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The Unused Edinburgh Railway Lines

(93 posts)
  • Started 13 years ago by Wilmington's Cow
  • Latest reply from kaputnik

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  1. Just why are they sitting with nothing happening with them? The Trinity Paths prove the worth. I've just been looking at the line that's at Abbeyhill that goes under the A1. It actually looks like it can be accessed from the gardens on Regent Road and loops round the the Meadowbank shopping centre bit. Okay, only short, but would be another nice link.

    Chdot and Arellcat and Kaputnik will know a LOT more about the actual routes and so on, but I can imagine there's a lot of the city could be easily linked up.

    Model. Cycling. City.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. kaputnik

    Anth. I must send you my KML file... (just like the Terminator, I have "detailed files".)

    The line you refer to is actually used for a single purpose, namely hauling the stuff that the citizens of Edinburgh throw away out to East Lothian, to be dumped in a hole.

    Train runs most days I think, called the "binliner" in spotter terms. The line terminates at a siding by the Powderhall refuse depot (see rows of big CEC containers on flatbed wagons there). The unsurfaced bit of path from "fiveways" junction meets there in the security fence. Until the early 80s the line ran all the way to Granton via Trinity path as there was - amongst other things - a Texaco oil depot that generated enough traffic to keep it going.

    As to what they did (or didn't) do with the rest of the "Abbeyhill triangle" there, good point.

    Also, the existing line (continues under Marionville Road, Easter Road, Leith Walk) is single line on a former double line trackbed, would be plenty of space for running a cycle lane alongside it.

    The Southern & Southside Junction Line ("sub") is fairly heavily used as a freight only and diversionary toute. Just not for (stopping) passenger services, so there's little scope for putting a cycle lane on it!

    There is traffic most days along the line into Leith Docks, mainly hauling imported coal out or sections of pipe in. Of course nothing like its heyday, but more than there was even 10 years ago.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. Didn't realise trains still ran on that bit!

    Still definitely an underused resource!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. chdot

    Well spotted - though don't you remember the former Abbeyhill Station burning down?

    Known as Abbeyhill Loop last used for last Edinburgh Commonwealth Games.

    British Rail planned to sell off trackbed. Blocked by council because of future possible rail use.

    Current plan (I was told recently) is that some tracks are to be laid (probably as far as the road/former station).

    It would great to have a route from Meadowbank (Retail Park) to Albion Road and Lochend Park through Lochend Butterfly (developing slowly).

    BUT Network Rail aren't likely to make that easy.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. kaputnik

    There are plenty of "lost" stations on lines that are still there. For example, Gogar, Turnhouse, Saughton, everything on the "sub", Duddingston & Craigmillar, Joppa, Portobello. Probably more!

    Also, one former railway line we are denied from using is the West Approach Road, the old Caley mainline to Carstairs. The bit from Merchiston to the sidings at Slateford is not really useful in terms of ability to access, or what it connects. A good deal of it is also the Network Rail access road to their depot at Slateford.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. kaputnik

    last used for last Edinburgh Commonwealth Games

    The "temporary" station is still there amongst the undergrowth, covered in Grafitti.

    Can be seen from the bridge at Marionville Road.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  7. chdot

    "Didn't realise trains still ran on that bit!

    Still definitely an underused resource!"

    Yep it's how your rubbish gets to landfill from Powderhall.

    WHEN it closes trackbed will become cycletrack (probably). BUT CEC attempts to find an alternative site not going well.

    Was sorted for Porty, but the locals kicked up a stink...

    Main reason can't be used at present is because track was been slewed so doesn't just stick to one side of double track. There would be problems at Powderhall (at present) as both tracks there are in use for shunting.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  8. PS

    There was an article (in the Scotsman?) recently about the possibility of retracking to Abbeyhill (and even beyond that down to Leith, I think). Not sure how likely that is, seeing as railways don't come cheap.

    They've been talking about shutting down Powderhall depot for a while. It may still be on the cards once the Council sorts out the new waste processing plant at Millerhill. At which point, perhaps the tracks can get lifted and a eastern north-south path opened up? Until then Network Rail certainly won't like the idea of a cyclepath running next to an operational railway (even a one service a day one like that). They've got an asset to protect afterall.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  9. Mind you, I still reckon they should re-open the Scotland Street Tunnel all the way up to Waverley - would be a brilliant route! Imagine, you could ride all the way from Leith, Trinity and Granton to Waverley without once touching a road...

    Posted 13 years ago #
  10. chdot

    Ah yes, had forgotten about the Millerhill plan.

    Presume that includes a plan for a new access road from Newcraighall(?)

    Posted 13 years ago #
  11. chdot

    "Mind you, I still reckon they should re-open the Scotland Street Tunnel all the way up to Waverley - would be a brilliant route!"

    Yes but no. Comes out at rail level by platform 1.

    I believe tunnel also partly blocked by lift shaft (or something) north of Princes Street.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  12. PS

    I think the Millerhill site is supposed to be accessed by a (to be built) bridge over the Borders Railway spur.

    I guess there will still be a need for transfer stations for the waste before it gets out to Millerhill - perhaps that was the plan for the Porty site?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  13. PS

    The Scotland Street tunnel as a cyclepath would be great - there's a website with photos somewhere...

    Down here

    Posted 13 years ago #
  14. chdot

    "I think the Millerhill site is supposed to be accessed by a (to be built) bridge over the Borders Railway spur."

    Not sure. Existing bridge should be OK but they may choose to build another for a more direct line to B&Q. THEN (plans was/is still(?) fill in the rest of that field with more sheds.

    "I guess there will still be a need for transfer stations for the waste before it gets out to Millerhill - perhaps that was the plan for the Porty site?"

    That's the question. Not clear if Millerhill is intended to be direct replacement for Powderhall.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  15. Nelly

    @PS - that Subterranea Brittanica site is brilliant - just been looking at some of the ROC posts I have cycled past - quite fun to see photos of those those not demolished !

    Posted 13 years ago #
  16. Morningsider

    Since we are the subject of dis/under used railways. Here is my madcap idea for making the trams far more useful for a fairly modest extra sum. Electrify, re-signal and re-open stations on the south-sub. Build a link to the tram line at/near Haymarket (this will require a bridge over the Edinburgh/Glasgow and Fife lines to remove the main barrier to re-opening the sub to passenger trains - conflicting movements at Haymarket),augment tram fleet with tram-trains. Trams can now serve South and west Edinburgh - a tram only extension could be built at relatively low cost to the Royal Infirmary from Cameron Toll.

    South-sub upgrade could be done as part of the Edinburgh-Glasgow Improvement Programme to reduce unit costs.

    It's not complete madness. The UK's first tram-trains will enter service in Sheffield in the next year or so - running on an upgraded freight only Network Rail line and the Sheffield supertram line. I reckon it could be done for less than running the line from York Place to Ocean Terminal (given the cost estimates for the current section of line).

    Posted 13 years ago #
  17. Arellcat

    I took some photos of the Lochend to Abbeyhill section in 2004 when you could still access it from the overgrown lane that bordered the park. They were only just beginning to build the Butterfly development that also saw the small viaduct on Hawkhill Avenue completely obliterated. That originally formed part of the Abbeyhill-Easter Rd-Leith Central line.

    The Victorian approach today would be to reconnect the ECML to Abbeyhill, then dig a nice big tunnel from Lochend bridge to emerge on the recently tarmacked Restalrig to Seafield railway, and reinstate the one-time bridge over Salamander St and terminating at a new station at Albert Road.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  18. LaidBack

    Morningsider That's a great idea. Far too well thought out of course....

    Arellcat Trains to Leith? Time to revsist - but east end of Waverley hasn't enough tracks at moment I think?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  19. kaputnik

    Problem with the east end of Waverley is it has far too many tracks - it was built to serve traffic from Leith, Midlothian and the Borders routes, the vast majority of which no longer exists. It now really only serves North Berwick and the (very) occasional Dunbar service.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  20. kaputnik

    For those who are interested, over (a lot of) time I have compiled a pretty comprehensive google earth view of the railway lines of Scotland, a lot of which are no longer with us.

    The file is here. You may be amazed to see what was once there and there is now precious little evidence of it. Even if you look hard (and sometimes I do!) A lot of the major old industries are also marked on there. Edinburgh is pretty well covered for most things like Brewing.

    I've got some old photos from perhaps 2005 of the Abbeyhill "triangle" area when I took a wander in it one day out of interest. I should be able to find them and will share them. On an old 1.3Mpix camera, so don't expect much!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  21. chdot

    "Problem with the east end of Waverley is it has far too many tracks"

    Well not really. Much of the approached to the twin Calton Tunnels used to be four tracks - until electrification.

    There are also more passenger trains to/from many southern destinations, though presumably fewer freight trains.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  22. kaputnik

    By tracks of course I meant "platforms". Even with those that were lost when the (now demolished) "Operations Depot" was built. I didn't mean the through lines which of course are the major restriction at Waverley, all those grand schemes of lifting the central ticket hall up a level having come to nothing.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  23. "For those who are interested, over (a lot of) time I have compiled a pretty comprehensive google earth view of the railway lines of Scotland, a lot of which are no longer with us."

    Missed one... ;)

    (if you're including the private and industrial as seems to be the case...)

    Posted 13 years ago #
  24. kaputnik

    Ah well I've only got standard gauge stuff connected to the main "network" on there (so far!)

    Posted 13 years ago #
  25. DaveC

    How do I view the data on the file? My puta doesn't recognise which program to open it with.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  26. kaputnik

    Google Earth (free)

    Posted 13 years ago #
  27. amir

    "My puta doesn't recognise which program to open it with. "

    That's pretty rude in spanish!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  28. DaveC

    Cheers, I found it in the end, Windows7 askede me if I wanted to search the squinterweb to see if there was a program to use the file. Its a great mapping tool, and I had a good look at the many miles of track around Fife where I live, lots of disused coal pits.

    I love the idea of re-opening the southern sub line. I'm sure it would have taken a fraction of the cost particulaly as most of the intrastructure is in place and they would only ned to buy a few more trains to run the service. Alternatively we could buy an Audi A8 Diesel and four caravans????? :-)

    Posted 13 years ago #
  29. chdot

    "I love the idea of re-opening the southern sub line. I'm sure it would have taken a fraction of the cost "

    of the tram.

    Loooong saga.

    As this site shows it's not a particularly active issue. LOTS of reports, proposals, plans - even serious private sector attempts to use expected increase in lineside land/property values to part-fund it - (includes man who ran transport in Edinburgh when bus lanes were introduced )

    Last major report seemed to think it would 'only replace 38 bus'!!

    BEST option at present would be to see it as an extension of the Borders Rail Line (currently on-track - pun intended) and plan for some trains to bypass Waverley. BUT that won't happen either.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  30. kaputnik

    and plan for some trains to bypass Waverley

    That would take a major shift in Edinburgh's strategic transport planning (a.k.a. "everything has to run through Princes Street").

    Because nobody wants to go from point A in the outer city to point B in the outer city, do they? And they certainly don't want to go it without going through the centre of town.

    Exhibit A) Lothian Buses route map...

    Posted 13 years ago #

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