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Roseburn to Leith consultation begins (and the debate continues!) CCWEL

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  1. chdot

    “are functioning as facilitators and fixers, not leaders”

    I suppose it depends what you mean by “functioning”.

    ‘We’ have to accept that ‘we’ have an agenda (probably several).

    We want better facilities to allow/encourage more people to cycle in ‘safety’.

    Partly self-interest and partly with the genuine belief that more cycling (and walking) AND less driving would be better for (most) people - AND ‘value for money’.

    BUT CEC is stick with ‘not enough money’. Blaming Holyrood or Westminster or International Capitalism doesn’t alter the fact that the way things are isn’t great.

    Plenty money for re-creating the St. James Centre, NEW roads and new shiny new rail lines (London and England only it seems) but not putting bollards in Gayfield Square etc.

    And little sign of leadership that can begin to fix this.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  2. gembo

    Edinburgh in 2050, let's make it car free

    Posted 6 years ago #
  3. HankChief

    I missed last month's MCC. My absence didn't seem to have made a difference to the usual views...

    Posted 6 years ago #
  4. Rosie

    Public Meeting on Cycling in Roseburn Park minutes

    Held on Monday pm so working folk couldn't go.

    The minutes say the park turns into a "motorway" for cyclists from 7:30am. This indicates 2 things:-

    that commuting by cycle from Corstorphine and the tramway route has become very popular;
    that this could be accommodated by a segregated route on the A8 along from Corstorphine accessed easily by cycling traffic at Riversdale Crescent.

    Shame I couldn't be there to put forward that suggestion. I would have been heartily acclaimed.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  5. Greenroofer

    Just reading those minutes is enough to get a feel for the atmosphere and tone of that meeting...

    I'm also amazed that half of those who attended claimed not to have email. If true, it shows what a particular narrow demographic was present...

    Posted 6 years ago #
  6. Stickman

    @Greenroofer: the meeting was held in the retirement flats beside the park so I suspect it was quite a narrow demographic and so I can believe the stat on email is true.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  7. I don't get this 'motorway' claim. I come through the park in the afternoon around 4.20pm, when you'd expect that it would be a motorway again as people who made it a 'motorway' in the morning are heading home again, but I rarely see anyone else on a bike at that time.

    It's certainly not a motorway at 6.20am, though the park is being extensively used as a dog-toilet at that time ;-)

    Posted 6 years ago #
  8. Stickman

    I guess that’s what happens when the meeting organiser has spent the last few years going door-to-door telling people how dangerous bikes are. Some people believe him.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  9. gembo

    How many of those at this meeting also voted for Brexit?

    Posted 6 years ago #
  10. paulmilne

    When I go through sometimes there are quite a few other bicyclists using the paths. Hardly a motorway though.

    Could be easily solved by building a separate bicycle track adjacent to the footpath. It's not like there's a lack of space.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  11. Stickman

  12. Frenchy

    Aside from the CCWEL stuff in there, this was interesting for a few different reasons:

    In response to a question from the Chairman about a teenage girl using a motorised skateboard on the pavement of Murrayfield Gardens PC Sinclair confirmed that a skateboard is not allowed on the road and, therefore, has to be used on the pavement. He told the local resident, who had complained that this activity was dangerous, that no offence had been committed, but that if the resident found out where the teenager lives, he would be prepared to go and speak to her.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  13. jonty

    Perhaps the conversation progressed to non-powered skateboards, but surely it can't be used on any public land if it's motorised?

    Posted 6 years ago #
  14. Morningsider

    Frenchy - I'm pretty sure the policeman was mistaken on this one. It is an offence under Section 129 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 to use a vehicle (which would include an electric skateboard) on a footway or foot path and anything other than a bike on a cycle track. It is also highly likely that the use of an electric skateboard on the carriageway would be an offence under Road Traffic law, as they do not meet basic vehicle design requirements.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  15. Stickman

    Roseburn Gardens is currently closed to traffic due to roadworks. Will this cause TRAFFIC CHAOS?

    Posted 6 years ago #
  16. Rosie

    Sticky - the traffic was banked up along Roseburn Street both ways at Murrayfield tram stop, which is very unusual. Cleared at about 6:30.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  17. Arellcat

    @Stickman, yes, yes it did.

    @Rosie, I attempted to cycle from Roseburn Park to Roseburn Terrace/West Coates at about 15.45 today, and the traffic jam was awful. A lot of drivers were coming west along Roseburn Place from Russell Road/Roseburn Street, I know not why, but evidently they were heading for Roseburn Gardens, which as I already knew and they didn't, was being dug up at the A8 end. That created a logjam as they all tried to 3-point turn at the wider section by the chiropractic clinic, while the unaware oncoming drivers created a moving blockade that all but prevented anyone from getting out of Roseburn Place onto Roseburn Street!

    I rued the lack of manoeuverability of the torpedo, and filtered past a few cars, all of whom were positioned to turn left at the big junction, while I was aiming to get to West Coates and George Street. An idiot driver tried to turn right out of Russell Road and nearly took my nose off as I was already occupying that bit of tarmac.

    The east end of Princes Street seemed quite relaxed in comparison.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  18. Rosie

    @Arellcat - ooh - I didn't commute by cycle today and from what you say I'm quite put off doing it tomorrow as the Russell Road/Roseburn Street/Roseburn Terrace intersection is fairly nasty at ordinary times.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  19. steveo

    Mental again this morning, I diverted round the school then up Russell road.

    I was stuck behind a van clearly looking for somewhere to park when some moron overtook me just before the corner to go under the tram/railway. Dunno where they thought they were going.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  20. Stickman

    This morning a couple of drivers actually ignored the Road Closed sign at the foot of Roseburn Gardens before realising they couldn’t get through, forcing a 3 point turn.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  21. Rosie

    I cycled this morning - nice day for it - and the traffic wasn't particularly banked on Roseburn Street- a bit more than normal, but not radically so.

    However I didn't take the junction as I imagined it full of impatient drivers so went along Roseburn Place and up Roseburn Gardens, crossing Roseburn Terrace at the ped Xing. I did witness someone doing a 3 point turn at the chiropractors.

    It was flowing along the A8 until you hit the Haymarket tangle, which I avoid on Magdala Crescent.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  22. Rosie

    Tonight - Russell Road no more banked up than usual.
    Roseburn Street - banked as far as Roseburn Drive.
    Nothing too out of the way.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  23. chdot

  24. steveo

    I realised on Thursday as I rode down the line of traffic outside the chipshop at Roseburn. In the 5 months I've been making this commute it's the first time there hasn't been a vehicle "loading" at the time I go past (usually between 4 and 6 in the evening.)

    Posted 6 years ago #
  25. HankChief

    Fairly standard MCC last night...

    I won't bore you with all the details.

    The Rejuvenating Roseburn consultation in the Spring will include an option to open up the Water of Leith between the bridges with some decking so you can overlook it. Some members of the committee are dead against it and tried to stop it despite a vote in favour (of it being included in the consultation) at the last meeting.

    PG is also rallying the traders to try to claim for loss of earnings due to the Cycle Route...

    Posted 6 years ago #
  26. I were right about that saddle

    PG is also rallying the traders to try to claim for loss of earnings due to the Cycle Route...

    We should rally the traders' landlords to throw a party to celebrate their increased earnings.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  27. chdot

    All the shops still in business?

    Posted 6 years ago #
  28. gembo

    I went by the PG Illegal Parking Zone outside the shops one day a couple of weeks ago outwith commuting time and it was rammed with illegally parked white vans. So rammed I could not see how any of them would be able to get out.

    Why when PG cycles everywhere is he so against cycling? Also how can he argue on future loss of earnings based on removal of illegal parking? Oh yes, I remember now he is more than two standard deviations from the mean.

    In other PG type news I understand in another part of Edinburgh near portobello some ardent dog walkers who previously found the. Figgate Park the wrong sort of park when the scrubland across from their houses was to be turned into a new school, now find the Figgate Park to be an acceptable park when a new park is proposed on the site of an old school to be knocked down. Further, despite lengthy three year consultation period on the new park proposal these doughty campaigners are saying they were not consulted on the demolition of the old school merely on the creation. Of the park on the site post demolition.

    What is wrong with people.. . .? Apparently Mike Russell introduced the need for extensive consultation when he was education secretary and argylland bute were closing schools, one of which his wife was the headteacher of and he found out he could not do anything to stop it.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  29. urchaidh

    thread drift warning

    @gembo In Porty, PG would be considered an amateur.

    Most of these folk now campaigning to 'save' the school had previously campaigned for it to be knocked down as it adjoined the old PHS site. They hoped the extra space would allow a new PHS to be built on the combined sites. They suggested building replacement on... Figgate Park.

    Once it be became clear the the new PHS was going to be built on a new site *they* led the campaign for a new park on the old site - the park they are now complaining about.

    Several of these campaigners are also co-conspirators of your school robot chum.

    Posted 6 years ago #
  30. chdot

    Thread drift nearly out of control -

    Posted 6 years ago #

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