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Roseburn to Leith consultation begins (and the debate continues!) CCWEL

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  1. Rosie

    @Stickman - to be fair, he does live locally.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  2. gembo

    @Rosie, so the existing pollution in the canyon has maybe messed with his mind?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  3. Rosie

    @gembo Le Petit Canyon, as distinct from the Grand Canyon.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  4. Stickman

  5. I were right about that saddle

    We want to know why the tubes were not replaced for 7 years

    Saints preserve us.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  6. neddie

    There's a lot of "We want... We want..." in that FOI.


    either side of what is a narrow street carrying 22,000 vehicles a day - shows pollution levels similar to ... the most polluted street in Scotland

    There's your problem right there. 22,000 vehicles a day. Narrow the road down, add the bike "track", reduce the capacity at the junctions and that 22,000 will evaporate into 11,000 in no time. Solved.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  7. wingpig

    Now more bee than bonnet.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  8. steveo

    Thats the bit that pickled my brain, he acknowledges the enormous volumes of traffic but is trying to block every attempt to reduce them.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  9. I were right about that saddle

    Lawsuits not kidgloves.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  10. acsimpson

    Even in a simple FOI request he can't bring himself to be truthful. Given his history I have to suspect he is being willingly deceitful rather than accidentally ignorant by referring to St John's Road as the most polluted in Scotland.

    A simple google search suggest's it wasn't even in the top 3 last year:

    In 2017 it ranked 2nd for NO2 and further down the list for PM10.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  11. Ed1

    Its looks st Johns road was the 4th most polluted for road for NOx in 2018

    Posted 5 years ago #
  12. Morningsider

    The reason the old automatic monitoring station at Roseburn was removed is set out in the Council's Local air quality management report 2018, which states:

    "Now decommissioned, it was located on footbridge over the water of Leith 7.6m from kerb edge. Set back from line of residential property. Does not take account of canyon at Roseburn Terrace."

    A new non-automatic monitor was installed on the south side of Roseburn Terrace at the start of 2017, joining an older one on the north side. The data in the 2018 annual report shows annual mean NO2 readings of 35 microgramme/m3 for the south side and 27 microgramme/m3 for the north side.

    However, the 2017 figure for the north side looks anomalous - the five year average is 32.6. There is only one year's data for the south side, making it effectively worthless.

    What does this all show - there are too many cars.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  13. Stickman

    So the air pollution expert is going to write to Roseanna Cunningham about the potential rise in NOx under the bike lane plans “as there is a legal and moral duty to meet standard.”

    As far as I can tell, he hasn’t made a comment about reducing or otherwise mitigating current traffic volumes along this road.

    Although it would be the most SNP car-centric thing ever if their Holyrood contingent were to cancel the plans on air pollution grounds. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they did.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  14. HankChief

    SGN are going to dig up Roseburn Terrace for 13 weeks starting in Mid May...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  15. Stickman

    13 weeks is probably long enough to begin to see traffic evaporation.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  16. gembo

    @stickman, I think that the preposterous Idea that an improved cycle way will increase pollution is so preposterous that our politicians will spot how bonkers it is.

    The gas network roadworks will clearly also increase pollution. Ah wait no they won't as traffic will redistribute. Like it would do if a cycle way caused impediment (which it won't)

    What a load of wasted time and effort just to allow a couple of shopkeepers to continue their illegal parking.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  17. acsimpson

    If only the cycle lane hadn't been delayed there would be improved loading and parking options just around the corner.

    My prediction is the shopkeepers will attempt to use these 13 weeks as an example of what it will be like in the future. However just like in previous roadworks it is missing most of the improvement elements. The junction closures will give an element of filtered permeability though.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  18. Stickman

    This petition is being lodged.

    I fully expect Cllrs Glover (LibDem) and Douglas (Tory) to use this to continue their opposition to the plans.

    It. Will. Never. End.

    EDIT: The council website shows that the petition has been declared invalid: “Invalid in terms of 2.2 of our petitions criteria as it contains false or defamatory statements.”

    Posted 5 years ago #
  19. Rosie


    The council website shows that the petition has been declared invalid: “Invalid in terms of 2.2 of our petitions criteria as it contains false or defamatory statements.”

    Cripes - where is the link for that?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  20. Morningsider

    Stickman - Unless the "expert" objected to the TRO during the formal consultation period, any letter to Scottish Ministers counts for hee-haw. The reply will likely be "Thank you for your letter, your comments have been noted. Signed - A Minion".

    If I wanted to neutralise this argument then I would focus on the impact that the city centre transformation, the low emission zone, the predicted fall in vehicle emissions and the cycle lane itself is likely to have on air pollution in Roseburn. No need to be specific - simply praise MSPs and Councillors for such forward thinking policies that are bound to produce substantial reductions in emissions. Then - just raise a (verbal or actual) eyebrow at the argument that encouraging modal shift to active and sustainable travel and encouraging the use of cleaner vehicles will increase pollution.

    Let the politicians feel the love for their great foresight - always a better approach than firing emissions statistics around like confetti and hinting at dark forces conspiring to suppress emissions data by decommissioning sensors.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  21. Stickman

  22. Rosie


    Well, that answer was short and sweet.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  23. Rosie

    Just saw some Just Eat cycles in Roseburn Street (where I live).

    Posted 5 years ago #
  24. HankChief

    Rejuvenating Roseburn: Drop in session today 13:00 - 18:00 on the old Coltbridge.

    Consultation closes 7th May.

    The Roseburn Cycle Route Group's view

    Posted 5 years ago #
  25. HankChief

    Someone has defaced the information boards at Roseburn Coltbridge...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  26. unhurt

    They do know other people can do guerrilla signage too, yes?

    Though I would have skipped the vandalism (I thought it was cyclists who were antisocial scofflaws?)

    Posted 5 years ago #
  27. I were right about that saddle

    Three cans of spray paint and poster-affixing equipment? Shows commitment.

    Be interesting to read the posters if an image were available.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  28. HankChief

    IWRATS - guess who's behind the poster...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  29. steveo

    A viewing platform on an arterial route that only thieves will use
    (Murrayfield burglars use the riverbank to escape police)

    That guys level of paranoia must be wearing on those around him.

    • Loss of existing trees and undergrowth

    Wonder if he put up this much fight to the flood protection.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  30. I were right about that saddle

    It never occurred to me that that person could be involved.

    That site is a gloriously mad rabbit-hole.

    Posted 5 years ago #

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