Audrey died this morning. Those club members that knew her will miss her very greatly. She was an inspiration to many. She was a very fit, active woman, and was an extremely competent and able cyclist, and was very aware of the rules of the road. She was far from doddery and did not wobble, I can assure you, having been out on runs with her. Her hip replacement had given her a new lease of life and freedom from the pain of her arthritis, however, she developed a DVT following her hip replacement and was on Warfarin, which is what in all likelihood contributed to her death causing an intracranial haemorrhage. I am saddened at the reportage and think that it sends out a message to many who may feel slightly apprehensive about cycling that it is indeed a dangerous past time/activity, sensationalising it and putting people off. My deepest and heartfelt condolences and sympathies to her family for their loss. I am not suggesting that the matter is not serious, for I have lost a good friend through the actions of a driver, who did at least stop and was aware that they had caused an accident, and had indeed hit Audrey's bike causing her to fall off, though incompetence, a momentary lapse in concentration or just simply being in too much of a hurry and very impatient, however, they have to live with the knowledge that she died, and as a direct consequence of their poor driving/driving skills. I thought that if you hit someone from behind you were the guilty party, suffice to say she was hit from behind, and I leave you to draw your own conclusions.