Just back from potting some plants at The Rosebean
CityCyclingEdinburgh was launched on the 27th of October 2009 as "an experiment".
CCE is 15years old!
Well done to ALL posters
It soon became useful and entertaining. There are regular posters, people who add useful info occasionally and plenty more who drop by to watch. That's fine. If you want to add news/comments it's easy to register and become a member.
RULES No personal insults. No swearing.
Just back from potting some plants at The Rosebean
Just found this picture that I took nearly a year ago.
No idea if it still looks like this.
OR why it was considered to be a good idea to have paving stones rather than tarmac for this section.
No idea if this cover is still there.
It's disappointing to see this happening in such an important area for pedestrians.
You know as well as I do that I can't direct staff or interfere with a contract, but I will raise it with the team.
The footway kerbline does appear to be realigned for a short section of Haymarket Terrace, from the RSO drawings (pg 9). Should probably have included a sliver of purple hatching for the quibblers.
Of course the LSE tweet ignores the massive areas of footway added in other parts of Roseburn-Haymarket (blue hatching in the RSO drawings) and the pedestrian friendly narrowed side road crossings.
Yet again, these guys ain't no friends of cycling.
Plus it's a lot less intimidating being on a narrow footpath next to some bikes than it is streams of roaring Giga-buses coming within an inch of the kerb
Anyone want to guess what the libdems are campaigning for now...
“Anyone want to guess what the libdems are campaigning for now“
Have they only just started?
Thought CEC already said no?
The right to Par Taaaaaaaay?
Thought CEC already said no?
That was for compensation for Roseburn Traders, this is completely different...
“this is completely different...“
Yes but I thought Haymarket traders had been after compensation from before work started.
I lose track...
No problem
It’s not just an age thing…
Partly related to ‘us’ trying to understand and keep track of the illogical and irrational!!
I was sitting in Vigo's cafe on Roseburn Terrace this afternoon. Quite heartening to see the number of cyclists using the route, including wee ones with their parents. Also a car sat in the loading only bay for 3/4 hour, which did impede the motorised traffic somewhat. I couldn't actually see anyone loading or unloading - they must have been v. discreet.
@Rosie: yes, it’s fairly steady usage throughout the day whenever I pass. Saw an Urban Arrowist with two kids in the front at lunchtime today. Would they have gone this way previously?
Fantastic to see progress on the City Centre West to East Link at Haymarket. Most of the barriers have gone. See for yourself the result of work to make it safer and easier to walk, wheel + cycle in the area. On track to finish the full route early 2024. edinburgh.gov.uk/ccwel
With 3 pix
As one of the final stages of the project, we are reconstructing the junction of Magdala Crescent and Haymarket Terrace and introducing a cycle and pedestrian zebra crossing. This will also introduce a restriction on vehicles exiting Magdala Crescent onto Haymarket Terrace.
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen pipework, it took longer than expected for Scottish Water to complete their works before the roadworks reconstruction could begin. Weather conditions have also made working impossible on a few occasions. As a result, we need to work one week after the Festive Break to complete the works.
now the repair men are out in Melville Street to fix the still incomplete Roseburn-Picardy Place cycleway. All part of normal snagging says the council, all part of the usual incompetence and shoddy workmanship say local residents.
Big ribbon cutting ceremony envisaged on 20 March when the CCWEL will be officially opened as announced by @CllrScottArthur at #spksmtg this evening…
CCW(Let's not say anything about George Street)EL opening!
Motion by Councillor Mowat - CCWEL Project (City Centre West to East Link)
“Council notes the large number of complaints received about the design, construction and implementation of the CCWEL project from Roseburn to Charlotte Square and considers that residents' concerns should be addressed and calls for a report to review:
1. The process from commissioning to design and implementation and
2. To consider lessons learned so that any further projects progress more smoothly and quickly.”
Join us for the official launch of the City Centre West to East Link Wednesday 20 March 11.30am - 2.30pm Haymarket Terrace, outside Four Points by Sheraton Hotel
• Free bike marking by Police Scotland
* Free bike checks and fixing
• Try a cargo bike
• Grab some travel maps and freebies
• Chat to the team
You can also join our cycle from Roseburn to Haymarket - meet at Old Colt Bridge at 12.30pm
Find out more about future plans for walking, wheeling and cycling improvements http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/futureedinburgh
This is not a link. There is no link from West to East.
We could call it the Roseburn to Randolph Place and St Andrews Square to Leith Walk Discontinuous Cycleway Operation - R2R & SAS2LW DiSCO has a kind of ring to it
Wonder what it will be like tomorrow IF it rains this much!
Never mind the rain, I’ve seen wider and less lumpy millraces than that bidirectional abomination
I used it from Donaldsons to Roseburn last night 9.20pm. it was good.
I used it about a month back at the Piskie Cathedral. I think I was on the wrong side of the road at one point but was good.
It did end at massive roadworks at George St./ Charlotte Sq
I am unsure if people would use the path as a. Continuous route to cross Edinburgh? Rather use sections as I have done. To get to the hell of the east (Picardy Place) must involve on road cycling ?
I've often thought it would have made more sense to build it only as far as Haymarket but spend the difference starting way west of Roseburn. I wonder what % of trips actually go to Princes St as opposed to south
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