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Roseburn to Leith consultation begins (and the debate continues!) CCWEL

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  1. acsimpson

    Sounds like a bit of a nightmare.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. gembo

    No had lot of great cycling then just one small protest

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. HankChief

    "No had lot of great cycling then just one small protest"

    Having spent last night in PGs company at MCC I had a similar night. I did enjoy my cycle to & from though...

    I do like the EEN article if only to remind me that for some people you can never have enough consultation. The layout around Haymarket went through all the hoops for the TRO but jonny come lately still isn't happy...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. gembo

    @hankchief I believe CCE should present you with a medal.

    Also drink or other mind bending substances to get you through MCC

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. Colonies_Chris

    I was nearly taken out by a left turning car at the Melville St/Melville Cres junction westbound this afternoon. The problem, I think, is that the line of parked cars to the right of the cycle lane obscures drivers' view of the cycle path, so they turn without realising they're about to cross the cycle path. Also the cycle path crosses the junction at the same level as the road, so there's nothing to slow drivers down when they're entering the wide mouth of Melville Cres; and the colour of the path isn't particularly conspicuous at the junction.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. neddie

    Yeah that junction is terrible, I don’t know why they’ve left it like that.

    Also don’t know why they didn’t just leave Melville St closed at the junction with the A90. It was a lovely quiet street during the time it was closed, now it’s back to a rat run, full of hopping-mad motors

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. CycleAlex

    There’s still kerbs to go in at that junction which will make the turn much tighter.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. chdot

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. HankChief

    So, Friends of Roseburn Park are again trying to get Sustrans to pay for a feasibility study into options for reducing cycling conflict in Roseburn Park.

    They have a 22 page Business Case which they have asked for the Roseburn Cycle Group to support...

    Is anyone able to host a pdf on t'interent , so that we can solicit opinions?

    Posted 12 months ago #
  10. chrisfl

    I can stick it up on here. email

    Posted 12 months ago #
  11. Frenchy

    Spokes could also almost certainly help with that (both hosting and responding).

    Posted 12 months ago #
  12. neddie

    The only option to do that is to continue the segregated lanes along the A8

    Posted 12 months ago #
  13. HankChief

    The only option to do that is to continue the segregated lanes along the A8

    I know that, you know that, but how old will our grandkids be when that gets built...

    Doesn't mean that money should be spent on the Roseburn Park route in the meantime though...

    @Chrisfl - you've got mail. Thank you :)

    Posted 12 months ago #
  14. Murun Buchstansangur

    I’d suggest one of the main sources of conflict could have been alleviated by removing the defunct toilets but, hey, instead a café.

    And just to be clear, FoRP want less passing foot/pedalfall for ‘their’ café?

    Posted 12 months ago #
  15. HankChief

    Please take a look and let us know your thoughts

    & thanks to CCE for hosting.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  16. gembo


    The conflict is basically caused by the blind corner.

    If cycling cats don’t slow down and people walk their pets off leashes or walk on the cycling side or cycling types stray over the line Smokey.

    This is not Nam there are rules.

    But any path will be shared. Old glimmers will still go on to the cycling path nearer the river that PG Tips favours.

    The Sustrans route he doesn’t like would be subject to same intrusions by humanity.

    Short of knocking the pavilion down so it isn’t a blind corner I would go with speed bumps, river side detour round the back and more open route over the grass, but basically we all need to try to share the blind corner. Unless Crazy Pete wants to put a fence across a path and a gate for peds?

    Posted 12 months ago #
  17. Dave

    There are a lot of loaded / leading / disparaging terms used in the doc. I can't really engage with something that can only frame locals on bikes as people who are somehow inherently angry, dangerous, and/or morally inferior.

    There is an obvious solution, extend the A8 tracks to the take the load. What's the point spending money modifying the river bank to try and divert cyclists down a narrow rape alley behind the cafe, people will vote with their wheels and then PG tips will simply be more angry

    Posted 12 months ago #
  18. neddie

    Perhaps it’s a deliberate ploy to divert active travel funds from where they really need to be? For a problem that doesn’t actually exist

    Posted 12 months ago #
  19. ejstubbs

    In 2017 the Council suggested segregating the path right along its length, with one side for cyclists, one side for pedestrians. Whilst this arrangement has worked in other parts of the city (eg the Meadows)...

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh my aching sides.

    I note that a number of the options involve building new infrastructure intended for the sole use of cyclists. But, as noted elsewhere in the document, pedestrians don't respect existing provision marked for the use of cyclists (and vice versa). One wonders what magical force is going to stop peds from jay-walking on to any newly-provided space intended for cyclists, when some appear to be unable to keep off that already provided.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  20. ejstubbs

    Oh, and and as for dogs on an "extendable lease" [sic*] causing safety issues: yes, they do. Remind me: whose responsibility is it to take steps to mitigate those risks?

    * I assume this is a minor solecism - unless the rentier economy really is expanding in to pet ownership.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  21. Rosie

    @Murun - I will use the cafe in the park, though I would have been quite happy if they had knocked down the toilet block.

    @ejstubbs - Of that shared path - I have to say when I walk there I forget about the cycle lane and wander all over the place. It really isn't wide enough or clear enough - not like the Meadows or the NEPN, and it is busy. As for the suggested bit of tarmac taking a more direct route, pedestrians will use it as a short cut.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  22. acsimpson

    Any new cycle path would need to be wide enough to accommodate both foot and wheel traffic. Although as others have said if lanes are extended along the A8 then the problem would largely disappear.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  23. Murun Buchstansangur

    Perhaps the café and the Tesco could swap properties, as on a minuscule path round the back of a Tesco is the natural place for cyclists? And we should be glad of it

    Posted 12 months ago #
  24. Stickman

    @Rosie - the cafe is being run by Euan Hyslop* who also has the excellent cafe at the Dower House in St Margaret’s Park. I’m a regular there: he’s a lovely guy and I hope the Roseburn cafe does well. (Hart’s also set him up with a cargo bike)

    *SNP councillor for Drumbrae

    Posted 12 months ago #
  25. Rosie

    @Stickman - yes, I know and I very much like the Dower House cafe. I will be quite happy sipping a flat white and watching cricket in the park.

    Spokes gave a grant to the Dower House cafe to help purchase the cargo bike.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  26. Morningsider

    @Hankchief - I would be wary of offering support, for two reasons.

    1. Underlying the whole document is a simmering resentment that cyclists are allowed into the park at all, treating them as a potential menace to be managed rather than legitimate park users. Not something I think a cycling group should put their name to.
    2. As discussed above, there is no real "solution" - it's not even clear there is really a problem, as the park remains popular with pedestrians, cyclists, joggers, families and so on. Some people are entitled idiots (cyclists and others) - not something a short section of new path will solve.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  27. gembo

    Most of the argy Bargy, possibly inside the head of The PG (don’t go there) seems to involve near misses which is a good thing.

    Not sure how to nudge near misses to far misses but also in summary near misses aint the problem

    Posted 12 months ago #
  28. chdot

    Don’t think this section is officially open - Haymarket to Donaldson’s.

    Surface ‘adequate’ but not convinced it last with all that metalwork.

    NOT ‘world class’.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  29. Rosie

    My main fear in the park is inconsiderate dog owners rather than cyclists - a large dog bounding up to me barking its head off upsets me badly. I wouldn't think of re-routing dog walkers because of this occasional annoyance.

    Posted 12 months ago #
  30. chdot

    With this level of intervention expect something special(?)

    Posted 11 months ago #

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