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"Groups call for cycle lanes on every street"

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  1. chdot


    AN alliance of healthy living groups have called for the creation of segregated cycle lanes on all roads in Scotland's cities in a bid to get the nation more active.

    The group, which includes the main hiking and cycling charities, also wants to see speed limits dropped to 20 mph and the promotion of safe walking routes through urban areas.

    They have released a series of recommendations which they hope will influence political parties in the run up to next year's Holyrood elections.

    The alliance of groups comprises seven Scottish organisations who together champion walking, cycling and sustainable transport, including CTC Scotland, Cycling Scotland, Living Streets, Paths for All, Ramblers Scotland, Sustrans Scotland, and Transform Scotland.

    Colin Howden, Director of Transform Scotland, said: "Our core aim is to see increased long term investment in active travel with a call for 10% of local and national transport budgets to be allocated to walking and cycling.


    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. SRD

    I was at the 'launch' this evening. The only MSPs I recognised were - Jim Eadie, Sarah Boyack, Alison Johnstone and Patrick Harvie. I hope these groups have good plans about how to reach the rest of the MSPs and their parties.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. crowriver

    Well something needs to be done. Just this afternoon this statement was made in Parliament by Dr Aileen McLeod, Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform:

    The only hint of action on what 'we' might be interested in is as follows:

    "A multi-annual commitment to sustainable and active travel, including the launch of a second Future Transport Fund, and continuing support for associated initiatives such as low carbon buses and Smarter Choices Smarter Places.
    The relaunch of a policy to tackle the school run – a significant cause of congestion, localised air pollution and contributor to inactive lifestyles – which will be based on the results of an investigation into existing school transport choices and what influences them."

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. chdot

    Yeah, she was just on Sarah Smith.

    Still don't know if they have separated 'Active' and 'Sustainable' in either policy understanding or budgets.

    Spokes has been trying to get them to explain for awhile - was also an issue at PoP.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. crowriver

    The term "deliberate obfuscation" springs to mind.

    Posted 9 years ago #

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