On my commute home last night, I stopped in a cycle lane with a line of stationary traffic due to a bus being ahead and slightly encroaching in this cycle lane. A fellow cyclist weaved around me making some unclear but, by his tone, angry/dismissive outburst about me stopping. When he reached the ASL he turned around and reiterated his displeasure.
Not knowing the light sequence at this junction and my awareness of the dangers of undertaking large vehicles on the left I thought my stopping reasonable and found his ire surprising and a bit depressing.
I guess I have this (naïve, idealistic?) belief that my fellow cyclists are friendly, supportive, kindred spirits - united in a love of cycling!
He was clipless, so clearly not an occassional rider. I caught him as we descended Duddingston Park but thought a discussion, at relative high-speed in the close proximity of motor vehicles, unwise and turned off without overtaking.