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"Appeal to prevent Gorgie City Farm closure"
(49 posts)-
Posted 8 years ago #
No threat of imminent closure, they are just looking to secure future funding. Maybe sir Phillip green would help out?
Posted 8 years ago # -
Yes but if people think it's closing imminently they will give more and sooner?
Posted 8 years ago # -
Yes very sensible mode of attack. People often regret when facilities they like but have forgotten about are closed down
Posted 8 years ago # -
We used to go there lots; don't always contribute. i'm happy to be reminded that they need support. perhaps 'make GF sustainable' would be more honest than 'keep GF open'?
Posted 8 years ago # -
Gorgie City Farm founder Bill Brockie recalls early days
Posted 8 years ago # -
Bill Brockie also being a long time Spokes member, Pop supporter, and one of those people who won't walk somewhere if he can cycle it.
Posted 8 years ago # -
Our school minister for a most of my time there too.
Posted 8 years ago # -
Please dig deep for farm appeal
IT’S hard to believe that Gorgie City Farm has only been tucked off Gorgie Road for 38 years, such is its place in the hearts of generations of people.
The city’s institutions come in many forms, but the farm in the heart of one of Edinburgh’s most built-up residential areas is one of them. For many kids in the 70s and 80s, there was little chance they’d ever visit a rural farm. A city farm, easy to get to by bus, was a stroke of genius.
But it’s always been free to visit – and perhaps the lack of in-your-face demands for donations from visitors is what’s at the root of its current financial difficulties.
People’s fondness for the farm though has seen it raise £40,000 in four days – just another £60,000 to go. You can donate £5 via text to “FARM44” or give more via or send a cheque to Gorgie City Farm, 51 Gorgie Road, EH11 2LA.
Posted 8 years ago # -
Checked with the finance manager I am pally with, they really do need the money now so pleas do stump up. Ta.
Posted 8 years ago # -
Meanwhile, seven-year-old Jessica McCleary and friends Zoey Beatson and Belle Whitney-Macdonald decided to mount their own fundraising drive.Mum Andrea McCleary said: “I told the girls about it after seeing the Evening News Facebook post. They were devastated. We had been just the week before and they’d had a great time. They said they wanted to do some fundraising. We often go to the farm. They just love petting the animals and getting to feed them.”
First the girls did a collection around friends and neighbours and then they took up position with their collection box outside the gates at Stockbridge Primary School. “They stood outside from 8.15am for three mornings. They were chanting ‘Save Gorgie City Farm’ and getting money from parents and anyone else passing by.”
The girls managed to raise £126 and Ms McCleary took them to the farm to hand over the money. “They were delighted,” she said.
Posted 8 years ago # -
The reports on this have made vague mention to 'spiralling running costs' ; any one know what's going on with that?
Posted 8 years ago # -
What is their long term plan now I wonder? A one off bailout from crying to then EEN won't last, they will need long term grants or admission fees if they're losing money
Posted 8 years ago # -
I get the impression they've brought in a professional fundraiser. It's very unlike EEN to follow something like this so regularly. I presume they're being fed decent press releases that can be simply published.
It seems they lost a funding stream - I'm guessing council cutbacks.
I do wonder about long term funding though. "Sustainability"
Posted 8 years ago # -
A worthy cause, but do these guys have an aunty who works for the chipwrapper?
Posted 8 years ago # -
Hearts owner Ann Budge will contribute £300,000 of her own money to the project.
Oh, that's a different Gorgie project...
Posted 8 years ago # -
Funny timing, just as the land at the end is being developed and the council office in front is going to be flats.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Posted 5 years ago #
Alas, not the first time
Posted 5 years ago # -
Maybe it's because I'm a veggie, but I am a little shocked that the 'Livestock' are all going to be slaughtered.
Posted 5 years ago # -
@stiltskin, where did you hear that? The first and last paragraphs of the chipwrapper both say the animals will be looked after until new homes are found for them.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Well, the pet animals are. They've always sold livestick for meat though - wasn't part of the point to connect folk to where their dinner comes from? I've certainly eaten goat that came from GCF in an Edinburgh restaurant...
Posted 5 years ago # -
Posted 5 years ago #
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