@LivD - look in the background of the top Right photo.
I chibbed him about it when I sat next to him at MCC last night :-)
Speaking of which, a fairly usual agenda of complaints about speeding, too much traffic, motor vehicles damaging motor vehicles and "terryfied" school kids crossing Murrayfield Ave without a lollipop person before we got to the public realm consultation.
People seemed to like getting the opportunity to contribute to ideas, although someone* threw in the curveball that any greenery next to the carriage way will die due to roadsalt.
I have asked if people not at the stall or MCC can feed in suggestions and will let you know when I hear.
*said individual seemed familiar and having chatted to her recalled that we had worked together on getting a church roof repaired when I lived further into town. This obviously didn't prevent her from saying that because she had seen a cyclist go through a red light without any lights on their bike that "cyclists need to..." (you can guess the rest)