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Roseburn to Leith consultation begins (and the debate continues!) CCWEL

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  1. chrisfl

    So one business decided to open here a year ago knowing about the work that was due to start is moving to a new larger centre of town location.

    A second business that has had a recent run of very poor reviews and is rated #1,222 of 1,782 is struggling...

    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. Rosie

    @chrisfl - where did you get the poor reviews stats from? I used to get v. good curries from them, but the last one was disappointing, and I thought they had gone downhill.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. chrisfl

    I was looking at tripadviser. Up until around 2016, they had mostly good reviews, but since then lots of low reviews with the odd good review. So the overall score is still 3.5 but helped out by a history of good reviews. And even then they land in the bottom third of reviews.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  4. Stickman

    Nice window display in House of Hound: a Pashley Parabike with tins of dog food in the front basket.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  5. HankChief

    Also a lovely bike in the window of the flower shop opposite.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  6. HankChief

  7. Yodhrin

    I have a very hard time accepting the notion Frank Ross puts forward that the CCWEL works will have a greater impact on relevant businesses than the tram works have and will on those they affect.

    It'd be be very useful to know exactly which businesses are acting as a front for the latest attempt by Senor Anonymous Keen Cyclist to screw with the project - when the route is open and the catastrophising inevitably proves false, I wouldn't want any of my money ending up in their pockets.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  8. chdot

    Observed this car reverse ‘out of the way’ when it heard the ambulance coming.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  9. chdot

  10. SRD

    I don't see how that data proves anything.

    to make that case, they need evidence that prices along the routes grew more (ie rate of growth) than prices elsewhere. (and that prices along those routes didn't also grow faster than other areas before the routes went in).

    still not 'proof' of causality but somewhat more convincing.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  11. HankChief

    "As you will be aware there have been some delays to work on Roseburn Terrace. This was due to finding asbestos under the pavement by the Roseburn Bar, damage to cellar ceilings and a corroded gas main. We needed to repair all of this before work could continue.

    The repairs have now been completed and we are making progress with upgrading the pavement on the south side of Roseburn Terrace. We have considered the impact of these delays on our overall work and would like to make you aware of some changes over the coming months.

    Vehicle Access on Roseburn Terrace
    We are working to re-introduce vehicular access to Roseburn Terrace as soon as possible. A loading and parking bay will be provided on the south side of the street from the week commencing the 23rd of May. From this time on loading will be maintained on the south side of the street for the remainder of the works.
    Changes to our work programme in Roseburn
    Our current work on the south side of Roseburn Terrace will be complete by the 6th of June. We are very aware of concerns from local businesses about the impact of the work on their trade and we are keen to minimise disruption caused by the remaining work as far as possible. In order to minimise disruption throughout the busy summer months we plan to stop work on the majority of Roseburn Terrace from the 6th of June until the start of September.

    During summer we will instead focus our work on West Coates, Roseburn Street, Russell Road, Murrayfield Gardens, Murrayfield Avenue and Roseburn Gardens. During this time there will be vehicle access for loading on both sides of Roseburn Terrace and the majority of the barriers will be removed. The banned right turn into Roseburn Street will remain in place.

    During Autumn we will return to working on Roseburn Terrace and will construct the cycleway and footway improvements on the north side of the street between September and December, though loading will remain available on the south side of Roseburn Terrace throughout this time.

    This information will be circulated, along with an updated map showing our where we will be working when, to all businesses on Roseburn Terrace by the end of this week.

    In summary:

    loading will be available on the south side of Roseburn Terrace from the week commencing 23rd May
    most work on Roseburn Terrace will stop over summer, restarting in September
    the new loading and parking bay on Roseburn Terrace will remain in use throughout the rest of the works, including throughout autumn

    Posted 2 years ago #
  12. HankChief

    Tesco junction being dug up next week during the day time

    "Roseburn area

    Changes to traffic layout Mon 9th - Thurs 12th May in order to progress utility installations for CCWEL project

    Roseburn Street closed, 2-way temporary traffic lights on Roseburn Terrace

    Between 9.30am and 3.30pm each day.


    Posted 2 years ago #
  13. chdot

    There is now a growing body of evidence to indicate that our physical environment – the places where we live, work and socialise – affects our health and wellbeing and contributes to creating or reducing inequalities. But even without the research, it’s plain to see how a neighbourhood with lots of facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, a choice of shops and good public transport connections could benefit health in ways that one with an excess of pubs, fast food shops and car traffic would not.

    The importance of place-based approaches to improving health and reducing inequalities was the theme of an international conference held in Glasgow last week.

    (Last year, but relevant)

    Posted 2 years ago #
  14. Stickman

  15. HankChief

    Free bike safety check
    Bring your bike along
    • Saturday 21 May
    • 10am - 2pm
    • Old Colt Bridge, Roseburn
    Free bike checks for the whole family. Includes basic repairs to brake and gear cables, punctures and brake
    Take part in our family Spot the Bike Part
    competition with local shops on Roseburn Terrace.
    Prizes include cycle shop gift voucher
    and bike accessory goodie bags.

    Please promote this with your networks.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  16. HankChief

    Dr Bike now on Roseburn's old bridge until 2pm.

    Also some pics of the new Southside pavement

    Posted 2 years ago #
  17. Rosie

    It seemed fairly busy there. Nice to see some street activity by the car conduit.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  18. HankChief

    New kerb line on West Coates taking shape...

    Posted 2 years ago #
  19. HankChief

    The former Lord Provost has called on the council to honour election promises made by Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative councillors who said they would give compensation to the Roseburn traders.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  20. chdot


    Am I understanding this right, a local Labour candidate said he was in favour of compensation?

    But did the rest of the Party/Group endorse it?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  21. HankChief

    But did the rest of the Party/Group endorse it?

    Of course not...

    They had only just rejected it a couple of weeks earlier when they were in the Administration.

    Didn't stop the unsuccessful labour candidate trying to make political mileage from his unique position though...

    Posted 2 years ago #
  22. Stickman

    Signs of work in the vacant unit formerly occupied by the Tories - perhaps a new business not scared off by the bike lane?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  23. Stickman

    “ Cycleway kerbs arrived today #CCWEL”

    Posted 2 years ago #
  24. Stickman

    Cycleway taking shape on West Coates:

    Posted 2 years ago #
  25. HankChief

    At MCC tonight, the new LibDem councillor said they were asking a question on compensation for Roseburn Traders at Thursday's Full Council...

    Although I can't see anything in the meeting documents so may be there is even more to the meeting than the paperwork suggests...

    They couldn't put in a motion as it is less than 6 months since it was voted down.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  26. chdot

    Is there any reasonable case they ’deserve’ compensation like LW?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  27. HankChief

    Opinions vary. They will have had an impact but where do you start & stop with any compensation scheme.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  28. HankChief

    In some good news, the Roseburn Gardens Northbound ratrun is finally closed forever.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  29. chdot

    “closed forever”


    “Both sets of taffic mangement are planned to be in place for approx 5 days.”

    Posted 2 years ago #
  30. acsimpson

    Presumably the permanent closure is what the temporary closure is in place to implement.

    Posted 2 years ago #

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