Stevio been there, again don’t like, unicorns required, a nice two man/ person would be a suitable size for me, like to have a bit of room to chuck my kit , single coffin types are just too claustrophobic for me, bivvy bags are great for emergencies but just not for me!!roughing as smoothly as I want !! I know my likes might be not to everyone’s requirements but I do want to enjoy the experience! I did have a great supermarket hoop tent that was double skinned and had a porch, it was designed / marketed as 3 man , but the hoops were such that the bag wasn’t too big, it was quite light, it felt like a hotel , but my son lost it while doing some west highland way reccie ( I suspect alcohol was involved!) best tent I ever owned was bought as a birthday present for me, it was offered I think, in the observer newspaper , it was lost when a visit to hospital was required after a fall on Ben Nevis, not me but we left the casualty in hospital and were offered transport back to home, we were only 17, we can get it next weekend, it was gone, including my rubbish sleeping bag and my fathers Primus stove!
Worst was a canvas, no ground sheet no fly sheet offering, while walking across knoydart, 1976, the fantastic summer, except knoydart !