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Harrison Rd Closure

(21 posts)

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  1. SRD

    Harrison Rd is closed from tomorrow for up to six months.

    Good news is pavements still open, so should be possible to cross considerately with bikes.

    Posted 3 days ago #
  2. Dave

    Imagine if, after closing these roads for six months or more, we simply had a ratchet mechanism that converts them to modal filters... instead of facing six months+ of increasingly urgent/angry people wanting it reopened immediately

    Posted 3 days ago #
  3. SRD

    it would be nice if they generated some data from it. Harrison rd is a nightmare, but so is Ashley terrace, which is presumably where much of the traffic will divert to.

    Posted 3 days ago #
  4. MediumDave

    Thanks. Doesn't seem to be in the Road Report - do you happen to know the reason for the closure?

    Ashley Terrace has those temp traffic lights still I think?

    You are right that CHAOS(TM) will reign until the drivists decide to drive somewhere else (Craiglockhart Avenue?)

    In the meantime, poor users of the 38 bus...

    Posted 3 days ago #
  5. ejstubbs

    Craiglockhart Avenue has three-way temporary traffic lights at the bottom of the hill due to some pretty major-looking roadworks occupying three of four lanes of Lanark Road to the west of the junction, as well as two of three lanes of the bottom end of Craiglockhart Avenue itself. If Harrison Road is closed and Ashley Terrace also has TTLs then that's all the road links between the A70 and Colinton Road from Polwarth westwards closed or restricted until you get to Gillespie Road. The result is likely to be worse even than when Ashley Terrace was closed after Cityfibre dug too deep a hole in Network Rail's bridge while at the same time Scottish Water, Scottish Gas and the developers of the flats where the Land Rover garage were taking turn and turn about digging up various stretches of Craiglockhart Avenue with the associated TTLs and SALT.

    It's all very well being dismissive of drivists, but this does strike me as being a non-trivial failure to understand the potential impact of concurrent sets of roadworks on thoroughfares which in normal circumstances share the burden between them.

    Posted 3 days ago #
  6. SRD

    From David Key:

    Latest on bridge:
    “I am writing to inform you of the imminent closure of Harrison Road due to serious structural concerns identified during a recent assessment of the bridge. This decision has been made as a matter of urgency to ensure public safety and will be implemented tonight. The TTRN is attached above for reference.
    As part of routine structural inspections, a detailed assessment of the bridge was carried out, which determined that it failed to meet the required load capacity for normal traffic. In response, we had been in the process of preparing a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to introduce a weight restriction. However, due to the critical nature of the structure - specifically its reliance on cast iron beams, which are inherently brittle and have no ductility - we also undertook further testing to assess any underlying defects.
    Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) was carried out on the main internal cast iron beams to verify their condition. The results have unfortunately confirmed the presence of three cracks, with the largest measuring approximately 2 metres in length. Given the nature of cast iron, which is highly susceptible to sudden failure and extremely difficult to repair, the risk posed by these defects is too significant to allow continued vehicular use of the bridge. As a result, we have no safe alternative but to close the road with immediate effect.
    We fully appreciate the impact this will have on local residents, businesses, and road users, and we are working to assess potential remedial options. We will provide further updates as we develop a plan for necessary repairs or strengthening works and explore possible alternative routes. Our team is also liaising with key stakeholders, including emergency services and waste team, to minimise disruption where possible.
    I’ve outlined FAQ’s below:
    Closure Start Date & duration
    The closure will take effect from 18/02/2025 and will remain in place until further notice. We anticipate the works to take anywhere up to 6 months which has been registered as a provisional date. This will be updated as the project progresses.
    Assess for residents, Businesses & Emergency Services
    Pedestrian access will be maintained partially, however, as the construction phase develops a full closure of Harrison Road Bridge footway will be required. Again, this will be updated when the programme of works is in place and I can confirm timescales.
    Vehicle access will be maintained via local access onto Harrison Road through West Bryson Road and Harrisons Gardens. However, both ends of Harrison Road are closed where the bridges are situated.
    Emergency access will be maintained as above.
    Alternative Routes
    The TM drawing is attached above showing the diversion in place during the works. A pedestrian diversion will be developed and sent onto those affected. To note, there is a ramp access from Dundee Terrace and a stepped access which should be suitable for all.
    Next Steps
    We will begin trial pits on Harrison Road Bridge early next week to continue investigation works to finalise the design for a permanent reinforced concrete slab.
    Harrison Road Canal Bridge will undergo special inspections w/c 3rd March. The towpath will remain open during the inspection.
    If Harrison Road Canal Bridge is in similar condition and the same findings are made from the inspection, works will have to be undertaken so it can safely carry normal traffic loading.”

    Posted 3 days ago #
  7. MediumDave

    Ashley Terrace TTLs are still there but should be gone by Friday according to the road report. Bluesky posts from David Key and Sara reveal the reason for the Harrison Road closure is bridge works but ped/cycle access will be maintained. Since this appears to be a rush job, I wonder if one or both bridges are in danger of collapse?

    They did a load of work on the bridge near St Michael's (Slateford Road end) a few years back. The Polwarth Church canal bridge has looked like it has been used for artillery target practice for some time so not surprised that needs some fettling.

    I only ever pass the Colinton Road end of Craiglockhart Avenue regularly and that (at least at the times I pass) seemed to be back to normal in terms of traffic volume in both directions after the Scottish Gas works mostly moved on at the end of Jan. But I guess any congestion from the other lights (also Scottish Gas) will likely be on Lanark Road where I can't see it.

    I shall enjoy my nice quiet cycle up from Dalry for the next few months :)

    Posted 3 days ago #
  8. SRD

    Must admit, I had not initially realised that it was both bridges. (we have much less reason to go down Harrison rd towards Slateford now, as the new infra is generally preferable).

    We use the canal bridge more, to access the canal or cut across the park towards the west.

    I guess it makes sense to close both at the same time.

    I have suggested on the Harrison Park FB page that we consider closing the canal bridge to vehicle permanently. <now hiding behind a barricade of old hub caps>

    Posted 3 days ago #
  9. Dave

    Oh man, if this means a towpath closure I won't have a traffic free commute any more :/

    Posted 3 days ago #
  10. chdot

    The Scottish Road Works Commissioner confirmed the bridge deck will be replaced with a reinforced concrete slab which involves full excavation of the current road and footway.

    They added: "Harrison Road Bridge deck will be replaced with a reinforced concrete slab to take loading off the cast iron girders. This involves full excavation of the current carriageway and footway, break out of the jack arches and then reinstatement of carriageway, footway and kerbs."

    Posted 2 days ago #
  11. chdot

  12. SRD

    @Dave - presumably if the towpath under the bridge is closed you can just divert up and across via the park? either right adjacent to the bridge or further down?

    Posted 2 days ago #
  13. gembo

    @srd, depends if they shut the next bridge too but still possible to go through the next park and back on canal towpath through a gap in the hedge.but becomes footerie so maybe more straightforward to just go on the road.?

    Posted 2 days ago #
  14. Murun Buchstansangur

    Can see Harrison Gardens & W Bryson Rd becoming (even more of)a rat run

    Plenty of plonkers trying to rat run cobbled Merchiston Grove/Ivy Terrace this morning - I can assure them it doesn’t work, by car or bike

    Council needs to install more filters ASAP

    Posted 2 days ago #
  15. bakky

    I heard from a pal that the towpath remains open this morning - from the description of the works, they seem like they're more about the bridge deck than the supports underneath, so towpath likely to remain unaffected? Could imagine there being a point they want to bring their massive concrete slab in that they might close it off, but otherwise...

    Posted 2 days ago #
  16. Murun Buchstansangur

    That bridge isn’t the one of primary concern, bakky, it’s the other one down the hill over the former rail line towards St Michael’s Church that needs re-engineered.

    Posted 2 days ago #
  17. neddie

    Here's an LTN for you. You're welcome.

    Posted 2 days ago #
  18. Murun Buchstansangur

    @neddie hear hear. When they JCB’d through the Ashley Terrace bridge, it was the best thing that happened traffic wise in years. Mind you, Harrison Rd got the overflow of the traffic effluent then, and now, it appears, it’s our turn. Though it was also our turn when Craiglockhart was closed :(

    Posted 2 days ago #
  19. bakky

    @Murun aha! Thanks. My capacity for consuming all the words has been lacking today, apparently.

    Posted 2 days ago #
  20. cb

    Ashley Terrace TTLs were gone when I cycled though this afternoon.

    Posted 2 days ago #
  21. SRD

    Latest info says canal towpath remains open for the time being, until next steps for canal bridge are clearer.

    Posted 2 days ago #

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