He's only clever in that he's using you all to boost his profile. By stoking fake helmet debates and so on.
Toxic narcissistic attention seekers are best ignored. Don't give them the oxygen they crave.
CityCyclingEdinburgh was launched on the 27th of October 2009 as "an experiment".
CCE is 15years old!
Well done to ALL posters
It soon became useful and entertaining. There are regular posters, people who add useful info occasionally and plenty more who drop by to watch. That's fine. If you want to add news/comments it's easy to register and become a member.
RULES No personal insults. No swearing.
He's only clever in that he's using you all to boost his profile. By stoking fake helmet debates and so on.
Toxic narcissistic attention seekers are best ignored. Don't give them the oxygen they crave.
The good Councillor claims that cycle infrastructure being delayed by years of consultation is a "trope":
Thanks Morningsider one of my favourite movies of all time. Also for your company yesterday in those remote spots of my favourite of all the Lanarkshires. Whilst we watched @algo Sherpa a stand up paddleboard up and down the mountains on his bicyle. Most enjoyable.
Other supermarket bin/broken glass/car park routes are available.
For instance, the wee cut-through at Scotmid Portobello, which as well as being very narrow and littered with pedestrians carrying shopping, plus any litter they may have dropped. Not only are there bins in the car park on there other side, but there's some fairly decent bike parking too.
Also don't forget the trolley underpass at LiDL Kirkgate in Leith, which as well as having great bike parking next to a litter bin, takes you absolutely nowhere useful unless you happen to be loading shopping from your trolley into your parked up motor in the car park at the back. Great fun testing cycle skillz by dodging trolley wielding pedestrians mind you.
What about the narrow cut-through between the Hermiston Gait car park and Cultins Road, between Tesco and Decathlon? Not usually too bad in terms of broken glass etc but quite narrow* and quite long: if there's no-one coming the other way when you first enter it, there very likely will be someone wanting to before you exit, and they may not be entirely chilled about the idea of waiting for you to pass through on your bike.
* It was pretty much impossible for two pedestrians going in opposite directions to maintain 2m social distancing as they passed, back when that was a thing.
I hope this information will be collated for the Broken Glass and Trolley Trail map and guide.
You could offer the supermarkets space for advertisements to pay for the printing.
This guide is going to sell in the tens of tens, well no more than ten copies but it need not cost too much to produce particularly if we can get the shops to take out advertising, though they might not think it is funny.
@gembo People are so unenterprising. There's such a thing as extreme tourism where edgy/ghoulish types pay £££ to be taken through war zones and dangerous slums. Why not a tour of the Bins & Broken Glass? Right off the usual tourist map. The Real Edinburgh. Avoid those castle and Newtown cliches. The hidden corners.
Surely you can get Scotmid to sponsor??
Good thinking, the Scotmid cut throughs are all exemplary. At least in Balerno,
My only issue is they declined to fund a French Style vending machine for inner tubes and the likes complete with track pump and tools for outside the apple pie. Turned out The shop in Carnwath is actual Co-op not the St Cuthberts / Scotmid version.
Construction drawings:
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Delightful value engineering.
Removed trees. Removed greenery. Removed raised tables. Removed continuous footways. Removed buildouts. Removed traffic calming. Removed public realm work. Removed contraflow cycling. Removed safe tram crossing. Removed temporary layouts at St Andrew Sq and Charlotte Sq. Removed flat topped setts.
But hey, at least we're getting a mighty 2m wide bidirectional cycleway in Roseburn.
Recommendation to Finance Committee that Balfour Beatty get the contract to build the damn thing.
Scheduled to start Jan 2022, construction to take 18 months.
No huzzahs until the inaugural CCE group ride along it, with HankChief being carried aloft as a conquering hero. Things can still go wrong.
Wow - that's a quarter of the time it took to build the Queensferry Crossing.
I think I'll need to be in one of those rickshaws with a blanket on to keep me warm given the age I'll be before I get to cycle safely into the City Centre...
But then again it isn't wide enough for rickshaws so maybe not...
Delightful value engineering.Removed trees. Removed greenery. Removed raised tables. Removed continuous footways. Removed buildouts. Removed traffic calming. Removed public realm work. Removed contraflow cycling. Removed safe tram crossing. Removed temporary layouts at St Andrew Sq and Charlotte Sq. Removed flat topped setts.
It's probably quite important, once it's built, to highlight how much had to be cut due to delays imposed by spurious objections. So basically, hey locals, if you're annoyed it doesn't have all that stuff? Blame you know who...
CCWEL - work starts Jan!
Some great replies to the Q of what you've done while CCWEL has been making its glacial progress
What are "site investigations"? They sound like an archaeological dig.
"Site investigations for Edinburgh’s new cross-city active travel network are set to take place over the coming weeks ahead of the £13 million scheme getting underway next year.
The City Centre West to East Cycle Link and Street Improvements Project (CCWEL), will connect Leith Walk and Roseburn with a direct cycle and walking route when work finishes in 2023."
Maybe looking for the services the tram works missed…
Will all go in consultations
I consulted the oracles and got this reply.
"These are generally trial holes in the ground to confirm what is actually there utility wise and discover any unknown utilities/conflicts. For CCWEL I believe it’s being done extensively to ”de-risk” the project. Essentially proving to the contractor that what CEC has told them is under the ground is correct (reducing risk and the contract price). "
We could send Turf Bakerson down to look he is only small.
If I were a cunning anti-CCWELer I would sow a few bronze age artefacts so the area becomes an archaelogical dig for a few years. If they could add William Wallace's bones, even better.
@rosie then the whole road would be closed to single occupant vehicles of a fat and long nature for many years?
Any one know where I can find a clear articulation of pros & cons of installing speed bumps on a shared use path?
The Friends of Roseburn Park are pushing for them to slow down cyclists n outside the entrance to their planned cafe in the Park.
This will cause grannies to trip over. Rumble strips only. The council won’t go for this. Will ask contact that used to work for cooncil and copy you in
No paper but contact right back beseeching them not to do this.
Fast cyclists hop them
Vulnerable cyclists fall over them
He is hugley against this idea.
Project Update Bulletin for the City Centre West to East Cycle Link and Street Improvements project (CCWEL) just dropped into my e-mail inbox:
"Construction is set to begin in January 2022 for approximately 18 months. "
"The CCWEL does not involve delivering changes in Charlotte Square, St Andrew Square or along George Street, which are being taken forward separately."
Yes, but WHEN?
I don't know quite why this was the top of my YT recommendations, but just look at all the active travel infrastructure (and all the cars). You can have both in an old city.
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