So I decide to take my bike across town to St Andrew Square...
I'm on a 'normal' bike so invisible to forumers - but also motorists it seems.
I have my TBC RSP very bright rack light on.
I get overtaken and cut up on corner of George St into St Andrew Square.
I see the driver mouthing off at me so decide to speak with her as she has now joined a long queue of traffic. As a forum member my language is moderate.
On return I am cut up again on corner of Mound crossing the track. I have taken centre line in ASL but red Micra decides to go head to head and chicken out by cutting me up. I catch her at top of Mound. I don't speak but purposely glare at her. Her face looks red - but this is maybe just my rear lights!
They are good but I wonder if their brightness has made me a target?