CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Commuting

"Severe weather warning"

(7461 posts)

  1. bill

    @jdanielp I also walked across the aqueduct and was slipping quite a bit. It was quite slippy overall but not too bad. I had the towpath to myself most of the way so I used the middle bit a lot and avoided any sharp turns. As a precaution I also dismounted at the Wester Hailes S-bend but it was fine.
    It was definitely more sparkly around Ratho and I could hear loads of crunchy noises under my wheels.

    But I was sending my first message just before my morning meeting so I didn't have time to elaborate! :)

    Posted 6 years ago #
  2. jdanielp

    @bill thanks for the dedication :)

    Posted 6 years ago #
  3. edinburgh87

    Just rode Roseburn - Crewe Toll along the NEPN. Was fine but surface fairly wet so I'd be careful if it gets any cooler..

    Posted 6 years ago #
  4. ianfieldhouse

    Top notch work by all involved in widening the path down from Craiglockhart Drive North to the canal. Chose just the right surfacing as to make it a deathtrap for all users, pedestrians and cyclists alike, whenever there is any hint of ice. Good job they had managed to think about painting a big slow down sign on it though.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  5. Rosie

    @ianfieldhouse - I used to commute that way & was delighted when they widened the path. I didn't realise it would turn to ice in the winter. What surface should they have used?

    Posted 6 years ago #
  6. ianfieldhouse

    @Rosie No idea, I just assumed it would at least have a bit of texture to offer some kind of grip.

    I don't use the path much myself but my wife came off her bike this morning returning from the gym. I remember struggling to walk down it after getting off the bus on Colinton Road a while back so ended up having to walk down the grass.

    I just find it surprising that as a northern European country we can't manage to provide infrastructure that is usable when there is a bit of cold weather. The canal path was frosty this morning but due to the rough surface was perfectly ridable -- other than the stretch outside Boroughmuir High School where the nice new paving looks like it's going to prove a challenge in cold weather.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  7. steveo

    Newly resurfaced bit of the NEPN just before the Red Bridge is the same, totally smooth surface, actual ice rink when its cold.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  8. jdanielp

    @ianfieldhouse the new Boroughmuir Plaza is indeed one of the worst parts of the canal towpath for ice. I'll likely take the path that you mentioned from Craiglockhart Pond to the canal tomorrow morning so thanks for the warning!

    Posted 6 years ago #
  9. Rosie

    @ianfieldhouse The slightly bumpy gritty surface to many roads would be better in ice. However not so good to push a buggy down.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  10. bill

    @jdanielp the towpath was silver this morning but felt less slippy than yesterday (but it took it very slow). Plenty of my regular cyclist out.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  11. amir

    My untreated Road was pretty icy (and a bit slippy), as were pavements and the gutters of the main roads. Some of the ice is that black slippy stuff.

    I decided to come in by bus owing to the low temperature (<-3 degs) and effect on my asthma symptoms

    Posted 6 years ago #
  12. jdanielp

    @bill thanks. A thick layer of frost can be quite satisfying under tyre as I remember from previous years. Quite looking forward to the commute now...

    Posted 6 years ago #
  13. ianfieldhouse

    Wasn't really any worse than yesterday coming in from Craiglockhart along the towpath. If anything the area outside Boroughmuir High School didn't feel as slippery as yesterday.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  14. jdanielp

    @ianfieldhouse that is good. I spotted someone walking a dog very gingerly along the path that you mentioned this morning, which looked extremely shiney. I suspect that I would have been ok on it on my wide tyres, but I chose to roll down the grass alongside it before rejoining near the bridge, then bouncing down the rough steps to the towpath.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  15. ianfieldhouse

    @jdanielp When I was coming up to the canal from Allan Park Road i noticed that that path looked really frosty. A cyclist was coming down and sticking to the grass so I think it must have been pretty bad.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  16. steveo

    Paths should be well gritted tomorrow, seen a mini digger being refilled on the path by the red bridge and another plying it's trade on the Broomhouse path.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  17. minus six

    studs up top, slicks on the back

    seems to work in this ya times

    studs on back when the snow hits

    Posted 6 years ago #
  18. chdot

  19. minus six

    safety first is as i said, my man

    business up top, party at the back

    Posted 6 years ago #
  20. chdot

  21. steveo

    The Granton access path never seems to be treated, bbc balance, the one time I thought enough was enough and crossed to the road it also wasn't treated....

    Posted 6 years ago #
  22. gembo

    In my other job out Craigmillar way, roads into town and path round meadows and innocent all gritted for long stretches. Once I reach Oman's (not open the other day at 8.15 a.m shocka) there is no gritting. As I anticipated

    Posted 6 years ago #
  23. biketrain

    Broomhouse path along the tram line very icy today. Many side streets have the same issue. Go careful out there.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  24. wingpig

    Bingham section of Innocent fine.
    Ciyward section of Innocent fine.
    NMW and Leamington Walk fine.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  25. bill

    Towpath more slippy than on Tuesday but not too bad. Slateford aqueduct rather slippy. Livingston paths treacherous.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  26. jdanielp

    @bill indeed. I was still able to cycle over the Slateford Aqueduct fairly confidently, although I had to stop twice this morning and could feel the slippiness when I put my foot down. Given that City Centre was somewhat mild and damp, I might have been tempted to return to the hybrid this morning so thanks for helping me avoid that mistake.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  27. LivM

    I really resent the 10% at the beginning and end of my journey. The back street paths aren't gritted so I don't think it's safe for my 4yo to balance-bike to school, even though the rest of my route (NEPN) is likely to be fine (except Granton Access, thanks @steveo...) I am stuck taking him in the car so I can get him there safely and still get to work on time.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  28. SRD

    Bumped into a colleague who had come off on the ice on the towpath. recommended Marathon winters.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  29. acsimpson

    I fitted my studs yesterday morning. My rear Gatorskin has worn a flat spot all the way round so I have been riding on a 1" wide rubber disc for a while. It explains why fitting my studs appears to have increased my speed.

    As usual I made the mistake of putting my foot down without due care and attention this morning. Fortunately I stayed upright but it was close.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  30. jdanielp

    @SRD or a plus/fat-tyred bike... Hope they are ok. Where did they fall off?

    Posted 6 years ago #

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