CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Computers, GPS, 'Smart' 'Phones

go pro alternatives

(43 posts)
  • Started 10 years ago by splitshift
  • Latest reply from neddie

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  1. chdot


    Kodak, or rather JK Imaging pretending to be Kodak


    Interesting thing 'brands'.

    Kodak must have very high 'brand recognition'.

    But isn't it also 'the film company that didn't see digital coming soon enough and went out of business'?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. SRD

    Oddly, Eastman Kodak still seems to exist as well.

    (i'll confess to brand loyalty; my dad worked for them for a while and my childhood- along with odd evidence that my parents had a life before i came along - is stored in a small stack of yellow slide boxes.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. le_soigneur

    A skunkworks engineer at Kodak invented the first digital camera ~1972. Marketing canned it, not even patented.
    Kodak missed the digital boat and ended up being bought as a virtual company just for their brandname, patent & copyrights by an IP harvesting patent-suing company that benefitted from the company going bankrupt and not being able to break up the cartels that devalued their portfolio from $2B/annum to ~$100M/annum.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. Arellcat

    Actually it's a 180 fisheye, so capturing a hemisphere at least.

    And the edge of the resulting hemispherical image as projected by the lens covers 360°. For example the image boundary might extend from one's feet to the sky above, 90° to the left and to the right; alternatively one could record a full rotation of the horizon if the camera was pointing at the sky. The sensor would have to be circular to match, or be sufficiently large and square for the circle to be fully captured.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  5. Darkerside

    Garmin Virb is currently £130 on Amazon. Which I could just about justify.

    For recording mini-DarkerSide, you understand...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  6. Kenny

    Only 7 left in stock. There were 8 in stock 2 hours ago when I was going to originally respond, so they could go fast.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  7. Darkerside

    Was 11 at lunch, so reasonably quick.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  8. newtoit

    Saw the Garmin Virb today for £129 down from £270 in Cotswold Outdoor on Rose St today.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  9. Darkerside

    Remain calm, but the Virb edit software lets you put super cool* head-up display style overlays on top of your videos (if you have a GPS trace).

    [+] Embed the video | Video DownloadGet the Flash Videos

    *to a five year old, or me.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  10. acsimpson

    Did you use You tubes video stabilisation? The HUD is skipping about all over the place.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  11. jdanielp

    I ended up losing interest in my SJ1000 after failing to find a usable method of mounting it, but I'm back on the case having ordered a GoPro mount adaptor for it on eBay.

    I wish that I'd held off buying an action camera a bit longer - I would have picked up the bargain GoPro that was released last autumn. One of my colleagues has it.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  12. richardlmpearson

    I ordered a Virb last sunday on for £89. Desperately waiting for it to arrive.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  13. neddie

    Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has launched a cheap action camera that costs only 399 yuan (£41).

    The Yi Action Camera shoots video in 1080 high-definition, has a 16 megapixel camera and a wide-angle lens.

    Posted 9 years ago #

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