Corstorphine Connections Trial Road Safety Scheme.
Improved - Air quality at the Corstorphine PS.
Down - Traffic levels around the school.
Down - 24 hour traffic counts within scheme.
Up - The proportion of children using active travel to get to Corstorphine PS.
Down - The proportion of kids being driven to Corstorphine PS & Carrick PS.
This is within the context of rising traffic levels and changes in walking/cycling across Edinburgh since the initial data was collected in Nov 2021.
In the recovery from the pandemic, traffic levels have risen by around 6% in the west of the city. This suggests that the overall decreases in traffic in the Corstorphine Connections area might actually be more significant than it appears, while the small (2.5%) increase in traffic during peak hours could represent a positive outcome, when compared to the larger increase across west Edinburgh.
Although recent independent research shows that 49% of people living in the area support the scheme, there are still those who have concerns about the trial road safety measures and I will continue engaging with them. Indeed, I will be taking questions at the Community Council meeting this week.
Full report: https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/downloads/file/34690/corstorphine-connections-post-6-month-data
Graphic - I added the red "?"