Assuming there is space for it to exist after works complete, could a bay not be repainted outside of a white line without changing the restriction?
CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure
Roseburn to Leith consultation begins (and the debate continues!) CCWEL
(5569 posts)-
Posted 6 years ago #
"Thanks to @LStreetsScot for visiting our assembly today to explain all about their year-round walk to school challenge. You can earn a badge by walking/scooting/cycling to school one day each week."
Posted 5 years ago # -
The call for compensation by the shopkeepers has hit the news.
I had to respond...
Posted 5 years ago # -
The petition closed on 31/1 with 28 business and 89 individual signatures. Slightly fewer than the 6000 claimed in the petition against the plans.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Wonder if there's mileage (geddit) in a petition calling for parking-obsessed shop-owners in Edinburgh's most polluted corridor to compensate every other city resident for the damage to their health?
Posted 5 years ago # -
The art shop on Haymarket Terrace (which was the bagpipe shop) is one of the businesses seeking compensation. It opened *after* the decision was made to build the bike lane.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Didn't realise the public hearing documents (including all objections) was public...
Posted 5 years ago # -
my word those objections.... my eyes hurt.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Many of them seem to be cut-and-paste copies, all starting with:
"I object to reducing parking by 35%..."
35% presumably being some kind of Trump-esque made up figure...
Posted 5 years ago # -
No I haven’t read them all.
I urge City Councillors to demand a simulation of the traffic‐light sequence before taking it forward.
Presume something has already been done?
Posted 5 years ago # -
I currently live in ... Murrayfield Avenue, within 100m of the junction to Roseburn Terrace. During peak times the traffic queues on Murrayfield Avenue stretch past Henderland road and it takes me approximately 20-30 minutes from outside my house to drive the 400metres to Russell road in order to take my daughter to Meggetland to play her sports
A journey of exactly 2 miles:
A journey that could be cycled entirely off-road if the Roseburn to Canal link were built...
Crikey. If his daughter were old enough, she could even cycle it alone, building independence and autonomy and freeing the parent to do other things (like spending money in the Roseburn shops).
Posted 5 years ago # -
@neddie, the one you quote is I believe from Uncle Vernon? He could walk with his daughter, this would help her sports, get him some exercise etc.,stuck in the car for half an hour to go such a short distance must make his life very miserable.
They will soon be objecting to us all knowing their addresses.
Posted 5 years ago # -
The impact on the safety of cyclists would be even greater than that of crashed vehicles.
Glorious. The power of Google reveals one objector to be a member of;
* Murrayfield golf club
* West End Bridge Club
* Edinburgh Walton Angling Club
* Royal and Ancient Golf ClubEvery dog must have his day but this is pampered pooch territory.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Quite clubbable then that objector. To be fair when a cycle route goes by your house you might not like it. Hard to believe from our perspective. For example I have one to the rear of my property and one at the front. I wave, smile, offer tools to fix repairs etc. But if I was made of gammon I would not likee.
Now we are in to a certain territory, something going by your house is not something going through your house? So whilst you can have a view and indeed freely express it. This should carry little more weight than someone living elsewhere and indeed less weight in the Gembo universe than someone who is going to give up driving a car to cycle on a safe direct route into Edinburgh.
Again, in the Gembo universe. Giving up driving a car is a very good thing. The planet is dying in 11 years ( source Extinction Rebellion), we have an obesity crisis, our snowflake children have no resilience, et cetera. Something better change. (source JJ Burnell et al)
Posted 5 years ago # -
So what Morningsider, this is of no relevance when one is 100 per cent murrayfield community council gammon.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Some very pompous and self-important people objecting to this, judging by the "outraged of Tumbridge Wells" tone of many of the letters.
Does spouting prejudices about "bicyclists" constitute valid grounds for objection?
Posted 5 years ago # -
Does spouting prejudices about "bicyclists" constitute valid grounds for objection?
Mmm, yes, but, given that the officials who wrote the consultation in the first place are most likely aware of, and planned for the receipt of responses from, shall we say, 'the usual correspondents', said predjudices will be noted but also taken in the wider context of improvements with respect to the administration of government policy.
That is a Sir Humphrey way of saying yes but no.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Other than the “don’t pay road tax” complainers my favourites are the one from the guy who drives 2 miles that neddie mentioned and also the one that says Roseburn Street (which Roseburn Primary is on) is too dangerously polluted to be a safe route to school for children.
Posted 5 years ago # -
I enjoyed the suggestion of a mandatory 3mph maximum speed limit for cyclists around bus stops. He clearly hasn't seen how much of a wobbly nuisance I can be at that speed
Posted 5 years ago # -
It is gently amusing how the Reporter has carefully redacted the email addresses of many correspondents while leaving their postal addresses in full view.
The tone is reminiscent of much below-the-line commentary about cyclists: there's a pseudo-legalistic turn of phrase to it. Presumably the writers have persuaded themselves that by sounding legalistic (and slightly pompous) their words will have more impact.
Posted 5 years ago # -
there's a pseudo-legalistic turn of phrase to it
Golf-fish-bridge man is the retired head of residential conveyancing for a well-known Edinburgh behemoth.
Posted 5 years ago # -
In defence of the gammon, I bet when we all object we strike similar objectionable tones
Posted 5 years ago # -
"I object to reducing parking by 35%" ... apart from whether that is actually true, it does have a cut and paste feel to it. I wonder if somebody is supplying text, much the way FoE or Greenpeace might when organising a write in campaign?
Posted 5 years ago # -
"I object to reducing parking by 35%"
Sounds so much better than "I object to reducing parking by 1 space" - which is more like what it actually is.
It makes it sound like there are literally hundreds of spaces and they're about to lose a good percentage of them
Posted 5 years ago # -
The responses from the Roseburn Traders and a few others are identical. PGTips wrote the original: further on all of these objections refer to living in a house locally for 13 years. It’s either a very busy house or none of them bothered reading what was being submitted in their name.
Posted 5 years ago # -
You know what it's like in these poorer working class areas, families tend to stay close and not move far from where they grew up.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Another statutory consultation coming up: this time for the section between Haymarket and Randolph Place. Early March.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Randolph Place?
Posted 5 years ago # -
There's going to be some focus on Roseburn over the next week or so as the Traders' petition for compensation goes in front of TEC next Tuesday.
Here's Roseburn Cycle Group's reminder of the benefits of the scheme
Posted 5 years ago #
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