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Dynamo for iPhone

(54 posts)

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  1. alibali


    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. kaputnik

    As for bricks, well I was disappointed that K doesn't actually collect them

    I may be about to break my "take only pictures, leave only tyretracks" brick collecting philosophy and go full blown brickophile

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. Cyclingmollie

    I may be about to break my "take only pictures, leave only tyretracks" brick collecting philosophy and go full blown brickophile

    and if anybody asks just say you're saving up to build a house.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. steveo

    I came across this on another forum and thought folks might be interested in it. You'd probably want a small bank of nimh batteries in parallel with it to avoid interrupting the charging of your phone whilst stopped but for £25 its a bit less "ghetto" than anything you'd build your self.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. alibali

    Looks neat.
    Don't see why interupting charge when stopped would be an issue.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. DaveC

    Reecharge from ThinkBiologic do iPhone specific products including chargers.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  7. chdot

    Wonder how much?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  8. DaveC

    Dunno, but I'm looking for something for my Galaxy SII but can only find 'generic' holders and botched chargers.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  9. steveo

    Looks neat.
    Don't see why interupting charge when stopped would be an issue.

    Lithium batteries don't like it if charging stops and starts too often, I'm thinking more stuck in traffic than out on a run in East Lothian.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  10. chdot

    Any advance on "too often"?

    Presume applies to laptops too (not bike charged).

    Posted 13 years ago #
  11. DaveC

    You could buy another battery. Then charge the battery which in turn charges the phones battery, like a reservour...

    Posted 13 years ago #
  12. David Smith

    I know a cocky little magician from Bradford called Dynamo - Someone should plug him into the mains!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  13. captain_goodnight

    These guys do something for bottle dynamos...

    Posted 12 years ago #
  14. kaputnik

    The latest Luxos IQ2 light from BuM has a USB charging port included. It's probably a very good light too.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  15. Bigjack

    I got the Nokia DC14 which I plug into the hub dynamo (although it comes with a bottle dynamo).Although it comes with the standard Nokia micro plug you can get suitable adaptors from Amazon or ebay for any other kind of plug.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  16. steveo

    There is a guy selling a few biologic chargers on ebay for £20 at the moment, still trying to decide to get one or not...

    Posted 12 years ago #
  17. DaveC

    Let us know how you get on Steveo, though looking at the pics on the Biologic website there is no port for charging, which means cutting the case. Though at $55 (incl SII silicon insert) for the case they are not so expensive. I just need an simple rectifier and regulator circuit, which can be easily made from Maplins. Just mount on the underside of the handlebars, and plug into the two spare (rear light) leads which come out of my B&M light.

    Do you know what the output from the Shimano dynamo is? Is it a sinewave or just pulsed DC 6V> If sinewave is 6V pk to pk or RMS?

    Dave C

    Posted 12 years ago #
  18. steveo

    Out put from a dynamo is horrible! Its nominally a sine wave but in reality its all over the shop. Nominal 6v at 500ma but voltage can rise to >100v if unloaded, you realllly want some circuitry in there.

    Best bet I think is either the 4aa nicad I mentioned last year or a fairly chunky capacitor and a 5v regulator of some description preferably one with a fairly high v-max. A LM517 might do but you'd need to keep it loaded to keep the voltage down.

    I've got some better links for diy projects in the office I'll post them in the morning.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  19. DaveC

    Saw this tweeted today. Another S2 & 3 case for bike mounting.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  20. steveo

    Dave this is the slightly better regulator I found from some intensive google work earlier in the year

    Posted 12 years ago #
  21. DaveC

    Cheers, I googled the LM517x lastnight and eventually found a datasheet free as most places want to charge to veiw them...

    Posted 12 years ago #
  22. steveo

    I've never paid for a datasheet. If you're struggling the big electronics retailers, Farnell for example, will have them on their sites. Either that or the component manufacturer, the LM parts are out of patent so very generic but I think Linear Technology still make linear regulators.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  23. Uberuce

    Twitter this morning bids me to suggest dynamo powered glove heaters. Heated handlebars might be simpler although less effective.

    I can't think of a good way of capturing braking heat, which annoys me.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  24. cb

    "I can't think of a good way of capturing braking heat, which annoys me."

    Lean forward over the handlebars and grab at the front tyre with your bare hand.

    You're welcome.

    Posted 12 years ago #

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