Other cities are building temporary cycle/walking space to deal with social distancing - what better place to do it in Edinburgh than where it is planned already?
The question of course is why they don't do that normally anyway...
CityCyclingEdinburgh was launched on the 27th of October 2009 as "an experiment".
CCE is 15years old!
Well done to ALL posters
It soon became useful and entertaining. There are regular posters, people who add useful info occasionally and plenty more who drop by to watch. That's fine. If you want to add news/comments it's easy to register and become a member.
RULES No personal insults. No swearing.
Other cities are building temporary cycle/walking space to deal with social distancing - what better place to do it in Edinburgh than where it is planned already?
The question of course is why they don't do that normally anyway...
Walking guide
A while ago I put together a guide to a circular walk which gives some history and points out interesting buildings in the Roseburn/Murrayfield/Coltbridge area. It has now been completed and is available on the Murrayfield CC website.
It is one hour long, so within the government guidelines for exercise.
Good work Rosie.
This is very welcome support from Cllr Ross
Totally agree the time to introduce dedicated , protected cycling facilities along the A8 from Corstorphine to the City Centre is now. Pollution levels have reduced dramatically and we must ensure they do not increase."
Oh yes, once he tried that smoothie bike at the balerno fair trade coffee morning the bold frank was hooked
On coffee or smoothies?
Think a certain bike shop did the bike hooking.
Picture on cover of C&B News with Gareth from Fietsclub Balerno and just out of shot - yrs truly. He was happy as a sand boy. I cant speak of what happened before or after.
No doubt inevitable given the current circumstances but the construction start estimate has been moved to Autumn on the CEC website. I believe the previous target for completion was late 2021, so looking more like 2022 now?
To kill some time I had a look through the section 2 T&E report, I have great respect for council officers who are able to reply to objections like this without resorting to choice language.
To believe and to misquote Mao Tse Tung, that a million cyclists will flower when this project is delivered is fallacious. Edinburgh is a hilly and intemperate city and those who do cycle are doing so now. At a time when this country is experiencing rickets amongst the young because they don’t get off their sofas and Ipads, the idea that this project will deliver increased fitness is virtue signalling. There are ample traffic free cycle routes in and around the city already and when I use them, I rarely see a child on them.
those who do cycle are doing so now
Arrant nonsense.
I have great respect for council officers who are able to reply to objections like this without resorting to choice language
But why should they have to go beyond ‘we acknowledge your submission’??
Freudian slip from PG Tips or one of his hIngers-on there
To be fair, Edinburgh and Scotland generally are "intemperate".
4.8.10 concludes that the objections relating to loading on Roseburn Terrace are unfounded, that the loading provision on Murrayfield Place will be improved by the proposals, that the loss of loading on Haymarket Terrace will be acceptably mitigated on side streets, and that the removal of loading on Morrison Street is justified by the improvements to the taxi arrangement at Haymarket Station;4.8.11 recommends that the TRO is made as proposed by the Council
Reporter sides with the council on the TRO for section one. Still waiting on a ScotGov decision for the RSO for both section one and two.
Changes in section one:
4.9.1 permitting right turns exiting the proposed taxi rank at Haymarket Station;
4.9.2 establishing a One-Way (northbound) plug at Magdala Crescent;
4.9.3 prohibiting vehicles from exiting Stanhope Street onto West Coates; and
4.9.4 introducing a 20mph speed limit on the A8, from Magdala Crescent to
Murrayfield Gardens.
Changes in section two:
Section Two - Further Statutory Procedures
4.12 The connection between Melville Crescent and Rutland Square involves introducing an uncontrolled cycle crossing of the tram lines on Shandwick Place between Coates Crescent and Canning Street. During engagement regarding the designs with Edinburgh Trams and Sustrans Scotland it was decided that the original proposal did not offer a high enough level of safety to road users and an alternative arrangement was developed.
4.13 This arrangement involves closing Canning Street to all motor traffic between Rutland Square and Shandwick Place, installing a refuge island for cyclists and pedestrians between the tram lines on Shandwick Place and installing a segregated cycleway southbound at the end of Coates Crescent.
Section three updates:
4.22 Making improvements to this street are critical to the success of CCWEL. However,
developing a final design at the junction with George Street is dependent on:
4.22.1 the pending St Andrew Square public realm redesign; and
4.22.2 anticipated future traffic reductions on South St David Street, the west side of St Andrew Square and North St David Street, arising from proposals for East Princes Street and Waverley Bridge as part of Edinburgh City Centre Transformation.
4.23 As such, it is not possible to deliver a final layout at this location as part of CCWEL, and it is therefore proposed to deliver an improved layout, using temporary materials, that can be further altered at a later date.
4.24 The proposed design will involve:
4.24.1 reduction in the number of carriageway lanes on North St David Street
from four to three (one northbound, two southbound);
4.24.2 introduction of a bi-directional segregated cycleway on South St David Street, the west side of St Andrew Square and North St David Street; and 4.24.3 introduction of dedicated cycle crossing facilities between George Street and the proposed segregated cycleway on South St David Street, the west side of St Andrew Square and North St David Street
Construction now due to begin in 2021, with completion in mid-2022.
DPEA report is attached as an appendix: https://democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s24011/Item%206.7%20-%20City%20Centre%20West%20to%20East%20Cycle%20Link%20and%20Street.pdf
Fingers crossed for the RSO.
Good news.
You mean the objections/ers had no merit??
Are (m)any of the shops at Roseburn & Haymarket actually open?
Wonder how many will never reopen?
@chdot - Roseburn looks very closed now. Only the grocery shops are open.
Bike Smith at Haymarket is thriving.
An encouraging comment in the conclusion of the TRO report:
in my report to Scottish Ministers, I give substantial, although not unqualified, support to the council’s view of the significant benefits that the CCWEL project would provide.
Somewhat amusingly/depressingly, the entire process has taken so long that the TRO itself has expired and permission will need to be sought in order to make the order
The regulation 5 notice was published on 20 April 2018, and so the time limit expires on 20 April 2020. However, the 1999 Regulations are amended by The Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2005 which specify that the time limit shall not apply where an application for an extension has been made by the authority to the Scottish Ministers and the limit is extended by them.
This is a fairly damming analysis of the arguments against.
"4.4 I summarise very briefly my analysis of the objections to the TRO’s loading provisions as follows. I consider the objections on Roseburn Terrace to be unfounded. I say this on the basis of the limited survey data available on loading space demand as opposed to parking space demand. I see no justification for the view that Roseburn's special character would be lost as a result of the TRO’s loading provisions. Nor am I satisfied by objectors’ arguments on congestion and pollution stemming from the TRO loading proposals for Roseburn Terrace. I have considered the objections relating to loading provision on Murrayfield Place, but that provision would in fact be improved there. I understand the loading difficulties on Haymarket Terrace, but the TRO’s proposed provision at the southern ends of Coates Gardens and Rosebery Crescent would be some mitigation for the loss of provision on Haymarket Terrace itself. In addition, there are wider considerations there – the need to accommodate the proposed cycle track and two-way vehicular traffic movements within Haymarket Terrace. The TRO’s loading proposals for Morrison Street are intimately bound up with its proposals for the Haymarket taxi rank, which I support, and I accept the council’s revised view incorporated in its proposed modification to the TRO. No other objections point to the need for a modification in my view."
And to think we wasted a year on this..
@hankchief most grateful for your stamina here and everyone else who persisted.
I wonder how it is playing out in the canyons of PG’s mind?? Conspiracy? Further details to object to - switch to Gas Masks at St Andrews House?
Also a million pounds (i saw this somewhere but obvs no real way to quantify) of public money spent on this because two shopkeepers wished to park illegally at the front of their shops.
In para 4.4. The reporter seems to have figured that out.
“And to think we wasted a year on this..“
And the rest. From first post on thread -
“The period for comments is between 17 November 2015 and 5 January 2016.”
When was that nice ride you facilitated?
Seems like 3 years ago.
The bike ride was August 2016 and was the culmination of a lot of work (by a lot of people) to get the #OptionA approved at TEC. In the end the decision was deferred to December 2016 for the stakeholder group discussions.
Not heard from MCC yet on this.
Yes, thanks to @HankChief and @Stickman and @Harts and @algo and everyone else who went into the trenches for this part of the Great Undoing. You were indefatigable.
Two selfish shopkeepers and their pet personality disorder though. Amazing.
@IWRATS - trenches is the word for Murrayfield CC meetings, with accompanying shell-shock under the barrage.
That Vimeo video....I cannot see it?
Thought it was just me!
Might interest -
"Where's your helmet?"
Very brave.
Apologies didn't realise Vimeo doesn't embed. I think the download link goes to Vimeo.
"Where's your helmet?" Also "These are local shops for local people."
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