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Roseburn to Leith consultation begins (and the debate continues!) CCWEL

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  1. HankChief

    "The hearing should be interesting. Double checked with the case worker and the public can attend on 04/11 and 05/11".

    Anyone able to stomach this and keep us abreast of progress?

    P.s. latest responses to others' submissions should be going onto the dpea imminently. I have seen but don't agree with the MCC one...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  2. CycleAlex

    I should be there on Monday - quite curious about the process. Whether I'll be allowed back on Tuesday is a whole different question :)

    Noticed that the section two RSO still hasn't been uploaded to the DPEA site. Hopefully things are at least happening in the background...?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  3. Rosie

    The 2019 Cycle Scotland Conference is on 4 & 5 November. Rather than having a load of talk from the attendees, they should all cycle round the hearing waving placards.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  4. CycleAlex

    The council is proposing modifications to the RSO and/or TRO. Documents aren't available yet but I can't imagine it'll be anything but further concessions...

    "CEC 52 – the Council has submitted drawings showing the proposed modifications and is double
    checking the measurements for the text modifications to the Orders for the Reporter. The text
    of the proposed modifications will follow in the next few days. "

    Posted 5 years ago #
  5. Stickman

    What fresh hell is this?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  6. CycleAlex

    Does anyone know how wide the bidirectional cycleways will be? I can't find an exact figure but can find multiple mentions of it being narrowed for more road space.

    Grumble grumble flagship scheme...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  7. HankChief

    2metres width going past the Roseburn Terrace shops.

    In other news, last night's MCC referenced Greta Thurnberg twice... both in reference to keeping trees at new development <sigh>

    Posted 5 years ago #
  8. Rosie

    The MCC is allowing a cycle storage unit to be installed without making a fuss, except for which street it's placed in (reasonably). I'm amazed that such a device won't cause pollution/destroy trade.

    Cycle parking units here:-

    Posted 5 years ago #
  9. Snowy

    Hopefully the leases will be set at a sensible rate, reflecting the fact that so many more bikes can be stored in the space of one car, and that they are zero emission.

    In my zone a car with sub-100g/km Co2 costs £35.50 for an annual permit.

    Divide that by 6 bikes (minimum) in the same space. Yup, I'd happily pay £6 for on-street bike parking.

    But being reasonable, and reflecting some charge for (probably minimal) maintenance, I'd probably go as high as £20 annually.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  10. jonty

    Last I heard the price was going to be comparable to a high-emissions parking permit, has anything changed since?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  11. Murun Buchstansangur

    "I'd probably go as high as £20 annually"

    £84 planned a year ago, now ??

    Posted 5 years ago #
  12. LivM

    I think they'd struggle to get take up at that price, considering the annual cost of JustEat Bike membership and comparing it with LEV parking permit, as mentioned above.

    If you had a really valuable bike would you leave it in one of those units, or would you find a place in your flat for it? What's the tipping point? £500 bike? £1000 bike? £2000 bike?

    For £85 a year I'd want the whole pod, not just a space in it.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  13. Snowy

    £84? ahahahhahahahahahaha

    If they are going with the pictured design (they trialled a few different ones) then the bikes are visible from the outside, which is basically window shopping for bike thieves. Consequently hardly any safer than leaving it attached to any other bike stand in full public view.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  14. Murun Buchstansangur

    @snowy Yes, that's what I think too.

    Pretty poor given the article from last year suggests Sustrans are paying half the cost...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  15. acsimpson

    Even if the suggested price included insurance I'm not sure they could justify such a cost. Unlike a car I assume you get a dedicated space which no-one else is allowed in but putting the price at over 10 times the car parking rate (for equivalent space) is alarming.

    I'm sure some people will be willing to pay that price but I can't imagine it will be anything like the number of places available, indeed I can see some people getting sole use of a pod as the only customer.

    As Chas Booth says the price for parking a bike has to be less than the cost to park a car.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  16. Trixie

    If anyone behind this scheme is reading, might I suggest that you quietly install a couple of these with decoy bikes inside to test the determination of the raven-botherers before rolling them out. As for the proposed cost compared to a car parking permit - alarms, flame throwers and ravens come as standard, yes?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  17. Stickman

    I heard that a craft shop is opening on Roseburn Terrace in the old bank unit. It will be running classes.

    Despite the impending doom of the bike lane.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  18. Murun Buchstansangur

    @Trixie what you suggest is eminently sensible and practical and therefore well beyond the purview of the serial consultationists.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  19. I've a horrible feeling that the gangs of bike thieves are going to think that Christmas has come early when they have a list of every locker in the city in hand, and the promise that many will be full of bikes for the taking. It'll be like having in-game Loot boxes in real life.

    Will they really be secure enough to deter the thieves?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  20. CycleAlex

    @threefromleith There's plenty of shoddily locked bikes across Edinburgh - surely getting through what's hopefully a fairly strong lock/cage will be enough of a deterrent?

    I'm curious about how the administration for these will work. Will more permits than spaces be sold? How will returning the key after a year work? Only need to cut the key and you have free cycle parking...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  21. chdot

    Not sure about the two hours, but I don’t think thefts are very common.

    “If it’s a quiet location they will target it more. It’s really unfortunate someone broke into it but they used an angle grinder, it would have taken about two hours, we can’t stop anyone who’s that determined.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  22. chdot

    A lot in use.

    And still lots of bikes just on bike racks.

    Perhaps neither suitable for anything too attractive/expensive.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  23. Rosie


    Classes in bike construction...

    That is good news. Businesses open in spite of the best efforts of the local community council to paint their area as a boarded up dystopia.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  24. CycleAlex

    Agenda is up for the hearing on the 4th and 5th of November should anyone fancy going and getting annoyed

    Posted 5 years ago #
  25. chdot

    Likely participants:
    City Council (Mr M
    Mr R McMeddes)
    McMurray and one or more of Mr E Kennedy, Mr P Noble and
    Mr P Gregson
    Ms P Housley.


    3. Reporter's questions to the City Council on the current extent of cycle use, and
    discussion thereon.
    4. Reporter's questions to the City Council on the likely increase in cycling trips, and
    discussion thereon.
    5. Reporter's questions to Mr Gregson on the current extent of cycle use, and
    discussion thereon.
    6. Reporter's questions to Mr Gregson on the likely increase in cycling trips, and
    discussion thereon.

    Who will play them in the movie?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  26. HankChief


    Posted 5 years ago #
  27. Frenchy

    It doesn't seem to be on the DPEA website yet, but the council has produced an incredibly detailed pollution modelling report. Or rather, the council has paid AECOM to produce a report.

    I don't have the mental wherewithal to read it in detail, but it shows that building a cycleway will likely reduce pollutant levels.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  28. Stickman

    @Frenchy - is this the report that was to be produced with the input from John Lamb?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  29. Frenchy

    No mention of John Lamb in the report itself, but possibly. The word "canyon" does appear.

    "This air quality modelling report has been prepared in support of ongoing engagement with stakeholders that have expressed an interest in the changes in exposure to air pollutants that are likely to occur as a direct result of the proposed Roseburn Terrace improvement scheme."

    "Stakeholders have raised questions that relate to the exposure of people to changes in the concentration of the air pollutants nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter."

    "This work sits outside of the normal impact assessment methodologies used to consider changes in air quality, because the likely changes are too subtle to be demonstrated by the methods set out in technical guidance documents, such as the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges."

    Posted 5 years ago #
  30. CycleAlex

    Usually takes a few days for things to appear on the DPEA website. Is John Lamb the ex-SEPA person MCC has a crush on?

    Posted 5 years ago #

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