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TransAlba 2020 in 2022

(35 posts)

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  1. bill

    TransAlba 2020 race postponed to 2022 has started this morning (3rd of July).

    There is at least one Edinburgh-based Audaxer in the mix (Angus Doig)


    They will be on the Lang Whang about 300km, turning at the Kirknewton Airfield.
    Perhaps a bit late for my bedtime to go and wave them.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. bill

    Took the Balerno route to work this morning hoping to see some TransAlba riders and indeed I bumped into no 33 and cycled with him between the Kirknewton Airfield and Mid Calder.

    Most riders are now between Livi and Linlightgow, some still in Biggar and the faster ones in the Trossachs.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. stiltskin

    #26 seems to be about 100 miles ahead of everyone else!

    Posted 2 years ago #
  4. mcairney

    Also a chapeau to Kieran from MRCC (number 34)

    Posted 2 years ago #
  5. bill

    @stiltskin yeah, that #26 seems to be miles and miles ahead of the rest!

    Two riders seemed to come to Livinston McDonald's and one of them decided to DNF.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  6. bill

    Monday AM:
    #26 is already in Moydart after a night in Tobermory.
    #36 making his way through Mull
    #14 and #34 waiting in Oban for the ferry to Mull with riders #33 and #35 not far behind but I think they will have to wait for the next ferry.

    The last two riders in Callander now which is 432km in but 52h after the start.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  7. stiltskin

    #26 seems to have lost a lot of ground to his pursuers by getting held up in Tobermory overnight. His lead is only 50 miles at the moment.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  8. stiltskin

    ... I love having ferries playing a part in the race. Adds to the drama!

    Posted 2 years ago #
  9. bill

    @stiltskin yes, and it is fun to watch!

    #26 now waiting in Mallaig for the Skye ferry.

    I imagine most of the riders will make it across to Mull tonight.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  10. bill

    Oban (OBA) - Craignure (CRA)

    Wednesday 6th July

    Due to forecast Westerly winds gusting up to 40 mph, Wednesday’s sailings will be liable to disruption or cancellation at short notice.

    Reason: weather conditions

    Last Updated: 05 Jul 2022 10:20

    That may make things interesting/stressful for the riders.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  11. crowriver

    No.26 is well away. No.36 looks set for the 17:15 ferry to Skye. So there could be an interesting battle through the night between those two.

    Nos.14 and 34 have an hour to catch the last ferry of the day to Armadale. Nos. 33, 35 and 19 will make it to Kilchoan on the last ferry, probably No.17 will run out of tme. Most of the rest, as bill suggests, will be overnighting on Mull.

    At the back, No. 40 making slow but steady progress, while No. 23 seems to have hunkered down in Drymen.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  12. crowriver

    Wow. A whole bunch of riders have bailed today. Not that surprising really, given the gale force winds. No. 26 still way out in the lead, and an impressive run by No, 14 who is closing on No. 36. At the back, I'm equally impressed by No. 40 who has managed to overtake No. 28. Neither rider has boarded a ferry yet - maybe just as well!

    Posted 2 years ago #
  13. bill

    @crowriver apparently it's also wet in the west! yeah, interesting to see a whole bunch of DNFs in Oban this morning. Unfortunately (my now pal) #33 also bailed last night in Moydart.

    #36 seem to have gone off-course.

    #35 and #34 are going strong and I am rooting for them!

    Luckily the route does not involve Arran. Riders could have been stranded for days!

    Posted 2 years ago #
  14. bill

    #36 now heading for Inverness the more direct route I suppose a DNF

    Posted 2 years ago #
  15. bill

    #38, #33 and #36 all cycling home now which is pretty impressive!

    Correction: #38 on the train. #33 might be on the train as well. #36 cycling

    Posted 2 years ago #
  16. crowriver

    No. 14 now in second place. However it looks unlikely they will close the 100 mile (!!!) gap opened by the leader No. 26. At the tall end, No. 16 seems to be flagging a bit, No. 40 still doggedly continuing. Chapeau to all of them for battling on in these conditions!

    Posted 2 years ago #
  17. bill

    #16 lost her dry back between Kilchoan and Glenbeg maybe that's why flagging a bit.

    The conditions look tough from what I can see on Instagram.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  18. fimm

    #16, Ania Przygoda, is also the only woman in the field, so I'm keeping a particular eye out for her.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  19. bill

    @fimm yes, only one female this time. Ania Przygoda did the last (and the first) edition as well but I think she DNF.

    #42 decided to DNF in Ullapool.

    #26 has now started heading south. Everyone else is still going north.

    #34 and #35 seem to cycle together (close to one another) quite a lot and it's nice to see the it's allowed in the race.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  20. Murun Buchstansangur

    Is DNF #36 out doing Crathie Hill for funsies?

    I see Costerton ford claimed another victim on the first day

    Posted 2 years ago #
  21. bill

    @Murun I recall seeing #36 in Montrose yesterday so maybe they just changed the last location on the tracker?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  22. crowriver

    I note the two back markers, Nos. 28 and 40, were riding together for a fair while. One ferry journey to go for them, good to see they still persevere.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  23. Murun Buchstansangur

    @bill I thought they were home as well so must be something like that

    Posted 2 years ago #
  24. bill

    Several riders should make it back to SQ today!

    #26 spent the night in Inverness and almost has reached Breamar now.

    #34 parts Inverness, #14 in Inverness and #35 still quite far north from Inverness.

    #35 spent the night in Larig: two ladies saw him checking the map at 1am on their way from the pub, invited for a cup of tea and sandwiches and then after hearing about his plan to sleep in a bus shelter they offered him to sleep in their summer house at the bottom of the garden. Surely better than a bus shelter!

    Riders #40 and #28 at the tail end in Appleccross.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  25. crowriver

    No. 26 at the borders of The Kingdom. The Ferry not far now.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  26. crowriver

    No. 26 wheeling through darkest Fife. Pursuers are nowhere near, still in the Cairngorms. No. 16 appears to be taking a break in Ullapool. Back marker No. 31 doggedly pushing onwards.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  27. crowriver

    No. 26 crossing the FRB. No. 34 heading towards Blairgowrie. Other riders scattered across Scotland still...

    Posted 2 years ago #
  28. crowriver

    That's it, Graham Spiller has won. Never really in doubt. Now to follow the pursuivants and see how they get on.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  29. bill

    I detoured via SQ on my way home this afternoon to see the first finisher. The two organisers (aka the "media" car that was following them), Graham's wife and one of the DNF-er with his OH were there. Really nice atmosphere.

    The final part of the route is along SQ cobbles which is quite funny and a bit annoying ;-) but gives something to complain about instead of all the 1700km before that.

    The organiser were extremely friendly and they are keeping an eye on the riders all the way advising to get some sleep, giving tips where to eat and keeping in touch via messages.

    Looks like #34 had a pretty good night attack! Even #26 had to leave at 3am instead of the planned 7am to stay in the lead.

    So there is competition but a very friendly one.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  30. fimm

    Monday morning - quite few have finished. Ania is still going, and as I write appears to be in the "bastard hills" north of Braemar (does that infringe Rule 2?).
    Come on Ania!

    Posted 2 years ago #

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