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PY Coffee Friday 23 February (and other dates)

(37 posts)

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  1. mcairney

    I’ve popped into Starbucks for takeaway not sure there’s much difference in price!

    Posted 1 month ago #
  2. chdot

    Early risers gone to SB & CN.

    Sitting outside PY (tables and chairs in position).

    Posted 1 month ago #
  3. jdanielp

    Now outside the Futures Institute up at the top of MMW due to an incident at PY.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  4. Morningsider

    PY is dead...long live the Edinburgh Futures Institute.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  5. mcairney

    Strike 3 for me too, all a bit unnecessary but I'd already gone off them a while back when I ordered a coffee at 8.15am and was still waiting on it at 9am at which point I left and over the years I'm probably not the only person who's had issues with them.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  6. gembo

    Fortunately the new place called CanoPY. So we can keep PY. Is also nicer and cheaper. So glad the argument which occurred before I arrived has caused this paradigm shift.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  7. jdanielp

    Well observed!

    Posted 1 month ago #

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