CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Commuting

Cyclist down (Shandwick Place)

(271 posts)

  1. Rulou

    What looks like a very unpleasant situation at the junction at Frasers/Lothian Rd. A bike crushed under a Rabbie's Tours van in the left (heading west) lane. Emergency services just arriving as I passed, traffic at a standstill. Wasn't looking good so hoping that the owner of the bike isn't too badly hurt.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  2. LaidBack

    Irene just left voicemail. She sounded quite shocked. Trams off and bus diversions. She walked to work.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  3. fimm

    That does not sound good.
    I hope the cyclist is OK.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  4. ARobComp

    Friend who commutes that way saying it was a fatality, but no further information yet. - Twitter suggesting serious injuries.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  5. chdot


    Iain (@LattoRRFC)
    31/05/2017, 8:56 am
    A woman has been knocked down on shandwick place and folk are standing filming her receiving CPR. Seriously?


    Posted 7 years ago #
  6. CJC

    I went past when emergency services were there. Lots of police cars, ambulance, fire engines. Big screens up around the area. :(

    Posted 7 years ago #
  7. Rulou

    I was really shocked by the number of people standing about ogling the scene, it was clearly quite serious.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  8. AKen

    BBC is reporting that a cyclist was knocked down by a bus, rather than their usual form of words that would describe it as something like 'in collision with a bus'.

    Had a sinking feeling when I passed this earlier. Far too many ambulances to be minor.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  9. unhurt

    Just passed the aftermath. Looks really bad - police tape, multiple emergency vehicles. A man outside Carphone Warehouse (I had been inside) helpfully came over to tell me, unlocking my bike, that a cyclist was under a Rabbies tour bus.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  10. amir

    Just awful :(

    Posted 7 years ago #
  11. mercury1and2

    that is awful - i use to cycle from Waterloo place to the eh12 area going that way always after 9am mind- just too busy. Rabbies tour buses scared me i use to avoid going anywhere near them.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  12. paddyirish

    Terrible news. Hoping that it isn't as bad as feared.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  13. Harts Cyclery

    Horrific. Hopefully she's ok, but not looking good. How long have we (well, mostly Spokes) been asking for cycle provision at this awful junction...?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  14. 14Westfield

    Really bad news as this sounds very serious.

    But i cannot be overly shocked that it was a Rabbies tour van that was involved - i have been aggressively passed a few times by them and im sure others have too..

    Posted 7 years ago #
  15. Harts Cyclery

    Cyclist, 24, in critical condition, according to Police Scotland.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  16. Harts Cyclery

    Florence Snead‏ @FlorenceSneadEN 1m1 minute ago

    Police saying the cyclist came off her bike and was then involved in a collision with a minibus

    Statement released by @policescotland says cyclist, 24, in critical condition in hospital after accident at Shandwick Place

    Posted 7 years ago #
  17. CJC

    Police saying the cyclist came off her bike and was then involved in a collision with a minibus

    Presumably tramline caused her to come off, then minibus was following too closely.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  18. chdot

    In cases like this we try to have 'no speculation'.

    (Hard though that is.)

    Posted 7 years ago #
  19. newtoit

    Not good at all.

    Just don't read the comments on the EEN facebook page...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  20. Harts Cyclery

    However, it is valid to be angry with the fact that this is a known cycling hell hole and that there has been continual lobbying to have proper provision for cycling.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  21. I were right about that saddle

    However, it is valid to be angry

    I quite agree. We all know that the combination of that place and that firm has always had the potential for tragedy. It is where political cowardice becomes manifest in tarmac, paint and steel.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  22. unhurt

    Yep. Protected infrastructure saves lives.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  23. gibbo

    However, it is valid to be angry with the fact that this is a known cycling hell hole and that there has been continual lobbying to have proper provision for cycling.


    This wasn't an accident. Accidents you can't forsee. This was a business decision.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  24. Ed1

    It now reads cyclist dies when bike hit tram tracks in path of bus

    Posted 7 years ago #
  25. Harts Cyclery

    She has now died :-(

    Posted 7 years ago #
  26. Harts Cyclery

    24 years old and killed on a f*king tram track that was a known hazard on a junction that was known to be awful in a city that talks a good game but does f* all. Sorry, I'm angry.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  27. Rosie

    Awful news.

    I get notices of accidents on the tram tracks. "Fortunately I was only bruised, but if something had been behind me, it could have been a lot more serious."

    This was waiting to happen.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  28. algo

    This is absolutely awful - I don't know what else to say at this point. My thoughts are with her family.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  29. qwerty

    known hazard on a junction that was known to be awful

    This was waiting to happen

    Agree with those two points. I cycle along there regularly and I hate that section, I feel so vulnerable - buses and taxis don't give cyclists enough room when they're passing on the left up onto Lothian Road, and there's not enough space to feel safe as you're hemmed in by the tram lines on the right if you're continuing west. Horrid, cycle-unfriendly infra design (only marginally better than moving westwards at Haymarket IMHO, again, which I try to avoid as I dislike it so much).

    Posted 7 years ago #
  30. Rulou

    Oh no. This is the most terrible news.

    Posted 7 years ago #

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