The City of Edinburgh Council is currently progressing a scheme to enhance walking and cycling provision on the Golf Courses Path between Barnton Avenue and Barnton Avenue West. This scheme supports walking and cycling policies detailed in the Council’s Local Transport Strategy and the Active Travel Action Plan.
These improvements will involve widening and resurfacing the path, while solar LED lighting studs will be installed to delineate the path edges. Minor access improvements will also be made at the east end of the path at Barnton Avenue.
The extent of the works is shown on the attached plan. It is currently anticipated that work on this scheme will commence on Monday 3 March 2014 and will last approximately four weeks. We will seek to minimise disruption during construction, and a temporary path will be provided between Barnton Avenue and Barnton Avenue West during the works.
The standard working hours for the site shall be Monday to Saturday between 0700 hours and 1900 hours. The maximum noise level permitted will be reduced for all work carried out after these hours. Should work outside the standard hours be considered, or any works which are likely to cause significant disturbance, leaflets shall be delivered to residents within 100m of the site boundary giving full details of the proposed works and their duration.