CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Commuting

"Severe weather warning"

(7461 posts)

  1. gembo

    I put the bins out last night [brown including xmas tree] but then saw that the clennie aren’t coming out today. So took them back in. Apparently someone has left balerno and driven up the Lanark Road West reporting lorra bins and xmas trees scattered. Not sure they should have gone out. But maybe had to. There is no traffic it would be good cycling with a tailie if i fancied the KOM from Harlaw to Kirkbrae without pedalling but I think not. Just spotted our leaf burning bin has been blown down to the council section of our garden. But also the last 44 out of Balerno going to the West End only

    Posted 1 month ago #
  2. chdot

    “the last 44 out of Balerno“

    Complete isolation then.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  3. acsimpson

    Sounds like the start of a Limerick.

    The last 44 from Balerno
    Was told to return to the depot
    Signed for the west end
    It's route there would bend
    The met says it won't suck but blow

    Plenty scope for improvement though

    Posted 1 month ago #
  4. MediumDave

    Is Gembo now the Duke of Balerno (after John Carpenter)?

    Posted 1 month ago #
  5. gembo

    It is worse than that. Both Scotmids are closed

    Posted 1 month ago #
  6. gembo

    @acsimpson that is very good. Did you participate in the OULIPO/CCE Poetry Competition?

    Will try to find that it is one of the all time great threads of CCE up there with Simooon Parker, stop dissing my uncle.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  7. Arellcat

    The last 44 from Baler-
    -'No point taking risks' said the chair-
    -'Man, you'll find yourselves chinned,
    if you drive in this wind,
    and you'd better pack new underwear.'

    "The Last 44 From Balerno" could be an Inspector Rebus novel.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  8. gembo

    @arellcat another nice limerick

    If you go to page 89 of Wildlife Highlights right at the bottom I unconsciously wrote a poem in Prose. ThenUn-nameable then did what Hugh MacDiarmid was often doing [taking others prose and breaking the lines into a poem] Wilmington put in a bit of a below par one but the others are really rather excellent[Wingpig’s being my favourite and therefore the best but Cyclingmollie produced some belters] - I say this as the self appointed poet laureate of CCE - obvioulsly if challenged we can hold an election. Please do go on the Scottish Poetry Library website and read my blog about cycling down to Candymill to clean MacDiarmid’s plaque. The blog is titles Gowden Feathers

    Anyway I think this was before we had a wildlife lowlight thread and for purposes of self aggrandisement I repeat my holiday poem here

    Near the windmill at Burnham Overy Staithe
    A little Sparrowhawk about two days dead
    Fresh flowers and a cross made of twigs and black tape

    Posted 1 month ago #
  9. ejstubbs

    @gembo: It is worse than that. Both Scotmids are closed

    Somewhat to my surprise, I got an e-mail this morning from Morrisons apologising for the enforced closure of their Hunters Tryst store. We're all doomed, I tell ye. (Actually, at ~600ft ASL it is one of the higher built-up locations within the city bypass, and facing directly into the wind. I guess we'll see whether their roof survives. And ours, come to that, since we're just over 600m along the ridge from there, with south and west facing solar panels <fingers crossed emoji>.)

    Checking the online arrivals board for Edinburgh Airport at 8:30 this morning, I couldn't help but notice amongst all the cancelled flights two Ryanair flights showing as "on approach". I was not surprised to find on checking again later that they are now shown as "cancelled" - which I assume means "took one look and ran away screaming diverted to an alternate airport". It seems even O'Leary wouldn't be stupid enough to try to deliver his passengers in winds gusting at twice the mean windspeed...

    Posted 1 month ago #
  10. Yodhrin

    Jeezo it's getting hairy now. Starting to worry my crusty old single glazed windows might cave in. Can hear the wind over my headphones.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  11. chdot

    “which I assume means "took one look and ran away screaming diverted“


    Ryanair flight makes landing at Edinburgh Airport in strong crosswinds, after aborting the first attempt. #StormÉowyn Vid: AviateJack

    Posted 1 month ago #
  12. chdot

    Unfortunately, this means that ScotRail services will be heavily impacted tomorrow (Saturday), and customers should not expect any trains to operate before 12.00 at the earliest

    Posted 1 month ago #
  13. ejstubbs

    @chdot: Judging by the arrivals history for this morning on Flightradar24, it looks like the flight in the video (assuming the video was actually filmed this morning) was the one from Budapest which would have touched down shortly before I checked the live arrivals on the airport web site. That could have been one of the ones that was showing as "on approach" at that time.

    You can see the one which gave up and returned to Stanstead further down the list linked above.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  14. SRD

    I just heard radio Scotland say that one flight from stanstead tried to land and eventually diverted to Koln (Cologne)!

    Posted 1 month ago #
  15. SRD

    @gembo our Scotmid which became a Nisa is open. Only good outcome so far of them selling it.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  16. gembo

    Balerno just re-opened. 4 cans of AF for me 4 Cans of Joker for the boy. And an interesting looking White Portugeuse for Mrs Garto. Not much in the way of victuals though.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  17. SRD

    in Newfoundland, the big thing is #StormChips (aka crisps). everyone clears out the shops.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  18. chdot

    Storm Eowyn hits Falkirk area

    Posted 1 month ago #
  19. gembo

    The 12 noon at the earliest has been nudged to 1400 before a train runs

    Posted 1 month ago #
  20. chdot

    We’re sad to announce that #StormÉowyn has caused severe damage across our Gardens. At #Edinburgh, 15 trees have been lost – either uprooted or damaged beyond recovery. This includes the Garden’s tallest tree, the 29-metre Cedrus deodara, planted in 1859

    Posted 1 month ago #
  21. LaidBack

    The storm damage at 'The Bots' is a real concern. I don't believe the 'once in a generation' storm title.
    Just checking Benmore Garden now.

    Posted 1 month ago #

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