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Roseburn to Leith consultation begins (and the debate continues!) CCWEL

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  1. CycleAlex

    Today’s hearing really just took the <rule 2>. Lie after fear mongering lie.

    Shops closing. Elderly people terrified to cross the street. Traffic chaos. The shady cycling lobby. Even someone trying to blackmail a business owner who wanted a loading bay.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  2. EdinburghCycleCam

    (replying to fix link on the forum index).

    Thanks again for suffering through this, Alex!

    Posted 5 years ago #
  3. acsimpson

    Many thanks for attending Alex. I hope it hasn't caused you any lasting mental harm.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  4. I were right about that saddle


    I'm owe you a beer mate. Outstanding reporting from the front line of sanity.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  5. Arellcat

    I was at Lesley Macinnes' workshop this afternoon at the Cycling Scotland conference. She was quite diplomatic when she spoke briefly about the earnest derailing of the project, but almost everyone knew who she was talking about.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  6. unhurt

    Ha, I'd like to have heard that. Verbal subtweeting?

    Shops closing. Elderly people terrified to cross the street. Traffic chaos. The shady cycling lobby. Even someone trying to blackmail a business owner who wanted a loading bay.

    I look forward to the new, lawless, post-apocalyptic Roseburn ushered in by [checks notes] people who would like it to be 5% more like famous pedestrian and retail deathhole The Netherlands.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  7. unhurt


    It has taken longer to authorise the CCWEL than the Queensferry Crossing and its associated link roads - the Forth Replacement Crossing study was published in June 2007, Ministers announced the go-ahead for a cable stayed bridge on 19 December 2007 and the Act authorising its construction received Royal Assent on 20 January 2011.

    That's boggling, but also a useful bit of ammo for other conversations...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  8. HankChief


    Mr Gregson also claimed that council officials had “leaned on” Lothian Buses to withdraw a representation – denied by council officers who said they “don’t know what Mr Gregson is talking about”.

    This led to Scottish Government reporter, Mike Croft, criticising Mr Gregson’s tone.

    Mr Croft said: “It isn’t helpful, Mr Gregson, to make general accusations against the council about duplicitous behaviour.”


    Posted 5 years ago #
  9. CycleAlex

    I don't think I'll ever be able to forget about the specific differences between parking & loading bay enforcement after yesterday! @IWRATS Will need to take you up on that at some point...

    @Morningsider Many thanks for that. Used it at the very end yesterday to sum up how ludicrous the whole thing is.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  10. algo

    Very late to say this, but I've been following here and on twitter. Thanks loads for doing this - a serious public service and an investment of time and sanity that is much appreciated.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  11. sallyhinch

    I was thinking about this yesterday - this has taken an appallingly long time, but I think in Edinburgh that you're lucky to have a council that has stuck with the whole tortuous process. I can imagine that pretty much any other local authority would have given up in the face of such opposition and concentrated on an easier route or different part of the city. Hopefully once they've got through this and demonstrated that they won't back down the process will get easier.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  12. CycleAlex

    @sallyhinch I imagine the whole process must be costing them a considerable amount of money as well. For example, yesterday they had two external lawyers, several senior council officers and multiple air quality experts in attendance.

    Good way to drain a councils budget. Object to any TRO/RSO for a made up reason...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  13. acsimpson

    If this sort of behaviour took place in court there would be a contempt of court charge. Although democracy demand a right for individuals to challenge the establishment the right should as always be balanced with responsibilities.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  14. chdot

    Private prosecution??

    Posted 5 years ago #
  15. chdot

  16. Stickman

  17. CycleAlex

    They were very hush hush on a possible date in case one of those cyclists heard.

    The outgoing MCC secretary alleged in the hearing that the council had told Spokes of their count and that Spokes members were travelling up and down the A8 all day to boost the numbers.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  18. Frenchy

    P Gregson said that the issue for the Roseburn Vision group is the number of cyclists, not vehicles, on the A8.

    Aye, we noticed.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  19. I were right about that saddle

    There's a lot to be said for shamelessness.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  20. Stickman

    The outgoing MCC secretary alleged in the hearing that the council had told Spokes of their count and that Spokes members were travelling up and down the A8 all day to boost the numbers.

    Damn it, he found out.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  21. HankChief

    Don't worry, MCC might not have anyone willing to lead one of their set goals of engaging with the wider community but they will stand on the side of the street for 12 hours because they dispute the video evidence of the council...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  22. I were right about that saddle

    If they were offered a free multi-storey car park here would they go for it do you think?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  23. steveo

    You're kidding, thats a sponsored walk to the shop and there isn't any lights to cross over...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  24. I were right about that saddle

    How about if it came with valet parking?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  25. steveo

    I'm not going to hang around outside the chippy while my food gets cold as some "valet" goes round and gets my car.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  26. CycleAlex

    We should reroute the A8 via NCN1 and make the existing A8 a cycleway.

    After all, NCN1 is such a great route. Why should drivers be excluded from using it?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  27. Morningsider

    A 12-hour on-street traffic count in November or December. I reckon the Reporter is trolling the objectors.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  28. I were right about that saddle

    Sustrans to grant Roseburn Rasputin £5,0000 to study putting the A8 on NCN1.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  29. neddie

    Floodgate management - Cllr Douglas had copied Cllr Gloyer into email correspondence with the Chairman but no progress had been made with regard to the floodgate at Baird Grove. A resident of Baird Grove, who had attended previous MCC meetings again expressed his and his neighbours’ concern about the Council’s failure to respond to their request to keep the floodgate in place permanently or raise it before a dangerous level of water is reached.

    Ha ha. I knew that would happen. The council spend £7m on flood "prevention" measures and then the day the floods come, no one is there to shut the gates...

    You couldn't make it up. <crying laughter emoji>

    Posted 5 years ago #
  30. Rosie

    If only Spokes had so many cyclists at our command. A General Wade-type army is exactly what we should have at our disposal, building infrastructure throughout the territory.

    Posted 5 years ago #

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