles to go across Edinburgh this morning. So set off maybe 07.15a.m.

    Roads seemed gritted. Junction outside my house had worrying amount of frozen slush.

    I put my foot down on the the orangey surface in the ASB at Slateford. A bit slippy. I stayed on roads avoiding side streets and towpaths until the war zone at the Kings Theatre. Meadows path had been gritted albeit in big dollops. Innocent path also gritted.

    Spotted several people on the innocent after the tunnel that I do not normally see until canal tpowpath as I was early.

    Did all on lecky bike which allowed me to be vigilant in the dark and cycle in a suit. all a bit weird. Even met The Wilmington's Cow on his elephant

    Posted 6 years ago #
  17. dessert rat

    I also met Wilmington's Cow on his elephant about 30 secs after my off - warned him about the ice.

    Noticed when I went out at lunchtime that I've ground away the ratchet/buckle on shoe following the fall and also holed the neoprene overshoe :((

    Posted 6 years ago #
  18. I were right about that saddle

    I also met Wilmington's Cow on his elephant about 30 secs after my off

    I'm no doctor but concussion maybe?

    Posted 6 years ago #
  19. sallyhinch

    Meanwhile in Glasgow

    Posted 6 years ago #
  20. Rosie

    Do you remember those weather houses? A gentleman with an umbrella or a lady in a summer dress would emerge, depending on the weather.


    Bicycle emerges - no streets too icy
    Pedestrian emerges - pavements too icy
    Bus/tram pass emerges

    Posted 6 years ago #
  21. steveo

    NEPN appears to be being gritted. Van driving along at Roseburn with a gritting box on the back.

    I'm still taking the mtb

    Posted 6 years ago #
  22. gembo

    Sub zero again tonight. Please take care first thing tomorrow

    Posted 6 years ago #
  23. dessert rat

    abandoned usual commute this evening, not due to ice but drivers - never felt so dangerous. was sure I was going to be squashed - ended up going from The Shore up Leith Walk - didnt do much for my mood.

    why oh why aren't we allowed to take direct action against double/triple parked cars ? it would soon put a stop to it.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  24. Cyclingmollie

    Pavements covered in frost here.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  25. unhurt

    Fell on my arse walking home from the pub earlier. Skiddy enough it was hard to get upright.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  26. steveo

    Now the dilemma, studs on the mtb but no mud guards, guards on the cdf but no studs. Going to need both before the day is out.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  27. gembo

    Minus two at moment and sleet coming up here.

    Slippy out

    Take care. Lower your seat post a bit, deflate your tyres a bit, stick to main roads if you can

    Posted 6 years ago #
  28. Ed1

    I found it colder today on my trip in to Edinburgh even with my gloves on fingers and toes a bit cold. Herriot watt had the mini tractor gritter out and Research avenue had already been well gritted.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  29. steveo

    Took gembo's advice and took the mtb
    Definitely the right call.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  30. mcairney

    Was pretty treacherous on the way in along the east end of the Innocent. The gritters seemed to have stopped at the Forth Sector building.
    Regretting not taking the MTB but I didn't want to lug a rucksack around and it doesn't have a pannier rack.

    Posted 6 years ago #

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