SPOKES response to consultation
Deadline 7 May 2019
SPOKES supports the recent proposals for improving the local environment around the Water of Leith in Roseburn.
However, SPOKES believes that significant improvements in the environment of Roseburn as a whole will only be possible when measures have been put in place to reduce the level of motor traffic passing through the area which is the major cause of poor air quality and noise. We look forward to the Council bringing forward suitable measures as part of its air quality and city mobility strategies.
Specifically on the detailed proposals currently out to consultation, we have the following comments:
1. The Council has undertaken to ensure that cycling will be possible across the Old Bridge over the Water of Leith. Any renewal of the surfacing on the bridge should be consistent with the Council’s Strategy on Setts which states that:
As such, any construction or re‐construction of setted streets in Edinburgh which is regularly used by cyclists and pedestrians should use setts in a way that facilitates active travel. This may mean using the sawn edge on the upward facing side or, especially at crossing points for walking and, where possible, design features, such as strips of flat‐top setts to aid cycling.
Details of this will be established in the Street Design Guidance factsheet on setted streets
2. The Council should ensure that effective measures are taken to prevent cars from parking across the entrance/exit to this bridge on Murrayfield Place which could obstruct access by both cyclists and pedestrians.
3. Before going ahead with these environmental improvement measures, the Council should check that none of the detailed proposals would obstruct the extension of the CCWEL westwards. We understand that it is possible that the City Mobility strategy may commit the Council to progressively constructing segregated cycleways on all the main arterial routes into central Edinburgh. If this policy is adopted then an extension of the CCWEL towards Corstorphine and beyond would be a top priority.