The past year has been interesting.
This forum is 'used' by many people in different ways.
There are regular posters commenting on incidents (good and bad) on their daily journeys.
Other people have joined to post a one-off question, and have (usually) got a speedy response.
This forum has a lot of knowledgeable, helpful, members.
Opinionated too! There's been the odd fight, (you know what about...), but it's generally most civilised. Thanks to all.
I'm posting this to ask for responses along the lines of 'what CCE has done for me'.
Not expecting 'it's changed my life' - just wondering if ideas or information posted here has been particularly useful.
Most things relate directly to cycling and are mostly about Edinburgh (or examples from elsewhere for contrast). Anyone can post anything so the content reflects the interests of the members - it's difficult to tell if anything is 'missing'.
The underlying idea for this forum was as another way of encouraging more people to cycle (more often). It's become a place of mutual support for people who cycle - which is perhaps more valuable(?)