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Scott Arthur Latest

(1360 posts)
  • Started 2 years ago by chdot
  • Latest reply from chdot
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  1. MediumDave

    Oh, Edinburgh South West is Dan Heap.

    Problem solved.

    Though I'd miss him as a councillor.

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  2. gembo

    Scott for prime minister

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  3. Murun Buchstansangur

    I’m in a similar dilemma. While I’ve never voted for Cherry, she strikes me as a person with her own thoughts, views and the ability to articulate them, so a serious person for what should be a serious job.

    Then we come to the Twitter bantz edgelord

    I want rid of him for the sake of the future of active travel in Edinburgh, but I don’t want to see him utterly failing upwards and getting a five-year ticket on the gravy ingestion bus (best seat etc…)

    Perhaps there could be an unfortunate canvassing accident with a speeding rat running driver in somewhere that should have been LTNed long ago? That seems like karma

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  4. chdot

    Not wishing any accidents or deliberates (not even to…)

    But this one is enigmas and riddles.

    Views about JC, are shall we say, ‘mixed’.

    So too SA.

    Even with the notable change in popularity of Lab and SNP - but not in any binary/swap sense - it’s hard to understand why there is a belief that Lab could come from a bad third to a significant ’upset’.

    I know people who say he is ‘well liked’ in his ward - but that’s not the whole constituency.

    His Janus game of being ‘in favour’ of active travel, but not in my ward/constituency/where it will upset motorists, will win some votes.

    But that many??

    Of course he is STILL self-proclaimed “interim”.

    Would make sense to resign to concentrate on his planned parliamentary career.

    But this is SA.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  5. chrisfl

    The website uses quite a simple method. And just looking at who won last time, misses lots of subtleties.

    This website

    Puts LAB at 33.7% and SNP at 33.1%

    They then have:
    CON: 14.6%
    LIB: 7.0%
    REFORM: 3.6%
    GREEN: 5%
    OTHER: 2.9%

    In 2019 Conservatives were at 25%, Labour at 14% and Lib at 9.5%.

    If Conservative vote goes to Labour and Reform and as well as the drop in SNP vote then I can see a close run.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  6. chdot

    Transport and Environment Convener, Councillor Scott Arthur said:

    I’m proud that we’ve reached this important milestone in our journey to become a healthier, greener, and more sustainable city. For the past two years we’ve run a positive information campaign to give people time to get ready for the LEZ, and to make sure they avoid penalties once enforcement begins. We have ambitious plans to achieve net zero, accommodate sustainable growth, cut congestion, and improve air quality, amongst other commitments to create a safer and more people-friendly city; and the LEZ is a key component of these. Public attitudes towards LEZs are improving across Scotland, with a recent poll indicating that 60% of respondents were in favour of the zones, with just 21% opposed. This is clear evidence that people are seeing the many benefits of LEZs, and how they link in with our wider aims to make our city cleaner, greener and healthier for everyone. Alongside Aberdeen, Glasgow, and Dundee we’re sending a clear message that our major cities are united in pursuing a better future for all. And as Scotland’s capital city, we have a duty to lead on these key climate issues which will define our country for generations to come.”

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  7. chdot

    The Edinburgh Reporter on my chances of taking the Edinburgh South West seat from the SNP, and thereby help establish a Labour Government.

    A vote for Labour isn’t a vote to send a message, it’s a vote to send a government to Westminster with Scottish Labour MPs at its heart, delivering the change Scotland needs.


    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  8. chdot

    The SNP Government was underfunding Councils before austerity came along.

    Must be an election coming.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  9. chdot

    “We’ve also learned key lessons on walking and cycling, particularly from the Trams to Newhaven project, and will continue to use this learning to inform our future work. I’m sure we can arrive at a positive solution on this next phase of the tram network expansion."

    Posted 1 week ago #
  10. chdot

    Getting Stuff Done - We are expecting delivery of temporary public toilets in parks as follows:

    1 The Meadows - Tuesday - 11th June 2024
    2 Straiton Place Park - Thursday - 13th June 2024
    3 Inverleith Park - Monday - 17th June 2024
    4 Leith Links-Thursday-20th June 2024

    These are the dates the units will be on site. The Council have the contractors working on utility connections, so hopefully we will be able to get the units operational as quickly as possible from these dates. We are also working on signage, too.

    The temporary toilets will be in place until 25 October 2024 initially. With proposals for more permanent facilities planned for the Meadows, Inverleith Park, and Leith Links for later in the year, we may seek to extend the temporary provision until the new facilities are available.

    We will update you with more information on the permanent provision as work progresses.

    Opening times are planned to be the same as last year - 10am to 8pm daily.

    The toilets will be regularly checked and maintained by our Public Conveniences team.

    Posted 1 week ago #

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