“Committees have to accept deputations.“
I think you mean ‘usually allow’.
CityCyclingEdinburgh was launched on the 27th of October 2009 as "an experiment".
CCE is 15years old!
Well done to ALL posters
It soon became useful and entertaining. There are regular posters, people who add useful info occasionally and plenty more who drop by to watch. That's fine. If you want to add news/comments it's easy to register and become a member.
RULES No personal insults. No swearing.
“Committees have to accept deputations.“
I think you mean ‘usually allow’.
I suppose the gillet jaune was a clue. Agree that Cllr MacInnes handled that poor man with great aplomb.
Tremendous eye-roll from Lesley as PGTips rambled on. Spare a thought for the Committee Clerk - her face said it all, and she has to read through the committee rules to find the exact paragraph allowing them to chuck him out.
Earlier the Art Shop guy delivered his greatest hits on why he should get money because a small change in parking will turn the area into a ghost town. He chuntered on for a while about how the council support scheme at Brighton Place was rubbish and how the area wasn’t like Roseburn. Magnificently skewered by Karen Doran who asked if he knew that the scheme applied to all of Portobello including the High Street, which was a busy through road with lots of shops. As always, when confronted with facts, he looked confused and said “parking” and “ghost town” a few more times. Told in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t getting any money.
Did he forget to mention that other areas aren't like roseburn because they don't have a business which has shrunk 80% over the last 10 years and may or may not still be on a downward spiral?
Plan ahead folk, remember it's better to start paying into a pension late than not at all.
"that poor man"
Most of his troubles seem self-inflicted, but as gembo suggests, it appears there is an inner turmoil which is now in all too public view. Thinking back on what he was like twenty years ago, I suppose the signs were there even then, it's just that certain traits became progressively more shrill and out of kilter over the years. Very sad, and a lesson for us all in there somewhere.
I dealt with an individual with a personality disorder as a line manager once. Read up on it and came across the sentence 'either the individual can suffer or everyone around them can suffer'.
I decided that they should suffer and suffered as a result but I still felt a bit sorry for them.
I see that the retired SEPA consultant has deleted his Twitter account and with it all his tweets claiming worsening pollution because of the bike lane. Perhaps he’s realised who he had got into bed with?
One of the disasters of all this is that serious, considered opposition will be drowned out by the crazy. Good ideas are always refined in the light of contrary ones.
If there's no modal shift Roseburn will just become a hellhole with a cycle track. And if there's poor design or no enforcement that track will have vehicles parked on top of it. And if the cycle track doesn't connect to other tracks then no one will use it.
(regarding the deletion of misleading tweets)
@IWRATS - I do think with the amount of traffic that goes through Roseburn Park at present it will be used. I can see what you mean though - to get real use it should run right along the A8.
@Stickman - SEPAman did seem to be an okay and serious guy. However I would like to know if air quality has ever been regarded as a problem by the Murrayfield CC except in relation to the cycle route..
The report they put together years ago before this whole farrago did call Roseburn Terrace a noisy, congested, polluted unpleasant environment. They didn’t get up in arms about it until the bike lane though. Wonder why.
And if there's poor design or no enforcement that track will have vehicles parked on top of it. And if the cycle track doesn't connect to other tracks then no one will use it.
Not feeling very hopeful today. Bike infra design standards / implementation in Edinburgh are giving me something like mild despair after getting the best friend out on a bike with me for the first time in some years... It's just so often BAD.
The simulations of the Kings Theatre Toytown Track made my eyes hurt. I put the Dutch infra manual in my feedback. They will ignore me.
@iwrats I queried the contraflows being the only cycle lanes that weren't mentioned as being segregated, and suggested Dutch or Danish traffic engineers being brought in.
PGTips’ battle against the world continues: he’s now starting a campaign against local news reporter David Bol who he says has reported inaccurately on him.
Anyone who doesn’t know Mr Bol should immediately follow him on Twitter. He live tweets every committee that matters, and it is free of the spin or editorial that later makes it to the newspapers
I agree. David Bol seems to be the last remaining decent journo at Scotsman publications. Maybe he can turn out the lights when they’re all gone.
@neddie, @klaxon - he’s funded by a scheme that puts journalists into local newspapers to report on local council issues. I think this means he has to be genuinely impartial, which probably explains why he’s doing a good job.
Bol's one of the good guys. That's a really valuable service, a tweet stream of Council meetings.
@Stickman - he really is turning into someone you avoid eye contact with.
I found a picture of the demo outside the City Chambers. PG, and two of the traders, the Art E Facts guy in a gas mask, the other holding a placard "Save Baby Finn." The other is Turkish and his English isn't that great. I wonder if he knows what he's got into?
That the cafe owner? Quite worrying that both traders aligning with PG. surely everyone now running the other way.
Were they successful in deflecting attention away from whoever carried out the vandalism of the signage? By being even more bonkers?
@gembo We can't say it was them who did the vandalising. The police sergeant gave the Murrayfield CC a lecture on the selfishness and anti-democracy of such an act, and said they were pursuing their inquiries, including CCTV from local businesses.
"pursuing their inquiries, including CCTV from local businesses."
Hm, criminal damage charges pending?
The TROs for the next section of CCWEL (Haymarket to Charlotte Sq) have been released...
Let us & the consultation know what you think
Any word on the TRAFFIC CHAOS caused by the gasworks on Roseburn Terrace? EdinburghTravel twitter hasn’t mentioned it, so I’m guessing that the world is still turning.
“Ruth Davidson's baby Finn has a long life ahead of him if we all pull together to protect him from the harmful pollution effects of the CCWEL. The CCWEL is removing a line of parking, thus bringing noxious nitrogen dioxide gasses that much close to Ruth Davidson's office door.
If we all contribute just a fiver, we shall be able to get Ruth a "David Bol" gasbag for her baby. The CCWEL construction starts in a few month's time, so give now - for purchase in time for when construction starts.
To find out just how bad the pollution will get, go to http://www.tinyurl.com/roseburnplume
* Note - none of the surplus monies raised will go to David Bol, for he has his own fundraiser to help him go to Napier and learn how to be a real journalist, one who checks facts before committing pen to paper. David has his own fundraiser at http://www.gofundme.com/david-bol-training“
Councillor Gillian Gloyer recently asked what air quality studies had been done in advance of the decision to route the CCWEL along Roseburn Terrace (Transport and Environment Committee meeting, 16 May 2019). Mr. Kennedy responded by saying that the Council has evidence and modelling work that shows that the situation will not deteriorate in Roseburn Terrace, as a result of the proposed changes to the road layout. In fact, he suggested that conditions would improve.
I would therefore like to make a request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act as follows:
I would be grateful if the City of Edinburgh Council would direct me to the modelling work that supports Mr. Kennedy’s claim that the proposed CCWEL and subsequent changes to Roseburn Terrace will not increase the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide on the south side of the Terrace.
I would be grateful if the City of Edinburgh Council would provide me with evidence that supports Mr. Kennedy’s claim that the proposed CCWEL and subsequent changes to Roseburn Terrace will improve air quality.
I would also be grateful if the City of Edinburgh Council would provide me with evidence that shows that the proposed CCWEL and subsequent changes to Roseburn Terrace will not have a detrimental impact on the health and wellbeing of the people who live and work in Roseburn Terrace.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
John Lamb“
That Go Fund Me is deranged and disturbing. As is the other one set up by the same person which is linked in the blurb.
At what point does Roseburn's most earnest correspondent's verbally threatening behaviour cross the line into libel and defamation?
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