Full Council just unanimously approved a motion to pursue compensation for Roseburn traders...
By Councillor Davidson - Support for Roseburn Businesses
1) Notes that the Council Leader recently met with the owners and operators of businesses on Roseburn Terrace and heard about the negative impact that the ongoing CCWEL works had on their operations;
2) Further notes that many businesses have seen a sharp decrease in their takings throughout the programme of works and recognises the legitimate concerns that the resumption of construction activity will damage takings even further in the run up to the vital festive period;
3) Believes that these businesses represent the heart of the Roseburn community, and that the council should do everything within its powers to makes sure they are able to survive the disruption caused by these works;
4) Recognises that infrastructure projects that take a significant period of time to complete often have a more acute impact on business than roadworks generally;
5) Understands that measures undertaken to help these businesses so far have proven to be insufficient and that more needs to be done to support them;
6) As such agrees to look into the possibility of setting up a compensation scheme for those businesses who have been adversely affected by the works to ensure they continue to operate over the coming months that the roadworks are in place.”
SNP Addendum
7) Agrees that the source of funding for any such scheme is made clear and that
no other projects should lose funding as a result. If funding is being reallocated
from existing budgets, affected workstreams and projects should be explicitly identified.
8) Agrees that the report will establish the principles by which all potential future schemes to compensate businesses for disruption from infrastructure projects
could operate.
Green Addendum
5. Notes the information provided by the council to elected members and
businesses on support for businesses during roadworks
6. Notes the documented benefits to businesses of improved walking, wheeling
and cycling infrastructure through increased footfall and spend
7. Calls for businesses along the route to continue their engagement with the
project team to ensure all issues are picked up and the council supports
businesses throughout project delivery