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  1. chdot

    Edinburgh's potholes budget could be cut to pay for North Bridge refurbishment

    Edinburgh transport convener says cut would mean ‘exponential’ increase in deterioriation of roads

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. chdot

    Budget 2023/24

    £10M Pothole Fund

    Road & footpath condition in Edinburgh has never been worse, and the situation is deteriorating everyday. It's shameful.

    Since winning control of the Council in May 2022, Labour has discovered road & footpath maintenance is underfunded.

    To fix this, we will establish a £10M "pothole fund" and will use it to employ more staff to get our roads & footpaths fixed!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. chdot

  4. chdot

    It was amazing to spend an hour with @Edinburgh_CC 's roads team today watching them absolutely destroy potholes.

    The staff are evaluating the machine, and so far think it lets them work 2-3 times faster, and is reducing materials use.

    The ground up road is recycled.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. Murun Buchstansangur

    Hopefully they are just using that location for 'testing', but from the video, it's pretty clear that street's surface has been destroyed by rubbish utility 'repairs' (as with so many others) and requires full width resurfacing?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. Morningsider

    The Pothole Pro doesn't actually fix potholes, it's simply a quicker way of preparing potholed sections of road for repair - planing the surface, cutting clean edges and sweeping out debris. The actual repairs are done the usual way (yikes!).

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. Arellcat

    I hear Screwfix and Toolstation have since sold out of trowels and tackety boots.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. Dave

    I often think that it looks quite cumbersome having the truck with asphalt on it, wheelbarrows, watering cans for the jointing, the manual rollers etc.

    Maybe there's a sister machine out there which actually does a fill, compact and edge seal by just driving over the pothole a couple of times after the Pothole Pro has prepped it?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. Arellcat

    The fancy new JCB Pothole Pro cuts and dresses the road defect, but I think that's all it does. This is the machine CEC is testing.

    The Python 5000 is quite widely used for semi-automatic filling and sealing of a prepared (or unprepared!) hole. The Archway Roadmaster does a similar job of 'spray injection patching' with rolling built in.

    I haven't seen an all-in-one unit though, but dammit, it should exist! After all, look at a rail tamper. It lifts track, hoovers out ballast, washes it, replaces it, and settles and aligns the track again.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. Yodhrin

    Ah, but then they'd only be able to sell/rent you one machine instead of three.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  11. chdot

  12. Tulyar

    I did need to check the date .....

    Still a cosmetic detail. To stop the damage reappearing the sub grade has to be sound. Resurfacing is just short term fixes

    Posted 1 year ago #
  13. chdot

  14. chdot

    “I would have a little bit of sympathy with the council if there were potholes they were not aware of, but if there is a mechanism in place to notify them of issues and places that need repairs and they don’t respond to that then I think that’s negligence.”

    Posted 1 year ago #
  15. CocoShepherd

    How lovely to see several people stop to help the poor lady. How miserable to see that the first thing they did was get her bike and belongings off the road.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  16. Yodhrin

    From experience I'll tell you exactly how her claim will go:

    Not our fault, take it up with the contractor who last surfaced the road, no we don't care that it was ten years ago they last worked on it, no we don't care that they "went out of business" eight years ago, no we don't care that the exact same people formed a functionally identical company 7.9 years ago and is again a contractor for the council under the new name, boo hoo dry yer eyes you're still alive aren't you, talk to our lawyers.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  17. chdot

  18. neddie

    It was "closed" for half an hour! This is just a publicity stunt

    Posted 1 year ago #
  19. chdot

    Sunak suggests fixing potholes is transport priority as he refuses to tell Manchester if it will get HS2

    Posted 1 year ago #
  20. chdot

    110 days of filling potholes - Pothole Killer v Hot Box

    1. Hot box squad, 6 operatives, plant, and materials - £346,466.73 – approx. 30 square meters per day – permanent repair.

    2. Pothole Killer squad, 7 operatives, plant, and materials - £467,958.70 – approx 66 square meters per day – permanent repair.

    The Pothole Killer is 35% more expensive, but does 120% more work. It's a beast.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  21. chdot

    “It’s disappointing to see a government minister airbrushing out other road users such as cyclists and even buses in favor of drivers,” said London Cycling Campaign CEO Tom Fyans.

    Fyans was responding to a video posted on X/Twitter on December 20 featuring U.K. transport secretary Mark Harper who claimed that cash for road resurfacing in London was for motorists.

    “Potholes are a nuisance for everybody but for cyclists they increase the risk of serious injuries and even death in some circumstances,” Fyans added.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  22. chdot

    “It’s like a bad Christmas cracker joke,” said one northern leader in England as the government announced its latest Network North transport project: fixing potholes in London.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  23. chdot

  24. chdot

  25. Dave

    Ha, so cllrs want to spend an extra £10m a year patching potholes to mitigate a liability position of £0.07m a year? Novel economics

    Posted 7 months ago #
  26. chdot

    When we go for a road ride, are we really going for a road ride – or are we venturing into some sort of rutted and pockmarked no man's land? A potholed purgatory in which we are forced to wait not for the call of Saint Peter but rather the transport secretary, hoping he or she will bestow upon us a multi-billion pound accelerated road-repair scheme and send us on our way.

    Don't hold your breath. A report last month revealed that it would take 10 years and £16.3 billion ($20.3 billion) to fix up the UK's roads.

    Posted 6 months ago #
  27. neddie

    There’d be a lot fewer potholes if we weren’t consuming everything and using HGVs to transport pointless consumer junk around the world

    Posted 6 months ago #
  28. chdot

    The B6372 at Gladhouse has had pothole problems in the past, with local residents and passing motorists previously reporting damage caused by the unfit road. That section of the road was repaired at the end of last year, but now locals are fuming at damage caused by a 25 metre stretch of the same road.

    Posted 6 months ago #
  29. chdot

    I was struck by the thriving nature of the local rural economy – no potholes in sight – and the general atmosphere of wellbeing. As usual, as on all my trips to the continent, I met people who expressed astonishment at the harm the UK had done to itself with the Brexit referendum.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  30. chdot


    “Potholes can be done straightaway” Starmer


    Posted 4 months ago #

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