"I use a taxi for such things – far cheaper than keeping a car – but try to convince anyone else to live that way. It has to be drivable and parkable, or no interest."
Not really the job of 'us' - or CEC - to convince people to do things differently.
Just because things are 'the way they are' or 'always have been' or 'that's what people want' (etc.), is no reason that other ways of doing things should be blocked.
'Democracy' isn't about giving the majority what they think they want - or the vocal minority (that works both ways!)
In recent years too many politicians have relied on focus groups to decide/change polices.
So all the more reason for being supportive of the fact that CEC is trying something quite bold. 'We' have criticised plenty of lesser/misguided attempts with too many compromises (notably George Street!)
It's good that Lesley Hinds is backing (and fronting) this. She is certainly not above criticism - remember the fuss about all-day buslanes?!
On this one she can't even rely on councillors in her own coalition, so it is important that people supporting this say so.
Convincing other people is a bonus - but getting as many people as possible to realise that this could be 'lost' is important.