A General Wade-type army is exactly what we should have at our disposal
I know a book suggests just that. 4d a day and licence to brew beer too.
CityCyclingEdinburgh was launched on the 27th of October 2009 as "an experiment".
CCE is 15years old!
Well done to ALL posters
It soon became useful and entertaining. There are regular posters, people who add useful info occasionally and plenty more who drop by to watch. That's fine. If you want to add news/comments it's easy to register and become a member.
RULES No personal insults. No swearing.
A General Wade-type army is exactly what we should have at our disposal
I know a book suggests just that. 4d a day and licence to brew beer too.
@morningside- my thoughts exactly especially when he has a video survey and a under road counter.
"Hi everyone. My name is Emma Lamond and I am currently in my last year at St. George’s School. As part of my advanced higher geography I am studying the new regeneration of roseburn. I have composed a short survey as part of my data collection and I was wondering if you could all complete it. It should only take a minute or so!
Many thanks, Emma"
How often do I see litter Very OFTEN, OFTEN, NEVER
AND no mention of bikes until the last breath
I'm prepared to give a bit leniency given it is a high school pupil...
It has taken longer to authorise the CCWEL than the Queensferry Crossing and its associated link roads - the Forth Replacement Crossing study was published in June 2007, Ministers announced the go-ahead for a cable stayed bridge on 19 December 2007 and the Act authorising its construction received Royal Assent on 20 January 2011.
In the 1880s the Canadian Pacific Railway was proposed, surveyed and built in five years. 4700km.
Anyone able to source the temperature in Roseburn throughout yesterday?
"we don’t think the weather could be a factor in our seeing fewer cyclists than the Council."
I didn't cycle yesterday, as it was icy. I usually do cycle on that route.
Weather stations at the airport, Botanic Gardens and King’s Buildings might not be accurate enough as Roseburn Is Different. Only the Gregson-approved temperature records will be judged appropriate.
Why on earth are this bunch of cranks being given so much time?
Why is "nobody cycles here" even an argument against improving conditions so people can cycle?
The "nobody swims here so we don't need a bridge" comparison comes to mind.
I wonder if it the Strava API provides temperatures. If so it may be possible for someone with the right skills to obtain data from throughout the day.
Alternatively it may be possible to manually extract rides from flyby and look at the temperature.
Weather underground has a station listed in north Murrayfield which suggests it's been pretty chilly: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/IEDINB3/graph/2019-11-19/2019-11-19/monthly
Of course what they are really saying is either "we don’t think the weather could be a factor in our seeing fewer cyclists than the Council." or "we don’t think care if the weather could be a factor in our seeing fewer cyclists than the Council."
"...temperature has significant positive effects on walking and especially cycling, and negative effects on car and public transport...warmer weather increases cyclist rates."
Lots more, plus links to numerous studies, in:
Lars Böcker, Martin Dijst & Jan Prillwitz (2013) Impact of Everyday Weather on Individual Daily Travel Behaviours in Perspective: A Literature Review, Transport Reviews, 33:1, 71-91, DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2012.747114
Spokes estimates a 10-15% decrease in cycling in bad weather.
Is that bad weather rain or ice?
I'd say the seasonable impact would be much more than that, with additional impact for weather on the day.
tl;dr: People ride bikes less when it's horrible out.
Inspired by the work of a certain RBS cyclist datamonger who did a presentation at a Spokes meeting, in May this year I started counting bikes at my work. I count most days; not all at my usual office because I work in other places semi-regularly, so I count bikes there instead.
I also* record the weather at "commuting time approximately", along with a glovewearing-based indicative temperature measurement (since bright sun on its own might be summer or winter) and this varies from bare hands to winter glubs. The weather indicator is my patent pending munging of five types of weather condition into a single variable, and weather × gloves gives a 'cycling weather factor' that goes positive on days that ought to encourage cycling, and goes negative on days that discourage.
Number of bikes crossreferenced with cycling weather factor lets me calculate a kind of resilience, as a mock-statistical (because my data aren't in the right format) box plot¥ that shows the average and max/min number of bikes for a given weather condition.
* Not required† for cycle friendly stuff, mind.
† But I'm doing it anyway because data.
¥ Cycling Scotland had damn well better be impressed when they do their next audit.
Spokes' last traffic count was a week or two ago.
"Total bike numbers fell by only 10%-15% compared to the previous two years (down from 471 in 2018 to 411 in 2019) so the bad weather didn’t seem to have a too great impact"
"A comprehensive academic paper by Farhana Ahmed [Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University] and others looked into the impact of weather on use of different transport modes, particularly cycling. The authors are interested in possible impacts of future climate change on transport patterns. They report that there has been relatively little research on this topic.
However they mention research by Phung and Rose [in Melbourne, Australia] which suggested that light rain (defined as less than 10 mm over a whole day) deterred 8%-19% of all cyclists while heavier rain deterred 13%-25%, figures compatible with our own data – although another study found a bigger effect."
On Tuesday 19 Nov'19 (sunset at 4.06pm, temp range -3°C to 6°C), the #CS3 #Embankment counter tracked 9,619 chilly cycle journeys.
Yet more evidence that with a safe cycle route weather isn’t an issue.
Had occasion today to cycle to the further reaches of Corstorphine (from George Square). Did not brave SJR as it was the evening rush hour, so took the signposted quiet route despite the twists and turns. Things were fine from Roseburn Park onwards but getting there was absolutely grim (and I stuck to the relative safety of Fountainbridge-Murieston-Russell Rd rather than risk Morrison St-Haymarket-West Coates). Really brought home how important this link is, and how atrocious it is that we are still where we are with it.
Help please...
Where can you source the Meadows Bike Counter data?
I'm looking for a comparison between October 24th bikes counted with those on November 18th. (ideally between 7am & 7pm but will take the full 24hours if easier)
Many thanks
This may or may not help
A bit too historic. Looking for those specific days
I’m sure there used to be a live link somewhere.
Use this page to ask them
Have done so. I always assumed it was online somewhere...
It was.
I swear the MMW counter hasn't been working recently, but the statistics don't seem to back that up. Maybe it was just the screen?
Will the shops be providing a comparison of their takings in adverse weather?
Where can you source the Meadows Bike Counter data?
I'm looking for a comparison between October 24th bikes counted with those on November 18th.
The MMW bike counter has been faulty for a long time now. It under-records bikes. Sometimes it counts a bike, sometimes not.
A week or so back, before it was turned off altogether, 3 bikes plus myself passed over it and it recorded no one, even there was around 300 already on the counter.
So the data cannot be relied upon.
I think Sustrans are aware, but Lord knows if or when it will be fixed.
The MMW counter broke down 2 weeks ago :-(
So no data to back up that subzero temperatures mean less people take to 2 wheels...
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