I guess we've all been thinking recently about the nights drawing in, weather getting colder and winter being on the way and was wondering what preparations others are making to get ready. We have a thread about spiky tyres, but thought I would open this up a bit wider.
So far in about the last 3 weeks, I have;
* Got a dynamo hub front wheel (but have yet to get a light for it!)
* Got some winter cycling boots (last year's MW80)
* dug out my merino skullcap, but it appears to have shrunk somewhat and I might need to get a new one if it keeps retreating back up my head, exposing my ears
* put the tinted glasses lenses away and dug out the yellows and clears
* put the retro-reflective band back around my helmet
* I'm going to do the old Respro-taping up the frame trick.
* I'm also considering putting my old rack on the bike and going back to a pannier for the winter - as much as I like my courier bag, it does encourage back sweat. The rack is also a further place to mount a clearly visible tail light.
* Might also pop into Tiso for another icebreaker top and some short merino socks. I used normal wooly walking socks last winter, but they aren't much good for the ankle-fastening boots.
Anyone else making any other preparations for the impending "brutal Siberian"* conditions that are on the way?
*EEN journalistic meteorology licence