CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Computers, GPS, 'Smart' 'Phones

helmet camera recommendations?

(36 posts)

  1. wee folding bike

    It's easy enough to rotate the video though 180º.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. lorlane

    Thanks @SRD for your kind offer, but I have already ordered both!

    @wee folding bike... I did wonder how I was supposed to know which way is up.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. Schemieradge

    Just wondering whether the Mobius owners would let me know whether I should get the wide angle or standard len for a helmet cam..? Or does it matter much...

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. le_soigneur

    The standard lens is best on the Mobius. Standard lens is already WA at 86deg in 1080p, the WA lens B(116deg) is too wide for road use IMO, the new C lens(132deg) far too much so.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. Arellcat

    I cycled 20 miles today trying to buy the Sony HDR-AS30V, which I was planning to get instead of a Contour. Even the Sony Centre at Church Hill only had one in stock, and neither they nor John Lewis had any of the accessories, like mounting brackets. PC World was a wasted journey through the badlands of the Drum Brae roundabout.

    I'll be using a borrowed GoPro for POP.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. Gilbot

    I've just got the Kitvision Blast HD3000 for £70. Had a quick test run with it; seems pretty good. Nice solid construction.
    I'll have it for POP tomorrow

    Posted 9 years ago #

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