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Roseburn to Leith consultation begins (and the debate continues!) CCWEL

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  1. daisydaisy

    George Street:
    I've been invited to the stakeholders' meeting about the George Street section of Roseburn-Leith on Thursday (7th Dec). I'm going to suggest that they remove the parking and do something like Jan Gehl's design page 132-135 of that document. I'll also say that they can remove the parking because of the huge number of parking spaces provided at the St James development.

    What else would you guys suggest for George St?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  2. neddie

    Pedestrianise the central 2 blocks ( if that wasn’t already in gehls)

    Posted 7 years ago #
  3. HankChief

    Release of the 3 designs for Rejuvenating Roseburn will be released tomorrow.

    "Tomorrow we will be on the Old Coltbridge between 8am-4pm giving a public exhibition of three design options for the Murrayfield Place and Old Coltbridge public realm improvements."

    They'll also be at Murrayfield Community Council's meeting tomorrow evening at 7.30pm.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  4. chdot

    “Rejuvenating Roseburn“

    Is that an official ‘thing’?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  5. HankChief

    That's what CEC called it in CCWEL update 6.

    It's NOT kerb designs or parking that the TRO will cover but making better use if what is public space

    Posted 7 years ago #
  6. HankChief

    Bump. Stall on Coltbridge today until 4pm & MCC meeting tonight.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  7. Stickman

    Picture of the chairperson of Murrayfield CC astride an Elephant Bike!

    Posted 7 years ago #
  8. LivM

    I think they must have changed the photo @Stickman!

    I went along with a grumpy toddler and there seemed to be a good flow of people having a look. The three options for public space all looked good to me, in different ways - honestly I didn't have a preference.

    We got a free cake or two too as 3D cakes and Colpamia had both donated some snacks. Good to see local businesses keen to support the changes!

    Posted 7 years ago #
  9. HankChief

    @LivD - look in the background of the top Right photo.

    I chibbed him about it when I sat next to him at MCC last night :-)

    Speaking of which, a fairly usual agenda of complaints about speeding, too much traffic, motor vehicles damaging motor vehicles and "terryfied" school kids crossing Murrayfield Ave without a lollipop person before we got to the public realm consultation.

    People seemed to like getting the opportunity to contribute to ideas, although someone* threw in the curveball that any greenery next to the carriage way will die due to roadsalt.

    I have asked if people not at the stall or MCC can feed in suggestions and will let you know when I hear.

    *said individual seemed familiar and having chatted to her recalled that we had worked together on getting a church roof repaired when I lived further into town. This obviously didn't prevent her from saying that because she had seen a cyclist go through a red light without any lights on their bike that "cyclists need to..." (you can guess the rest)

    Posted 7 years ago #
  10. chdot

  11. HankChief

    "Cllr Macinnes said: "The CCWEL is one of the most ambitious active travel infrastructure projects currently under way anywhere in Scotland. Once completed, it's anticipated that the largely protected route will dramatically increase cycling rates in Edinburgh, helping particularly less confident bike users to get safely into the heart of the Capital from our popular QuietRoutes network on two wheels. 

    "We've been working very closely with communities and stakeholders right along the CCWEL route to refine detailed designs for the scheme. For this particular section we're looking at greatly improving the public space and we're keen to hear from as many local people as possible on what they want to see there - whether it's planting, public art, seating or other features."  "

    Posted 7 years ago #
  12. chdot

    Cllr Macinnes‘s willingness to promote all this is most welcome and encouraging.

    I hope she realises/appreciates some of the effort made by lots of people (quite a few on here) over the past couple of years.

    A lot of thanks must go to Lesley Hinds, her predecessor, who backed this scheme in the face of some vocal opposition!

    Posted 7 years ago #
  13. LivM

    @HankChief new email just come through from Ruridgh on the project and I finally see the photo you were talking about :)

    Option 3 (of Coltbridge amenity layout) seems to get the vote, but with elements from options 1 & 2.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  14. chdot

    City Centre West to East Cycle Link and Street Improvements – Update 7

    More information regarding the CCWEL project can be found at our dedicated project web-page:

    More information regarding ‘Rejuvenating Roseburn – Delivering the Roseburn Action Plan’ can be found at the web-page:

    Posted 7 years ago #
  15. neddie

    Regarding the Roseburn to Haymarket section...

    The next stage of the Order process, involves a public consultation which will take place early next year

    Another consultation?

    Why? Oh why?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  16. chdot

    “Why? Oh why?”

    Indeed, but I think it was part of the deal for getting certain parties to not object to the process proceeding (aka going forward).

    Posted 7 years ago #
  17. HankChief

    Murrayfield Community Council will be discussing their response to the TROs at their meeting on Tuesday. 7.30pm Murrayfield Church (upper hall).

    We have a special private pre-meeting of the MCC on Monday, so we'll see how much of the decisions are made before the public meeting.

    The actual TROs should be coming out later this month, so get ready for some more fun & games.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  18. HankChief

    A useful couple of MCC meetings this week.

    Yesterday we discussed the upcoming TROs which helped improved understanding. Some interesting debates about how much to prioritise parking on the surrounding street for short term parking or local residents.

    One thing I found out tonight which sounds a very clever idea is to link the traffic light timings for the pedestrian crossing near the bridge with the Tesco junction lights so that traffic is held at either end outside of the Roseburn Canyon.

    The TRO process looks likely to start next month, with some drop in sessions to take interested parties through the detail.

    Tonight we had a presentation on Rejuvenating Roseburn. Some very interesting ideas from the children.

    linkee - 5th document

    Have a look at the amount of space available for the kids to play on the traffic island on slide 45ish

    Both the TROs & Rejuvanating Roseburn will be discussed in more detail at the next MCC on 27th February.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  19. chdot

  20. gembo

    That island is like a modern day swallows and amazons with the roads as the peril from the lake.

    Very good consultation report I thought.

    One of the more interesting MCC meetings?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  21. HankChief

    Yes. A very good couple of meetings.

    The highlight last night was the young chap from Corstorphine Emergency Response who said they were getting a cycle response unit as it is so much quicker to get around than a car. (They are volunteers who aim to get to incidents before the ambulance's 8 minute target)

    Posted 7 years ago #
  22. chdot


    Notwithstanding all-party support, the jury may be out on the cycle-track’s citywide benefits until long after it has been delivered, but meantime the City Council are working hard to demonstrate the benefits for the wider public realm. At Roseburn the local community’s long-held aspirations for improvement of the environment in the vicinity of the Old Coltbridge across the Water of Leith have been embraced in a project to rejuvenate the public spaces outwith the cycle-track. Schoolchildren have produced designs and day-long public consultations been held on what people like and don’t like about the area which have produced a focus on opportunities for local events or for more greenery in support of the river’s role as a wildlife corridor. People who had every reason to be instinctively critical have found themselves pleased to have their concerns taken patiently on board over issues such as maintenance of the resultant streetscape or the sustainability of ideas like a local market.

    Whatever the merits or otherwise of a cycle-track given Scotland’s unforgiving climate and Edinburgh’s challenging topography, the City Council’s officers are to be commended on the way they have gone about raising awareness that provision of cycling infrastructure can offer wider benefits to the public realm.


    Posted 6 years ago #
  23. neddie

    They just had to go and spoil it with, “why would anyone cycle when there’s rain & hills?”

    Posted 6 years ago #
  24. I were right about that saddle

    given Scotland’s unforgiving climate and Edinburgh’s challenging topography

    Yes, life here is awful. Impossible in fact. We can only aspire to the Atacama.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  25. Rosie

    @ all above - mostly positive though and good general points about the lack of political clout/prestige of being a transport minister. Janette Sadik-Khan says that being in charge of sewerage and transport is a position of importance as you touch everyone's lives. Not everyone requires the NHS or to be educated but we all walk/catch buses (agoraphobics excluded).

    Posted 6 years ago #
  26. crowriver

    Never mind, the Scottish Transport Studies Group is a bit behind the times. Here's their research paper on Greening Transport, published October 1990:

    Though it does contain much in the way of sensible recommendations, perhaps a paper that took account of developments in the last 28 years or so would be a welcome update?

    Posted 6 years ago #
  27. Rob

    "They just had to go and spoil it with, “why would anyone cycle when there’s rain & hills?”"

    When commenting on/objecting to/considering objections to cycling infrastructure there really should be a standard test - could this be said about pavements without sounding completely bonkers?

    Objections which don't pass this test should be filed under "I can't see myself using it/like things the way they are".

    Posted 6 years ago #
  28. chdot

  29. Rosie

    @chdot Hazarding a guess that the local worthies dislike Hibs fans even more than cyclists....

    Posted 6 years ago #
  30. Blueth

    Police obviously have difficulty understanding the meaning of "spontaneous"?

    Posted 6 years ago #

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