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The "I had a lovely ride today, thankyou" thread

(2690 posts)

  1. gembo

    Great cycle out of Murrayfield last night after Bruce Springsteen (free ticket kindly donated due to Covid)

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. gembo

    Went down to Roberton today via Carnwath (espresso and pink panther at the Pie, bunting out but Gala next weekend). Then carstairs, Hyndford Brig, turn right up the least used cycle path ever on A70 above the Clyde, the grass is reclaiming it then Left just before Rigside, sign posted Wiston. Superb descent. Then at bottom of valley, good way before Wiston a right turn down to Roberton. Lovely wee village. Saw the church with one bell that has its photo on the front of the John Martyn album of that name. We then headed on to A73 and just before the M74 took a sharp right across country and finally down under the M74 and back up to the NCN route 74 towards Crawfordjohn. Stopped to chat with two elderly gents out on their e-bikes. They bemoaned the surface at the abandoned Red Moss Hotel. We then headed to the mighty Douglas Bakery (Danish and espresso and treacle scone taken home). 45 miles in.

    Learnt that people in Hebden Bridge call a stool a Buffett. You pronounce the T. The 40 miles back were via Douglas Water, kirkfieldbank with its big descent ascent, Cleghorn, braehead, auchengray, Tarbrax and Whang. One puncture between two (well 2.25 as amigo three came as far as the Apple Pie on way out tho it was largely his route).

    I might adapt to going to Crawfordjohn them up to Glespin and into Douglas from the West as that would be approx 100 miles.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. Baldcyclist

    Firat cycle home in more than a year (and embarrassingly I think first time on any bike this year.

    Anyway really enjoyed it and it wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it was going to be (I was quite nervous last night thinking about it).

    Few observations...

    There are a few more white boxes in Barnton.
    My neck and shoulders are weak.
    Hillwalking is good cycling prep, my legs coped much better than expected. (Lungs another matter).
    The upgraded path between Dalgety Bay and Aberdour is a thing of beauty.
    The path between Aberdour and Burntisland is still a cesspit, and not fit for bikes.
    I need to eat more if I cycle, ran out of calories at Inverkeithing and needed to stop for a sandwich at Aldi.
    I still enjoy cycling, even after an 18 month break. :)

    Likely to be sore tomorrow...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. chdot

    Well done.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. Greenroofer

    Despite Mrs G's protestations that it would be dangerous and full of drunk people, I took the cargo bike from Morningside to Inverleith Row* at 2330 last night to collect daughter from a party. Google recommended routes involving bike paths, but, having being advised to 'stay off the moors after dark' I just rode the route of the 23 bus and it was fine: little traffic and not many drunk people wandering into the road.

    After a delay from being roped into helping tidy up, we returned homewards at 0030 with her as a pillion passenger. The e-bike made easy work of Dundas Street and the Mound, even with a 60kg passenger on the back.

    The only interaction we had with drunk people was a woman who shouted 'Mega Rad!' at us on the Mound, which was quite fun.

    Overall a very pleasing outing, which, even if it started yesterday, finished this morning.

    *Yes, I know what this might lead you to conclude about me. If it helps, pretend I said 'from Pilton to Sighthill'?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. chrisfl

    One thing I've noticed recently is that has a night mode that cleverly avoids the isolated paths.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. gembo

    We don’t conclude anything about you Lord Greenroofer but how did mini Greenroofer get old enough to go to a party and why did it end so early? Nice tidying up action. Wait til they wreck your pad and no one helps you tidy up.

    Also I recommend Saughton carpets if you have a wooden floor as the dancing and vomiting is best contained on one of their very cheap carpets, round the back of the jail, but you know that.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. MediumDave

    Joined some friends in Bearnock (between Drumnadrochit and Cannich) over the long weekend and got there by train and folding bike (as there were no bike spaces to book).

    Train was quiet and found a cosy spot for my folded Dahon and rucksack between the seats. Gloomy, rainy weather over Perth heading north on Sat morning increased trepidation but everything cleared up by the time I reached Inverness. As I'd allowed plenty of time in case of train disaster I had time for a very long lunch in Whisk Away cafe on Queensgate. I am happy to report that the all-day breakfast there contains link sausage, square sausage, black pudding AND haggis! With chips and bottomless cups of tea.

    Strapped my rucksack onto the front carrier with the help of a Lidl shopping bag to contain all the dangly straps and headed off. Rather than braving the A82 I decided to head towards Beauly and then turn off onto the A833 before picking up the A831 in Glen Urquhart to head in the Cannich direction.

    Warm sunny day, slight crosswind off the Beauly Firth, light and (mostly) well-behaved motor traffic. Perfect. Even the breakfast wasn't weighing me down that much.

    I knew the route was lumpy but at least from the Beauly side it's a steady climb up once you turn on to the A833. The bit around Ardendrain was something of a drag - the gearing on my laden Dahon being just a touch too high for comfortable riding of anything over about 7% continuous. The tarmac is perfect though. Smooth all the way. No potholes at all.

    Sadly there did seem to be a number of roadside pubs/eateries (Buckie's Bar and True North for instance) that had fallen victim to current economic pressures. There basically wasn't anything between Inverness and Cannich that was open as far as I could tell. Didn't affect me, but may affect longer-distance tourists.

    Landscape wise it's mostly mixed farms, plantation and native broadleaf woodlands and higher up some moor. I did not see much wildlife but that may be because the higher part of the route was suffering from a terrible camper-van infestation. Probably because there's lots of forest roads and other places they can stop along there. As a result road conditions there were busier (and more alarming due to incompetent drivists) than the main Inverness-Beauly drag so I had to keep my eyes on the road not on the pretty scenery.

    The descent to rejoin the A831 is quite hair-raising - 15% signposted but I'm sure it's steeper in places. Hairpins galore. Combined with the camper-vans this was the least fun part of the journey which is a bit sad.

    The cycle along Glen Urquhart to the house was excellent. Really nice landscape. The next day I cycled with a friend to Glen Affric for the day (can recommend the Slaters Arms in Cannich for excellent beer too) and it only got better! I think if I were to go this way again I'd take the A831 all the way to Cannich first, then cycle from Cannich towards Drumnadrochit as I suspect it would be quieter even than the A833.

    I was the first to arrive as there'd been several crashes on the A9 (spicy driving not confined to the A833 it seems) on Saturday so all my friends were caught in the traffic and didn't arrive until later.

    Did the reverse route on Monday, with another friend for part of the way. After we struggled up the 15% bits we were treated to a long gentle sweeping descent towards Beauly which was much fun. My friend turned off at Foxhole to return to the Great Glen and subsequently had an extremely alarming time on the ~3 miles of the A82 they had to ride to reach Drumnadrochit and the relative safety of the A831. I am told 2 near head-on collisions due to stupid overtakes, some bizarre abuse from a campervanista and many close passes :(

    My journey was uneventful apart from one convoy of imbeciles seemingly (from the flags and decals) connected to a French road rally. I do hope the driver of the oncoming car had some clean underpants after they all thundered past me forcing the oncoming car onto the verge! Apart from that, exemplary driving abounded.

    Got back to Haymarket to discover that the bolt that holds part of the frame hinge together had sheared. Weirdly the bike was still rideable though getting the hinge aligned to unfold the bike again was a bit challenging!

    Hopefully it's just a normal bolt and not some strange Dahon specific part. Given the bike is from 2010 getting a replacement might be challenging. Especially as Hollandbikeshop/Dutchbikebits no longer ships Dahon parts to the UK. Thanks Brexit...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. amir

    @mediumdave Great to hear of your slightly mad folder based escapades. Might the Bike Station be a place to look for a bolt?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. fimm

    Decided on a night out in a tent on my own. So loaded up the mountain bike with tent, sleeping kit, small stove, etc, and headed out along the Pencaitland Railway Path. A bad choice of route through Saltoun Big Wood (an overgrown path causing much pushing) slowed me down. Once out onto the quiet roads heading towards Longyester I made better time, however when I got onto the dead-end road that climbs towards Lammer Law I was feeling it in my legs, so once I had got clear of the farm land and (as far as I could tell) out of sight of any houses, I stopped, pitched my tent, and had some food as the light left the sky.

    In the morning, having watched the sunrise I went up over Lammer Law (much pushing uphill) and then took a big track heading south before following another track back north again past Stobsheil Reservoir and back to the road. I diverted to the Humbie Hub for a nice roll & sausage and then worked my way back to the Pencaitland Railway Path and home.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  11. LaidBack

    @fimm - sounds an excellent trip. So much decent stuff to do without going so far. Saltoun Big Wood is the path that continues from end of railway path?
    Humbie cafe always worth a visit!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  12. fimm

    @LaidBack, the quickest way into Saltoun Big Wood from the Railway Path is to go left along the road for a few hundred meters, over a bridge and turn right. It looks as though you are just going to some private houses, but there's a path to the left with a polite request to keep your dog on a lead, so they obviously accept that people can and do go that way. (This is suitable for off-road bikes only.)

    If you go straight on from the end of the Railway Path there's a road to a place called Old Duncrahill and from there you can take a rough track (not that rough, I've taken my road bike along it!) which links to more minor roads and on to the B6371 to Humbie. I came back that way.

    If you do Strava, here's my outward route:
    and my return:

    Posted 1 year ago #
  13. Dave

    It's tradition that I have one or two nice rides into town for the cherry blossom, can anyone comment on the situation in the meadows? The last few years this would have been a little early still.

    Posted 6 months ago #
  14. neddie

    The Edinburgh Minute says that it is out, on Coronation Walk at least

    Posted 6 months ago #
  15. Dave


    Posted 6 months ago #
  16. Frenchy

    I was in London at the weekend, and discovered that a load of roads in central London were closed for the RideLondon event on Sunday morning. So I grabbed a hire bike and joined the crowds cycling along Embankment.

    Everyone else seemed to know where they were going, but I was planning on crossing over to the south of the river, so I turned right onto Tower Bridge, expecting someone to stop me. Nobody stopped me, so I had a very enjoyable couple of minutes cycling across with the entire carriageway to myself. Turns out it was the finish line for a race of some sort later in the day? I was very politely asked to get out of the fenced off area when I got to the other side.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  17. fimm

    I extended the Public Holiday weekend by a day and had two lovely rides - one out to Gifford and back to Humbie via the minor road along the foot of the Lammermuirs. That ride featured a number of flooded roads, the most impressive is at Kidlaw (IIRC) where the road has been flooded for so long it has its own resident ducks and ducklings.

    The second ride went over the northern Granites climb, down through Heriot and then over the Soutra Aisle road. I've only ridden that road once before, a long time ago, and it is lovely (if quite a climb). I stopped at Soutra Aisle as well which was interesting. Just as I started the descent it started to rain, and very soon it was raining very hard, so I headed for home as fast as I could. There were even more flooded roads, especially at Cousland and on the Carberry Hill descent. My shoes had not dried out after their first soaking, by the time I got home they were wetter than before...

    Posted 5 months ago #
  18. chdot


    Cycled Haymarket - Meadows (PY) - Marchmont - Morningside - Polwarth - Roseburn - NEPN - Wardie - Inverleith - Stockbridge (under/overtook vehicles backed up to Stockbridge Primary, which probably took 4 cycles of lights to get to the junction) - (area) - Ferry Road (only because it’s got wands) - Broughton - Waverley.

    No idea how miles.

    No idea how much cycling time.

    Minimal waiting at lights/junctions.

    Minimal time to find parking spot.

    Mostly fun.

    Mostly healthy.

    Visited various people/places.

    Made various ‘moving decisions’ to go particular routes.

    Haven’t been along Gardeners Crescent for a while. Really pleased to see how the Gardens have developed. Was a building site once (sewer work?) and before mostly just cut grass.

    Bottom line is i couldn’t/wouldn't have done it by car.

    Could have done it by bus but it would have taken more planning and undoubtedly involved more waiting and travelling time.

    No I’m not young/fit (ok fit enough ’cos I’ve always cycled), wasn’t wearing visible lycra or using an electric bike.

    Not telling anyone reading this things they don’t ‘get’, but it’s alien to most people as even a possibility or sensible choice.

    Yes it was warm with minimal wind, but even so…

    Posted 4 months ago #
  19. gembo

    Went from Listonshiels to Carlops last night

    At Borestane declined to follow signposted path east and headed west towards East Cairn. At the gate we turned south through the other gate over the log path and cycled all the way down to Nort Esk reservoir. Well iwrats did on his special bike. I pushed a little BUT nothing like the pushing you have to do on the other side of the valley.

    Also by going round North Esk Reservoir you avoid the big field of cows muck I have always not enjoyed. Also cows.

    Group of young people camping at the reservoir. Some adult supervision

    Alas the Allan Ramsay hotel is long gone. We made do with gatecrashing the Pilates class at the village hall( we didn’t we were good boys we just filled bidons).

    Then retraced our steps

    A brilliant evening of cycling

    Posted 4 months ago #
  20. bakky

    Rode WoL Visitor Centre to King Stables Rd (office) yesterday evening while eldest offspring was getting a rainy tour around WoL environs. Opted instead of the 2.5 mile route direct via Slateford Rd, Dundee St and beyond to go via the WoL paths to Roseburn and then CCWEL to Charlotte Sq, in spite of the latter being a good two miles longer - time to kill.

    Contrary to motogrumps on social meeja, CCWEL just in the 15m or so I was traversing its western leg was positively riddled with bikists, I counted 22 of whom only 2 had delivery bags on. Turns out people do use it, even at half six on a rainy Thursday.

    Wished I had the cameras on as I witnessed a motorpilot doing some incredible and hard-to-comprehend manoeuvring on Melville St - across the segregated cycle lane back and forth in a multi-point reversing turn, to then drive 100m down the footway, and subsequently exit onto the road.

    I was blocked at Charlotte Sq by this choice parking. Can't fathom why we don't just issue tickets based on photo evidence at this point, because the enforcement is just not present.

    Nice route though. Went by the canal on the way back, even though Komoot tried its best to send me and the 50kg cargo bike across the viaduct and down the steep steps - but I suspected as much and corrected the map to come off early down the path just after the rail bridge. I still don't feel great passing under some of those canal bridges, but very efficient and traffic-free route back once onto the canal even if I did give the Deliveroo lad ahead of me the heebies after following for a good mile and a half.

    Posted 4 months ago #

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