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Roseburn to Leith consultation begins (and the debate continues!) CCWEL

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  1. gembo

    R Smart, what a guy. Writing to RIBA TO ASK THEM THEIR view.

    H Barbour writing to Sustrans to express MCC's disquiet

    The report is undergoing 'maxwellisation'


    Murrayfield dementia group.

    @hankchief how is it possible to keep a straight face?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  2. Murun Buchstansangur


    Posted 7 years ago #
  3. Klaxon

    Question: Has the Princes St section been quietly dropped? It's implied to still be there by the design of the St Andrew Sq plans, but I can't find it in any of the documents

    Posted 7 years ago #
  4. Stickman

    R Smart .... would write to the Head Teachers of Roseburn Primary School and St George’s School about the implications of Option A for the safety of their pupils.

    Would this be R Smart's opinion about the implications perhaps?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  5. jonty

    I thought the Princes St section was unfortunately dropped a few months ago?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  6. daisydaisy

    The head teacher of Roseburn Primary won't express an opinion on the cycle path.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  7. gembo

    @daisydaisy shame

    Could be

    A. Knows how political this is and wants to remain on good terms with all parents

    B. Knows she/he should be pro cycling but isn't

    C. Some other reason

    Posted 7 years ago #
  8. Stickman

    Another soft trial of the new layout underway: inside lane closed eastbound from Balbirnie Place to the Tesco.

    I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to discuss the resulting traffic chaos.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  9. HankChief

    Another MCC tonight. 7.30pm Murrayfield Parish Church (upper) hall. Ormidale Terrace.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  10. gembo

    @hankchief do you use special yoga breatng techniques to help you to stay awake during these meetings. I had a boss that did that but towards the end of his career he could not take the meetings any longer and the breathing became very audible.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  11. Rosie

    @daisydaisy I get the impression that not many parents drive to Roseburn Primary.

    Loads seem to walk the children to school, either from nearby or from the bus. A few cycle.

    Do schools collect stats on transport?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  12. Roibeard

    @Rosie Do schools collect stats on transport?

    I think there's the annual "hands-up" survey, which I think has become a definitive source of information despite the informal name!


    Posted 7 years ago #
  13. Rosie

    @Roibeard - Thanks - interesting. Hands up looks better than most polls. Children unlikely to lie in such a context (not like "shy Tories" say).

    I'd guess Roseburn would score quite well on bus & walk as it is near good bus services that would then take the parent into the high employment areas in the city centre.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  14. urchaidh

    Do schools collect stats on transport?

    My kids' primary does, I think they all record each morning how they travel. The results are linked to awarding of house points.

    One of the options given is 'park and stride', which appears to mean that you parked near the school and walked some of the way. This is seen as a good thing, though I have no idea if there's a minimum distance and, since no one can drive onto the school grounds or the street in front of the school anyway, I suspect that all car journeys are logged as this.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  15. Rosie

    I live a few doors from Roseburn School. There's free parking in the street & plenty of double parking from tradesmen & the garages. However I've never seen parents park that way. They seem to be well-behaved.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  16. HankChief

    Relatively subdued MCC last night.

    A growing consensusrang of voices within Committee members that the decision has been made and it should be accepted...

    The usual suspects had to have their rant though...

    Murrayfield Church is hosting a hustings on Tuesday 25th April in their Church Hall at 7.30pm. Could be a lively affair.

    Oh, and somebody (not I) put a Spokes newsletter and hustings poster at the back of the room next to where you pick up the agenda & minutes etc.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  17. neddie

    Many schools have a "Travel Plan" which is based on some kind of survey. I'm not sure if the Travel Plan is mandatory for schools or not. The surveys I've seen are arranged by the council.

    For example, at Gillespie's Primary, only 13% of pupils arrive by car (2014 - I think)

    Posted 7 years ago #
  18. chdot


    But asking nicely, appealing to reason, and stressing the benefits to non-cyclists only gets you so far. It cuts no ice with the impassioned minority who care only for their ability to drive in exactly the same way they always have. And the inventions employed by some of our opponents should never be held equivalent to the truth.


    Posted 7 years ago #
  19. Klaxon

    I'm quite sad that the 'final preliminary design' still fails to answer the question 'How do I right turn?' at every single side road.

    At this point it seems there's still both a local and a national 'not invented here' syndrome regarding good practice. This stuff is all new so hopefully a young and open minded department is established, either in Atkins or preferably the council itself, that can do this sort of design with less prejudice than a department wholly made up of staff used to 25-30 years of car comes first briefs.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  20. Rosie

    <i>Oh, and somebody (not I) put a Spokes newsletter and hustings poster at the back of the room next to where you pick up the agenda & minutes etc. </i>

    Expect a few antis to turn up at the Spokes hustings then.

    I'll try & flog them a map...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  21. HankChief

    We've updated our website and included some of the new artist's impressions that CEC have released.

    Let us know what you think...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  22. Stickman

    Minutes from the MCC meeting:

    "J Forbes urged MCC to stop fighting a battle which had already been lost and focus on achieving the best result possible from the project".

    Posted 7 years ago #
  23. HankChief

    LibDem Pamphlet by HankChief, on Flickr

    Posted 7 years ago #
  24. Murun Buchstansangur

    They look like they've just found out someone's eaten their pieces and defecated in their piece boxes

    Posted 7 years ago #
  25. Stickman

    Business plan for the cafe in the park included here:

    There is also a constant flow of dog walkers, elderly people and cyclists through the park. (It is a main thoroughfare on the Water of Leith cycle route, with cyclists travelling through the park to get from the West of the city to destinations East, North and South.
    There is a footfall recording device in the middle of the park. Its data output over the period Apr-Nov 2015 indicated about 450 cycle journeys a day. Foot journeys over the same period average 1800 a day.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  26. Rosie

    @Stickman - thanks for posting that. Interesting.

    P9 "In addition, and as part of the wider vision of the Park, FORP will aim to site cycle parking hoops (for cycling customers) by the cafe..."

    My vision would be to get the cyclists out of the Park & on to the parallel streets. However as Roseburn Terrace's purpose in life is a thoroughfare for cars, who stop at cafes to buy bacon rolls, so Roseburn Park etc...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  27. Rosie

    Also note the demographic - 18% pensioners and higher percentage of car owners than usual.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  28. Frenchy

    My vision would be to get the cyclists out of the Park & on to the parallel streets.

    Whilst I obviously want the nearby streets to be attractive cycling routes, and don't know the area brilliantly, I think lots of people are always going to want to cycle through the park. Whether because it's a more direct connection between where they're going, or it's a more pleasant environment, or they're just learning to cycle, or because they want to visit the cafe. The cafe would be bonkers to ignore that.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  29. Rosie

    @Frenchy - sure. I use the Park as a route to Sainsburys as it avoids Westfield Road and it's a pleasant cycle.

    Shouldn't be a main commuting route though.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  30. Stickman

    The "To Let" signs are down from the old bank and there were people inside it a few days ago. Perhaps another business hasn't been scared off by the cycle lane and is about to open?

    Posted 7 years ago #

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