After a few road laps I went out with the gravel bike on Saturday with the aim of corridoring* round the Pentlands. The lowlight was the squares which are easiest linked by using the A702 but thankfully it mostly had an acceptable pavement to use.
My first off road segment took through the back of the bush estate shortly followed by Penicuik House, somewhere I was previously ignorant of. It appears popular with dog walkers for obvious reasons.
On the way to Nine Mile Burn I took a detour which Strava said was accessible but left me on the wrong side of a locked driveway gate (Now added to OSM).
At Nine mile burn I left the A702 and other than a brief visit at Carlops didn't return for a long time. Unfortunately in Carlops I missed my turn and forgot to duck into the car park at the Alan Ramsay Hotel so my cluster only makes corner contact there for now.
Next was the Roman Road followed by the actual road up to West Water, followed by a shooting track over a hillock and onto the trail to Garvald. This trail came and went and at some point seemed nothing more than a worn patch down the side of a field but perhaps I missed something there. Once in Garvald I then started filling adhoc squares most of which aren't accessible on tarmac. As this is already getting to be a long post I'll name these based on features which are in them:
Shaw Hill
Black Mount
Easthill Wood
South Medwyn
Craigie Burn
Pettinain Burn
I was invited to vacate the track in the square behind Newbigging Quarry as "all the gates were closed". Thankfully I didn't need to go through any and as I was already in the square I wanted I'll never be back on that track.
I had hoped to get the Dykefoot Farm square on the way up the Lang Whang but instead I found a large, unwelcoming and locked driveway gate. This time I was thankfully on the right side of it as they had made sure there was no easy way round. It's now also on OSM so hopefully Strava will stop trying to claim it's a passable route soon. Instead I'll go back and access the square from the windfarm at the other side.
As that had been my last planned square I decided not to end on a low so headed up the forest track from Harperrig to West Cairn Hill to grab a couple of squares I've had on the radar for a while. The first of these was a special square as it increased my max square to 15.
All in all a successful trip, it's not often that I can increase my cluster by so much in a single ride any more and this will probably end up as the largest jump of 2021. A couple of bonus buzzard spots and the new max square were nice footnotes too.
*I'm not sure if corridoring is an applicable terms where you create a loop rather than connecting a far away place but I'm sure you can work out what I mean.