"Know anything about any NR/CEC/Sustrans plans?"
Only what we've found out so far, above in thread. Tim Smith did write to Lesley Hinds, and got a response from the relevant council officer. Basically, the line's reserved for a cycle/shared use path, but converting it doesn't appear to be a high priority.
So what efforts we have made since that response have been about trying to push Powderhall line further up the council's agenda. As for Sustrans, status unknown at present (to our wee grouping).
I would imagine we need to wait until after the council receives its costings/report on the "future" of Powderhall waste treatment plant, currently out of action due to kaput crane.
In the meantime, no harm in pushing the agenda at local CC meetings, NP meetings, consultations, councillor contacts, etc.
If anyone has any other ideas feel free to post.