I got the notice of the next Cyclehack in Edinburgh & the look of it did make me think it was some kind of sales thing rather than part of the cycling movement. However this thread has reassured me that it is an interesting and worthwhile thing, so here's the publicity:-
"Cyclehack comes to Edinburgh in 2015!
But what is a Cyclehack?
Here's all the info you need to know: http://www.cyclehack.com/ In short, Cyclehack aims to "make the world more sustainable through reducing the barriers to cycling".
We're having an open meeting on 6pm Thursday 29th January at Forest Centre Plus (http://dss.theforest.org.uk/) to discuss ideas and recruit more volunteers.
Forest Centre Plus
38 Castle Terrace
It would be lovely to see you there, and please do feel free to email me if you can't make it but would like to find out more...