In some parts of Europe, a quarter of all journeys are made by bike. In Britain the figure is 2%. Can anything persuade us to leave our cars and get pedalling? Perhaps the unlikeliest of towns - Darlington - holds the key. Matt Seaton reports
It's a damp, chilly day in Darlington. Oli Lougheed assures me, a softy southerner up from London for the day, that it's not usually like this. Here, on the eastern side of the Pennines, he says, it may be cold in winter, but it's normally clear and dry. Lougheed is not, in fact, from the local Tourist Board, but he does work for Darlington. He is the town's cycling officer, and today he is showing me how the town is making itself more cycle-friendly. Which explains his anxiety about the grim weather: as we make our way from the station to the town centre, there are not many cyclists in evidence.